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Luna Tevena - Moon goddess daughter

Luna Tevena - Moon goddess daughter



"Your alluring scent, wet hair, and these perfect body curves made it hard to control ourselves, my mate!" His hands slowly started to roam up and down on my arms and then slowly wrapped around my waist. He pulled me into his hard chest and slowly roamed his long fingertips on my back. My body was covered with goosebumps and I started to breath faster. My exhaling breath was coming out fast. "Fuck, baby girl, you are making this situation worse" He was drawing circles on my back, and like never before I started to feel a pool of wetness started to come out between my legs. "You are aroused! I can smell it, mate. Oh, baby girl, I am afraid that I will do something that can not be reversed!" He gave a fine lick to the left side of my neck making me shiver. My vagina started to get hurt. Oh god, what is happening to me? This had never happened before. He turned me to the other side and gently pushed me into the wall pinning my arms above my head. He leaned his large frame on my back and I felt something hard pushed between my butt cheeks.



Tevena's POV

I was in the same place of the deep dark wood. I don't know how I came here. Every day, the dream started from the same place. I have never seen this place, I don't know whether this kind of creepy place exists in the world. Even in dreams, I feel the spine-chilling of this place. I was peeking hiding behind a huge tree. Initially, the tree was unclear to me, but now I have identified it as a Southern Red Oak tree. The specialty of this tree is that it was symmetrically divided into two parts vertically one part of it was white and the other part of it was orange mixed with red.

Does this kind of tree exist in the world?

I was looking at the lake and as usual, a white glowing thing was lowering towards the lake bank from the sky. It was like a round unclear thing wrapped with a glowing mist. The round thing that landed on the river bank slowly started to take different shapes and it was finally standing up taking a final shape as a woman with long hair. Her back was visible to me and she was doing something from her hands towards the forest of her right side. It was like she signaled to something or someone to come out from the forest.

From the forest side suddenly, a large wolf emerged bowing its' head towards her! I heard someone whispering to me, "It's not the time yet!" I was confused about who it was and I looked here and there to find no one when I turned my head to look at the lake bank both the wolf and the woman were looking at me.

"Huh!" with a panic I jumped back and I heard the alarm ringing hard. Groaning from the bed I forward my hand to pick the alarm and shut it.

When I woke up my whole body was drenched with sweat. It was 6 in the morning. I opened my eyes and looked at the roof of my room. This vivid dream started exactly two weeks ago and I understood that within another two weeks, I'll be turning 18. In the beginning, the dream was not clear, I saw it with all the blurry pictures, but day by day it started to give me clear pictures of the dream and today it was one step ahead from yesterday.

I am confused about why am I seeing the same dream over and over again. I didn't share this with anyone else. In the beginning, I thought that it was nothing other than a crazy dream, but now I understand that there is a meaning. The alarm disturbed my thoughts again and lazily stretched myself to get down from the bed to hurry for the school.

It's a Friday, the weekend is coming and I feel so much freedom thinking about the weekend. I was planning to go for a day out with my besties Cassia and Jasper. I blushed when thinking about Jasper because I have a secret crush on him. I have known Jasper for the last three years and he is already 18, I am soon turning 18 and I hope to reveal my heart to him on my birthday.

Before the mother's alarm rang from the kitchen I rushed into the bathroom for a wash. I changed my clothes and put on a pair of cotton trousers and a tank top and on top of the tank top, I put on my sweater. The winter is coming soon and it's already the outside was chilling.

I took my backpack and walked downstairs. The aromas of mother's food made my tummy growl.

"Good morning my sweet little daughter. You are on time today, what's the reason behind this?" she showed a little surprise curving her lips and arching her eyebrow.

"Good morning to my beautiful mother and it's Friday, that's why I am so happy today and tomorrow we have planned to go for a day out" I hugged her from behind and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"What are you making Mother?" I saw that she was making pancakes for breakfast, but still I asked.

"Don't you see my child!" She turned the pancake to the other side after turning them into golden color and they were finely cooked.

"Where's the father?" I asked when I didn't see him, but I saw his used plate was still on the small round dining table gesturing that he already finished his breakfast.

"He went to see Alpha to talk about the food supply to us," Mother said keeping the pancake plate on the table.

"Mother, why did the father always want to talk to the Alpha about our issues? Why only father? I mean hundreds are living here and no one was bothering to talk on behalf of the humans" I put a pancake in my dish and took an apple to have with it.

