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Love within the castle walls

Love within the castle walls



After being eternally confined to his mansion a lonely vampire finally decides to let lose the lady he had locked up in the dungeon to keep him company but would she let go of all the pain and torture he had put her and stay with him or would hse try to flee but either ways she would never be to leave because even if he couldn't get a hold of her outside his castle he would make her a prisoner in his castle too 'was he obsessed with the idea of making her suffer with him or is he just afraid of letting her go after being weirdly attached to her for years.

Chapter 1 Arrival of The lady Morgana

The carriage stopped in font of a grey mansion The lady inside stepped out into the rain with an umbrella, she held it in one hand while the other held her dress the avoid it form touching the muddy ground, taking a deep breath she knocked on the door which was immediately opened by the butler who welcomed her with three other maids.

They took off her coat, and collected the umbrella and they also led her to the dining hall where she met with the royal family dinning in merriment m, the table consisted of 5 tables two of which were empty,the current Lord sat beside his wife while their eldest child and only daughter Lorel sat in front of them, Morgan immediately assumed that the two empty spots where meant for her and her and her fiance, a man she had never seen before, the Kings greetings brought her back to reality." Morgan dear nice to finally meet you, you look even more stunning handsome you were said to be " " Thank you my lord " Morgana gave a courtesy to the king who then invited her to funeral with them. " I love your hair by the way " Lorel said with a smile when Morgana took as it beside her " thank you " Morgana replied " well you two look like you could get Long quite easily " the queen chirped in " I'm really happy you two are getting along considering Morgana will be getting married to your brother in a few months" the Queen said " Mother how come Nicholas isn't here to welcome her " Morgana asked in a little bit Of curiosity " well he had some pretty important council work to do and he couldn't make it back in time to receive her, I do hope you aren't offended " the queen Said to Morgana " I couldn't be " " Mother, I'm sure Nicholas could have made time to receive her " " Nevertheless Lorel he will be here by tomorrow" " he better be, I wouldn't like to be kept waiting and I doubt Morgan thinks any different "

They later retire to bed,Morgana was shown her new room by Lorel, the room was extremely spacious, nothing she wasn't use to but everything came in better quality she drifted to sleep almost immediately she laid on her bed. Next morning the castle became incredibly busy, the laids had to prepare for the arrival of the young master and also prepare for his engagement party of tomorrow, the hall was set the foods were being maid while lorel and her other supervised the entire procedure making sure everything was perfec. At around noon He arrived and was recieved with utmost care he was well taken care of and until dinner Morgana didn't have much contact with him, he would only glance at her and then look away in boredom like he didn't even know each other but then they didn't actually know each other but since she was becoming his wife to be they and to atleast broke some ice between them but that did not happen. During dinner they all sat round the table chatting while eating " Morgana Mother and I picked out a dress for you its meant to be a surprise so I'm not going to say much but it is absolutely breath taking I can't wait to see you try it on tomorrow " Lorel wouldn't stop talking about how perfect she had planned the ball and how many of her friends she had invited but on the other hand Nicholas didn't uter a word till the end of dinner he simply ate and went upstairs leaving the rest of them at the hall, a few moments later the queen excused her slef formbthe table the the king then it was only Morgan and Lorel " well it looks like every body got tired of my talking so they left anyways good night Morgana " she said and turned to her Chambers. Thus would be Morganas' first night sleeping jn the same chamber as Nicholas and she didn't want to didmsturn him so she tried to pass his room without making a sound she tiptoed around the corridor refusing to leave as she studies the doors to his toom the she saw the logjt on his room flicker so she ran jntobher room and slammed the door as she tried to catch her breath.

The ball room was full everyone wearing their best attires and making friends " I rally can't wait to see who he got betrothed to " " I hope she beautiful or I won't let her have him " " of course she's beautiful, I haven't seen her but the hawthrone's would never make an ugly lady Thier princess much less Thier queen " " I still wish I was th one we would have been a perfect match for each other " " we are about to find out if any of us stand a chance with him in the future " " what do you mean " " their coming out " everyones attentwas turned to the door waiting in anticipation all of them wanting to know who the crowned Prince was getting married to ' lucky ' the door where opened and Morgana walked in wearing a blue ball gown with white beads sewn on it, the dress left her shoulder and her entire clivage open exposing her flawless skin, her pitch black hair was packed into a neat bun with only two strands left to dangle above her collar bone, the white bead pins where put into her hair enhancing the colour more brightly, the hair pin didn't go unnoticed, it had the symbol of the Valkyrie royal bloodline nothing but an air of destruction. Morgana walked down the stares with her eyes cast down when she felt someone's hand in her she looked up to see who it was and to her surprise it was Nicholas, his hands were warm and comforting even though he squeezed tightly had that was when she finally relaxed the surprise, they were bith wearing the. Same color she coulhelp feeling mesmerised when ever she looked up at his face, his long lashes that would flicker form time too time, his well defined brows and thin lips, she looked down at his hands and notices his long nails his hands looked almost like that of a woman's own looking at him fully his beauty loomed immaculate he was well defined and perfect to perfect to be considered human

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