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Ember's Awakening

Ember's Awakening

Kaçie véé


Ember synopsis Clara, a young woman with an ordinary life, is haunted by vivid dreams and visions that hint at a mysterious world beyond her own. She's always felt an inexplicable connection to the supernatural, and her life is about to take a dramatic turn. When Kael, a powerful and enigmatic demon, appears in her life, claiming to be bound by an ancient curse to protect her, Clara is drawn into a realm of supernatural creatures and ancient secrets. As their paths entwine, Clara discovers she possesses latent powers that could change the course of her life forever. She's a witch, and her alter ego, Ember, is awakening. With Kael's guidance, Clara/Ember must learn to harness her abilities and navigate the mystical world that has been hidden from her. The ancient curse that binds Kael to her is revealed to be a powerful and centuries-old spell, cast by Clara's ancestors to safeguard her lineage. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of their connection, Clara and Kael must confront the weight of their shared history and the prophecy that binds them together. Their forbidden love becomes the key to unlocking the secrets of their world and fulfilling the curse's promise: to protect Clara and ensure the survival of her kind.

Chapter 1 Alone in the rain


Clara stood in the rain with her luggage on Sesame Street. Almost oblivious of the pouring rain,she had no particular destination in mind but she knew she needed to move.

The environment reminds her of failure she found it funny that ,she lived on this street for six years yet;

she had never really noticed this particular tree which she now stood against.

She had more on her mind and the pai she bore numbed the stinging effects of the rain intact she considered the rain a blessing.

At least it kept her mind occupied and she figured it was better to remain there under the tree than to return to where she was coming from. Clara had unwilling become comfortable with her dull life.

As the rain began to light up after what seem an eternity. She began to hope for a taxi ," where would I tell the driver to take me , she thought first thing first she'll let the taxi come first and let's see what happens then. Clara was about to cross the street when.

Boom and it all went dark


There it was a light at the end. Then it moved away until it was a speck of dust. I woke up to find two people staring at me. I tried to speak but didn't know what to say. The first one introduced himself as doctor Jason and this referring to the lady beside him is nurse July. You were in an accident and the driver brought you here.

Luckily you weren't badly hurt just a slight dislocation in the left foot. " please who is he the person that brought me here ". He'll be here to sign your discharge papers. Just then the door opens revealing a young handsome man. He's here I'll leave you.

After doctor Jason and the nurse left. He came to sit beside me "Hi" "hey " I answered " I'm really sorry about the accident I was drunk Are you alright? ". Then the comes in with Clara's luggage she leaves along with Him . I use the opportunity to change out of the hospital gown . I left the hospital to find Him holding out the door to what I call the most luxurious car I have ever seen ." Is this the car that you know " "yes" . As we drive out he asked" So what's your name?" "Clara" " well I'm Karl. Where do you live ?" " Thank you but I don't have a home my husband threw me out "what about your parent. I'm an orphan " ok then " he stops the car and faces me " if you don't mind me

asking why would your husband throw you out "" Should I really tell him we just met but a problem shared is a problem half solved " said goodClara do we really want it solved" counter bad Clara " Hello?""sorry I was 19 when I got married my parents died in a plane crash my other relatives only cared about my inheritance sob I was left with my grandmother.

I was 13 at the time. She took care of me until her unfaithful death. I was left to fend for myself. At age 16 won a scholarship that took me through my university. After my graduation I meet James he showered me with endless gifts and he was caring. Few years after we got married.

I thought I could have a home but it was the clam before the storm. Few months after our wedding I noticed that he had been going on one too many business trips. On one occasion I followed him secretly to confirm my suspicions. I found him with another woman. I confronted him. He apologized and promised never to do it again. So I forgave him. Things went back to normal so I thought when two weeks later the same woman showed up pregnant with his child. I could have throw her out but for the child's sake I took her in. When James's family heard about the child they came over to see for themselves. What I didn't see was how easy she manipulated them.

Six months later I went on trip to visit a friend of mine. And the time I got back James attitude had taken a 360 degree turn.

He treated me like a maid. I had to sleep in the guest room while Rita took my place by his side.

I had had enough I confronted Rita about it. We got into an argument where she pushed me. Just then James came in and Rita pretends to be in pains. James rushes her to the hospital while I was at home perplexed. James return with Rita a couple hours later. He suddenly yanks my hands and pulls me out of the house.

At this point Clara breaks down completely shedding tears. Karl is at a loss looking at Clara cry her heart out. He pulls her in a hug a gently pats her back. "Sorry for my outburst "" it's okay "

Karl turns to hit the gas as the car accelerate. He drives through a golden gate. Clara admires it until a white villa comes into view. The car come to a stop ,Clara gets down to be greeted by the fresh fragrance of sweet smelling 🌺 flowers.

It's quite the view Karl us there's her to the front door which open to reveal two rows of people judging from their clothing they seem to be maids and caretakers

"Welcome home young master" they chorus

" Bring the breakfast tray up the second floor " Karl orders in a sterner tone. They all bow and depart in separate directions.

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