"Someone needs to speak for us, and I am proud that dad taking the initiative, Alpha is not a bad one. We can see and meet him anytime" she smiles gently.

"Alpha means....."

"The newly appointed one, Theron Hardolf, the son of former Alpha Clifton Hardolf" I nodded silently trying to finish my breakfast quickly.

The new Alpha was appointed last week and the reign of his father was over to the Crescent Moon Pride pack. We all participated in the Alpha ceremony and what I heard was that the new Alpha was going to be paired with another pack's Luna. I was not interested in the wolf business so I didn't go to gossip about them.

I finished my breakfast and took my backpack pack giving a goodbye hug to Mother I took my foot cycle to ride towards the school. The school was not too far from our land. I don't know the boundaries of the territory of these lands what I know is the school was the last thing in this land. Acres belonged to our pack and for centuries the humans and the Crescent Moon Pride wolves were living in the same land peacefully. Alpha's first rule for the wolves is to treat the humans peacefully and equally.

But Alpha's second daughter the third of the family who was in my class was not finely treating the humans. Her ego being born into an Alpha family was too much to bear for us. but her twin brother was not like that. He is nice and helpful to everyone. I wonder sometimes how twins born at the same time can have this much of a different character. I rang the bell on the way I met to greet them.

The bicycle ride takes fifteen minutes since I have to get down from the bicycle to climb the mountain on foot. I make sure to wear the helmet and tie my hair into a bun all the time because my hair looks creepy and awkward. As a child, I was not worried about it, but now I have to because my hair looks like the body of a Zebra with white stripes. It's strange to hear I know, but it's my natural hair. I don't know how and why these white partitions came to my hair. In the beginning, it was so uncomfortable for me when others made fun of me, but now I am used to it and now I don't care about it anymore. My eye color is also different from my parents, but my mom says that my great-grandfather's eye color was this.

I reached the school parked my bicycle where the parking lots were reserved for bicycles and walked towards the lockers. The banners of the newly appointed Alpha's were hanged everywhere and they were shaking to the chilling wind of the winter. Alpha is gonna visit today to the school and I can see all the girls have come to the school with full make-up on and wearing short dresses.

How can they wear tiny shorts and skirts in this chilling outside?

"Good morning my sweetheart!" it was Cassia who jumped onto my back.

"Gosh, girl, you scared me" She looked at me from top to bottom and gave me an awkward look.

"What are you wearing?" she asked touching my pants and the jersey.

"Why? I wore this before also. what's the matter?" She huffed a breath of air.

"Don't you see why the school is decorated?"

"The new Alpha is coming to the school today, what's the big deal?" While me and Cassia was walking towards the class when I saw Jasper talking to two boys from another class. My time stopped when I saw Jasper. His smile was breathtaking.

"When are you going to express your feelings towards him?" my thoughts were disturbed by Cassia's whisper closer to my ear. I blushed and smiled lowering my head.

"Soon" I mumbled to myself and the bell rang to start the school.

We were concentrating on our lessons when the principal announced through the PA system that the Alpha was presented in the school. The class started to cloud with whispers and gestures of hearts from girls.

Why are they all lusting towards him? He is our Alpha and we know that his fate was sealed with another Luna. Silly girls! I was mentally feeling sad about their hopes when someone knocked on my back.

I turned to see that it was Hattie! Hattie Hardolf is the second sister of Alpha.

She smiled at me and then she showed me the middle finger. I haven't done anything to her, but she has issues with me. I know that every day she blows the air off my bicycle tires.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Hey Tevena, would you mind sharing why are you bothering to turn back from time to time?" the teacher pointed at me. She is a wolf and the school is mixed with both wolves and humans as are the teachers, but the wolves are getting a little special treatment other than the humans.

"She poked my back and showed her middle finger," I said at once.

"Don't lie! I saw you were in another world and now you put your mistake on someone else's back?"

"Ma'am, I didn't do anything, she is the one..."

"Detention!" She commanded.

"What? What did I do for a detention? She was the one..."

"The Alpha will be dealing with today's detention and you can speak with him!" She declared. I sighed and I was so angry that I got the detention for no reason.

On the other hand, I was glad that I could meet the Alpha face to face, so I could remove the mask of his sister and bring the truth in front of him!

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