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The Mafia's Obsession

The Mafia's Obsession

Maria Writes


☠️EXCERPT☠️ "The Deadline of the Loan is today" A woman cries to her husband in fear "I will try to explain to him to give us more time" The husband bites his nails saying this "You know how ruthless the Fernandez are" The woman says hitting her husband on the head "Should we just run till we get the money?" The woman asks and the husband kept quiet contemplating "Get Elsa and pack a few things" The husband says and the woman ran up the stairs to little Elsa room "Mommy Mommy ,come see my drawing" 5 year old Elsa says to her mom smiling but the woman mind was far away from Elsa words "Baby where's your pink bag?" The woman asks scattering the room searching for it "But Mom, I said you should come see my dra..." Elsa was cut off by her mom "Shut up Elsa and show me your pink bag" The woman shouts in anxiety and fear, Elsa pouts as tears builds in her eyes as she pointed under her bed The woman rushes there and takes the pink bag stuffing some few clothes in it quickly, her husband comes to the door "Hurry" He says and The woman hurriedly zipped Elsa's bag and pulls Elsa with her as they all rushed downstairs "Load the bags" The woman gave the bag to her husband who quickly loaded it into the boot The woman put Elsa into the car and does the seat belt before joining her husband in the front He inserts the car key and ignites it before zooming off, The woman fear began decreasing as she sighs in relief "Mommy where are we going?" Elsa asks playing with her doll "Somewhere safe baby, Somewhere safe" The woman answers and Elsa nodded Soon after they were on the road, they crossed and entered a silent road path, no cars were seen there neither were people. Thier car was soon counter attacked by 3 other cars "Oh My God, they found us" The woman said in fear as her heart began to palpitate Her husband hands became sweaty on the steering wheel as he stared at a figure which stepped down one of the cars The figure was Eduardo Fernandez, one of the richest Business man in the whole of Italy at the age of 50 , in the outside world he was a business man but in the inside worl, he owned one of the biggest Mafia clan name Tigers Clan "Well Well Well, if it isn't the Dobardo family" Eduardo says with a cold deep voice with his one eye patch and a customized walking stick Mr Dobardo steps out the car going on his knees "Please give us a little time, we'll..." Mr Dobardo was cut off by Eduardo "What makes you think you could run and hide?" Eduardo asks with Venom in his voice and Mr Dobardo grew shut "No we weren't..." A bullet went straight into Mr Dobardo right eyes as blood ran down it and he scream in pain placing his palm over the eyes "Arghhhh" Mr Dobardo had moved to the bank and was currently covering Elsa's ear and eyes, she flinches when she saw the scene as tears rolled down her eyes "Where's your beautiful daughter and wife?" Eduardo asks signalling to Rocco, his personal bodyguard Rocco gets the sign and walks to Mr Dobardo car and drags Elsa and Mrs Dobardo out "Mommy" Elsa cries and Mrs Dobardo rushes to her after they had been thrown on the ground "Let me give you this as a warning" Eduardo says and shot Mr Dobardo right leg "Arghhhhh" Mr Dobardo shouts in agony and Pain Eduardo glances at Elsa and smirks "Infact, there's a way to escape this debt" He says with a lustful smirk "Ho..oow?" Mrs Dobardo asks in fear holding Elsa tight "Your daughter can be used as a collateral, as a gift for my grand son, the next heir to the Mafia clan" He says and Mrs Dobardo gasps "No you can't...." A gunshot went straight into Mr Debardo forehead rendering him dead "Daddy No" Elsa cries "Any thing else to say" Eduardo asks and No sound was heard "Good I'll be back on the day of her 18th birthday" Eduardo says and entered his car and soon all entered and they drove off Mrs Dobardo crawls to Mr Dobardo crying profusely "Mommy what's wrong with daddy?" Elsa asks looking at her mom's crying face "Daddy went to meet God early baby" Mrs Debardo says and stands starting to drag Mr Dobardo into the boot of the car She successfully did so and zooms off going home awaiting Elsa's 18th Birthday

