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Yes, he was a werewolf - an omega and a hated one at that. No one ever loved him, not even his grandparents who he grew up with as an orphan. Life becomes more complicated when he finds his mate. He asked for a vengeful return to avenge the horrible life he was forced to live, and take revenge on those who had tortured him and inflicted pains on him during his previous lifetime, but then, he was given a mate...

Chapter 1 Prologue


"Mate..." He growled like an animal, his eyes dilating into strange blood red as it was fixated on the figure before him like she was a prey -his new catch. The young adult before him was scared to the core by his mere sight as she quiver in fear.

"No, this isn't true. It can't be you, Xavier..." Her voice was shaky as she forced the words out of her mouth, nothing but fear was evident in her voice. "I must be in a dream -a nightmare."

Its not possible, her mate can't be Xavier. Her mate can't be this rogue that was banned from entering Moon Lit years ago for violating the pack's rule. The thought of mating with him was enough to make her shudder in pure fright as she tried to shake the thought off her head -it can never be real!

How did she get here in the first place? How did she get herself entangled in such a dilemma which she's fighting herself to snap out of? Wasn't she supposed to be with the other wolves, why deep in the forest?

Yes, she remembered now; the memory was vividly rushing in like waves in ocean. Her instinct had traced a sweet and inviting smell here. With out being told, she knows the smell belongs to her mate and she was super excited to meet her mate. What she failed to figure out was why would her mate be in the forest?

She couldn't wait to get to whosoever her mate may be which made her break into a long sprint, racing her self here. Coming here, she was not only disappointed but was sad as well as frightened as she feel her heart break into a million pieces.

How can the Moon goddess be this cruel to her? What has she done wrong, what was her crime to have made the Moon goddess punish her this much? Why has she chosen Xavier for her amongst other wolves? Why... why? That was her thought as she stared at him.

"Aren't you happy to finally meet your mate, baby girl?" Xavier's voice was laced with mockery and he was wearing a dirty smirk on his face. He had seen how happy she was moment ago till he growled the word 'mate' and in a split second, her countenance dropped to that of disappointment.

Xavier has expected that kind of reaction from whosoever his mate may turn out to be but for the reasons not known to him, his heart clenched in despair, earning such reaction from her.

"You can't be my mate, Xavier, you can't. I can never accept you as my mate." Her voice wasn't as shaky as it was at first but fear was still laced in it. "I rather be with out a mate for the rest of my life than have you as one."

"Oh, really? Is that how much you despise me? Your newly found mate?" He snickered as he took a step towards her, she retaliated by taking a step back. "We haven't even spend much time with each other and you despise me this much, eh?"

"Stay away, Xavier. I won't accept a worthless rogue like you as a mate." She forced out the words, trying not to shudder in pure fright anymore as she points the index finger of her right at him. "Stay very far away from me."

"How can I stay away from my sweetheart, huh?!" Xavier blurted out, mockery evident in his voice. "Tell me, sweetheart, how can I...?"

She reached her limit as her back hit the tree behind her, she let out a short shriek. Before she could snap her fingers, Xavier was all over her already as he trapped her to the tree, rendering her powerless under his scrutiny.

He smell really nice and inviting as his intoxicating smell filled her nose. She must confess about his captivating body features were, his finely carved abs reflecting under his transparent shirt that kissed his flawless skin -he was just another form of a divine creature.

How did a heavenly shaped guy like him turn rogue and worthless? Xavier has always been the bad egg amongst other werewolves in Moon Lit pack till he reached his limit and was banned from the pack after having one of his friends killed in a fight.

"Look who was about rejecting me as her mate but can't stop drooling over my perfect body. What an irony!" Xavier husky voice snapped her back to her sense.

Her face flushed in embarrassment but she quickly masked it up with a glare. "I'm not drooling, you hear? You disgust me. The smell oozing off your body is almost making me puke on myself, it's choking!"

"Ouch! That hurts a lot, especially when its coming from your mate." Xavier dramatically held his chest as he wear a deep frown on his face. "What do I do? I can't let go off a beauty like you. The moon goddess was considerate enough to make you my mate. How nice!''

"I'm cursed to have a devil like you as a mate, the Moon goddess can be so cruel sometimes. I shouldn't be having a chit chat with you in the first place when I can do the needful." She muttered, her tiny and soft voice raising to it pitch.

Xavier frowned, creasing his brows as his instinct hint him on what she is talking about. "The only needful you can do is accepting me as your mate. We are both a perfect match, don't you think?" He tried to convince her into changing her mind and her point of view.

She spat on his shirt, wearing a defiant look -she felt like she had enough of him already. "I, Nina Kiel, reject..."

Xavier was quick to cut her short. "Don't say it. Just don't say, else you might not like it outcome." He warned, threat laced in his voice as he wear a blank facial expression yet he was glaring hells at her. If there's anything Xavier hates -it's being rejected by anyone; not even his mate could try such with him!

Nina, on the flip side, ignored his threat as she already made up her mind against accepting Xavier as her mate. "I, Nina Kiel rejects Xavier Fender as my mate and partner..."

"I said: don't say it..." Xavier gnarled as his voice trailed off. In a split second, his hard palm was already on her neck as he choked her. "Now, you will have no other choice but to enjoy it outcome while it last..."

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