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The Rejected Omega: Lunette's Revenge

The Rejected Omega: Lunette's Revenge

Elizabeth San


Lunette, a weak werewolf, and outcast, couldn't comprehend how she got impregnated but no one believed her. Unknown to her, she was drugged and raped by her lover, Leif. Her father, Lucian, the Alpha of the Bluestone pack, got Infuriated, disowned her, and commanded her to leave the pack immediately. She left for the Silvermoon pack, which is her only hope of meeting her male friend, Tristan, since Leif, her mate, rejected her. Unexpectedly, she was killed on her way by her stepmother, Fergus, and her stepmother's lover, Bran. Fortunately, the moon goddess gave her a new life. She vowed revenge and left for Silvermoon. What will be her fate in the Silvermoon pack? Will Tristan reject her? Will she succeed in her quest for revenge against those who maltreated, betrayed, and deceived her?

Chapter 1 No Love at Home

Lunette sang with her fainted voice as she dipped the mop into the soapy water. She wrung out the mop, and the sounds of dripping water echoed within the castle walls. "As my hope still lives, who knows, I might get as lucky as Cinderella, with a prince who will marry me, and choose me as his mate," She continued.

She flung the bundle of thick white threads on the sleek tiles and cleaned aggressively. "Everyone will love me. I, the outcast, will become a Luna!" Her voice echoed through the castle walls as she pictured herself betrothed to a prince.

"As long as I breathe, I will renew my hope. I know someday I will be free. I will soar like an eagle far away from troubles and seek my path to light. I'll be free from this chain that binds me," Lunette sang with her fainted voice as she mopped the floor.

As she dipped the mop into the bucket and tilted to squeeze its wateriness, she felt a heap of sand over her body. She screamed in disbelief as her hard work had been rendered useless.

"Insolent, and wretched bastard! Will it take you years to finish the chores? You will never amount to anything because you are worthless," Lyca yelled in anger and disapproval as she consistently hit the empty bucket which was filled with sand on Lunette's body.

Lunette's body vibrated in pain, her mind got clouded with Lyca's harsh words and physical assault. She summoned the courage to peek into her mother's disdainful eyes.

"Mother, please," Lunette's voice shivered, tears on her face as she tried to justify herself.

"I'm trying my best, mother. I've been working since daylight. I've cleaned and tidied up the kitchen. My laundry tasks are also completed. I ..." As Lunette struggled to please her mother by stating her efforts, Lyca interrupted.

"Oh, such pleasant excuses! Did you say you have completed the laundry task I gave you?" Lyca raised her voice in a fury and stared in disbelief while Lunette nodded in response.

"Those piles of clothes that smell like you soak them in a sewer? Do you call that clean? Is your father blind? How dare you lie to me?" Lyca's anger grew palpable as she lashed out and slapped Lunette repeatedly.

"You are a disappointment and a burden to me. A good-for-nothing daughter! Listen carefully, I want those clothes rewashed, and if I see any stain on any of them, be ready to rewash until your hands peel off. Also, clean up this place thoroughly. I must not see any grain of sand on the tiles," Lyca roared like a lion in the zoo.

She turned to leave but felt like adding more tension to the heat.

"In your words, you claimed you've cleaned and tidied the kitchen?" Lyca barked at her daughter.

Lunette's heart beats fast like a rabbit being chased by a cat. Her mother's tone instilled fear in her. She didn't know if she should respond to the question or keep mute to avoid another lash.

"I can see you've become dumb all of a sudden. Anyways, this is your first and last reminder. After you clean my kitchen, you must cook for me and my husband. My maids are not your slaves!" Lyca said as she gave Lunette a scornful look.

"I hope my words are clear?" Lyca questioned.

"Yes, Mother," Lunette affirmed as tears dripped from her eyes.

"Better!" Lyca hissed and walked away.

"Let's see how you will sing after I bombard you with loads of work. You haven't seen anything yet, you low-life and miserable daughter," She said to herself in a mumbled tone as she walked over the grains of sand to her room, leaving the stains of her footprint on the tiles.

Lunette wept bitterly and wondered why her mother hated her. Her curiosity got heightened as she doubted if Lyca was her biological mother. She stood hastily to prevent her mother from seeing her and began cleaning the sitting room. Her mother doubled her toil because Lunette had to clean the whole house again to ensure no footprints or stains were on the tiles.


Lunette's stepfather and Alpha of the Bluemoon Pack, Conrad, came out from his room and stood on the mezzanine. He leaned lightly on the railing, with the fingers of his left hand carousing the decorated pattern on the rails. He watched Lunette from below as she mopped the floor aggressively and a sinister smile left his lips. He got distracted by the sound of his phone and dipped his hand into his pocket to converse with his friend.

"Hello, Rahel," he said with a smirk.

"The Grandest Sorcerer! The Genius of Mystique and Magic! The Shadow of Bluemoon Pack! The Powerful of them all! I hail you, my friend," Rahel exclaimed excitedly as his voice echoed through the phone.

"You naughty boy! You can't change. You're showering praises as if I have finally usurped the Bluestone pack. Those praises shall resonate in the air when I oversee the Bluemoon and Bluestone packs," Conrad gesticulated as he touched his jawline in assurance.

"In different packs, the members may choose their Alphas but only you command my respect. I will never underestimate you! I await the day you triumph over Bluestone as your second in command. I decided to call to remind you of two things," Rahel said.

"Thank you for your loyalty. Oh, a reminder! A good Beta that treats his Alpha with care," Conrad shines his brown eyes in curiosity. He left his spot and carefully descended from the banister. He walked towards the wine cabinet beside the dining room and took a red wine. He went to the dining room and sat in the chair.

"Yes, I'm all ears," Conrad spoke with anticipation.

"The full-blood moon is fast approaching. Your sacrificial lamb must be under guard. If you miss this ritual, you will wait until after 14 years. I also want to remind you about Lunette, your stepdaughter you promised to give me as a gift to satisfy my sexual thirst every night," Rahel spoke confidently.

"Thanks for the reminder, my sacrificial lamb is within my possession. As for my stepdaughter, she will be yours soon, she's nineteen years old and ripe for marriage. Your control over her is guaranteed because she is weak and her wolf isn't out yet," he and Rahel laughed like wizards as he poured the wine into his glass cup.

Intentionally, he filled the cup to the brim causing the wine to spill over the table and splash on the floor.

"Ouch, what a waste!" Conrad said in a pretentious manner.

"Imbecile! Come and clean this mess at once," Conrad commanded in a resolute tone that echoed through the building.

Lunette listened to his voice and fear gripped her soul. She knew her stepfather as an embodiment of evil incarnate and malicious intentions. She hurried in pain with bruises all over her body to attend to his dictation, knowing fully well that he always referred to her as an imbecile. She knew the consequences of delaying his orders so she increased her pace.

As she rushed across the slippery tiles, her weak legs failed her. She slipped swiftly on the wet floor and hit her head hard against the sleek tiles. Blood oozed from her head as she lost consciousness.

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