Chapter 1 The Gift


Elsa woke up yawning, stretching her hands and scratching her scattered hair, Something suddenly snaps to her


She squeals happily and jumps off her bed rushing into the bathroom to have her bath and brush her teeth

She does this in matter of minutes and rushes to her small brown closet which she opens and picks out a black colored joggers and white baggy top with her white fading sneakers

She goes outside and locks her bedroom door before rushing downstairs going to the dining which was a mini dining with 6 chairs

She could hear her mom singing in the kitchen and rushes there, hugging her mom from the back

"Sweet Mother" Elsa cooes kissing her mom on the cheek

"Baby Elsey" Her Mom calls out and disengages from her bag hug and faces her daughter who had a wide smile on her face

"What you cooking mom?" Elsa asks sitting on the cabinet

"Sweet potatoes and egg" Mrs Dobardo says and Elsa squeals

"My Favorite food" Elsa says trying to sneak a cooked potato into her mouth but got her hand smacked by her mom

"Oww mom" Elsa hiss in pain

"Go to the dining, food will be ready soon" Mrs Dobardo says and Elsa walks out pouting

Immediately She walks out, The smile on Mrs Dobardo face disappears as she remembers Elsa's 18th birthday tomorrow

Eduardo's voice (Also known as godfather) Rang in her ear

"I'll be back on the day of her 18th birthday" These words rang in her ear like musical lyrics, She was scared and they couldn't run away so as to avoid what happened the last time, happen again

"God Protect her" She prays silently with a tear rolling down her cheeks

"Moom" Elsa calls and Mrs Dobardo cleans the tear and fakes a smile

"Coming baby Elsey" Mrs Dobardo says and carries the food out

"Took you long enough" Elsa says and her stomach growls, Mrs Dobardo drops the food in front of her and sat beside her stroking her hair as she watches her eat


A man screams could be heard in an underground room

"Please Boss, I won't do it again" He screams as Cat, a clan member uses a knife to remove his toe nails slowly

"What makes you think you could betray us and still be breathing?" A figure asks emerging from the dark revealing Ryan Fernandez, Eduardo Fernandez 2nd Grand son

"He thought our Clan was for jokes" Frank Fernandez, 1st grandson says with a smirk

***Little about the Grand Sons***

Frank Fernandez, 1st Grandson of Eduardo Fernandez of Tigers Clan, Age 28 and started training to be a Mafia at age 19.

He is playful, always smiling and a huge Flirt in the Clan, he fucks anything that comes his way, he never begs for it but does it for anyone who asks BUT behind that smile was a devil, a ruthless devil at that, he kills anything that comes his way also, never pass your boundaries if you don't want a bullet going straight into your skull

Ryan Fernandez, 2nd Grand Sons of Eduardo Fernandez of Tigers Clan, Age 24 and started training to be a Mafia at age 13, reason because he was a total softie when young but the training turned him to the most heartless, ruthless, dangerous Person you could ever meet. He never forgives and never forgets, he knows nothing about his parents or he calls them "Animals" who bore him

He loves to torture and break you one after the other till you cry black blood, he and Frank are blood brothers and are very close. He is and will always be the most dangerous Mafia in all of Italy, he was nicknamed "Lucifer"

" Such guts" Ryan says and moved to a table which had a set of torturing equipment, he looks for a while and chooses a thin knife

"Do you need help brother?" Frank asks

"I'll do fine on my own" Ryan says and Frank walks out

Cat steps away from the man immediately she saw Ryan picking the knife

Ryan sat on a still in front of the man

"Who sent you?" Ryan asks picking each words which meant danger

"I..do..nt.." Before the man could finish his words, a knife was stabbed into his eyes

"Arghhhh" The man wriggles on the chair he was tied to as Ryan left the knife stuck in his eyes and walks to the table again picking another knife, he then walks back to the man

"I won't ask again after this"

"Who sent you?" Ryan asks and the man gulps knowing he would die the moment he opens his mouth to talk, he was being watched every single time

"I...I...I..." Ryan stuck the knife into his thigh and starts to drag down to his legs

"Wait wait, I'll talk" The man shouts as blood ran down his stabbed eyes and his pierced thighs

Ryan stops and looks at him without saying a word

"It was Godzilla" The man says and from nowhere a bullet went straight into his skull, rendering him dead

"Clean up" Ryan says and walks out

He meets Frank who was resting on a wall smoking as the smoke enters directly into Ryan's nose which made him frown

"What did I say about smoking in my presence?" Ryan asks disgusted

"Sorry baby bro" Frank says and throws it on the ground, stepping on it and soon the smoke starts to dissipate

"Who was he working for?" Frank asks as they walk side by side out the underground tunnel

"Godzilla" Ryan answers

"I had a clue he was the one" Franks says with a smirk

"Yeah clue" Ryan says sarcastically and Frank faces him

"I'm being serious about this" Frank says getting annoyed

"Yeah yeah" Ryan says teasingly again

"Don't let me..." Before Franks could continue Ryan had entered his room

"Aish" He groans frustrated


Speedy and Tech were typing so fast on the keyboard, they were the hackers of the clan and the best to say.

Their fingers moving at the speed of light

"Done" They both said at the same time and laughs before Tech taps a button

"Boss we go the coordinates of the next exchange" Tech says professionally

"Good" Franks says from the other side and disconnected the call

"I Love you" Tech says to Speedy and she blushes

"Same baby" Speedy says and pecks him, Yeah they are a couple


Elsa skips downstairs with her so called birthday clothing which was a Black shiny crop top and a grey joggers with her black beanie and her grey sneakers

"I'll be back by 5 mom" She says to her mom and rushes out without a word

Mrs Dobardo sunk to the ground and began to cry, today is the day and last day she would see her daughter


Elsa was spending her birthday with her Best friend, Coco

She had spent the morning with her mom as they had eaten birthday breakfast and snapped some pictures, eaten birthday cake, watched a short movie but now she wanted to spend the time with her bestie

Coco was waving at her from across the street while wearing a pink flare skirt, white crop top, pink beanie and a white sneakers, she was the total girlie type while Elsa was the tomboy type

Coco crossed the road to meet Elsa and when she did, they hugged

"Happy birthday bestie" Coco says disengaged from the hug

"Here's my gift" Coco stretches a Chanel package to her, Coco is from a very wealthy family, They became friends in high school when Elsa saved Coco from a bunch of bullies

"What you got planned for us?" Elsa asks and immediately regrets because immediately she did, Coco brought out a long list of activities and they all had specific time and the last activity was by 5:30 - 6

"But Coco I have to be home by 5" Elsa says

"Enjoy your birthday, you never know if it's yours last" Coco says not knowing it was actually very true

Firstly they went to the movies and watched a movie titled "Five feet apart", They cried like babies at the ending, so loud that people looked at them weirdly

Then they went to a mall to do some shopping in which they almost bought half the store thank to Coco being a shopping freak

Activities after activities and they lost track of time, by the time they were done, it was 7pm in the evening

"Coco Gosh I am late, mom's gonna be mad" Elsa says and Coco looked at the time

"You're right we lost track of time" Coco says and calls hr driver who arrived in less than 30 min

"I'll drive you home" Coco says and Elsa didn't bother arguing before entering the car, all their bought stuff had been put in the boot


Coco's car stops in front of Elsa's home and Elsa rushes out trying to rush in but Coco stops her

"Your gifts" Coco says and opens the boot bringing out bunch of bags including the Chanel package and gave Elsa

"Do you need help taking it inside?" Coco says and Elsa shakes her head negatively

"Okay bestie, byee Call me" Coco says blowing a kiss and enters the car and her driver zooms off

Elsa struggles to walk in with a bunch of bag in her hands, she enters and sees everywhere dark

"Mom" She calls but no sound was heard but then a manly voice booms in her ear

"I was told a gift was waiting for me in this resident"

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The Mafia's Obsession

Chapter 1 The Gift
