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My Mysterious Billionaire Husband

My Mysterious Billionaire Husband

Fortune's Quill


Gem Herrington, an orphan living with her uncle's power hungry family is forced into marrying Marcello Macdon of the wealthy Macdon family. At first, she and Marcello a resistant to the idea, but circumstances and pressure make them fold to the idea. She has had a hard life but still maintained her strong will which she makes use of in her marriage to this mysterious man. Their marriage becomes a series of problems from external love interests to internal betrayals and extreme conflicts even among the newly weds. Her life which she thought would get better after marrying rich, only becomes harder. She begins falling in love with Marcello, something she never thought would happen. She is forced to make tough decisions, as is Marcello. With their new love gasping for breath, will it survive the simultaneous attacks on all front?

Chapter 1 The Engagement News

"Gem, in this world where the Herrington family find themselves, we love to win and we will do whatever it takes to win. Now the ball is in your court, Gem, play well." Mr George Herrington, Gem's Uncle, instructed her firmly.

"I don't understand," Gem stammered.

"What don't you understand, child!" Mrs Herrington's eyes widened in anger. "That your mother refused to listen to her family, then ran away from home and came back with a two years old rag. And the next thing she was lowered to the ground and..."

"You really don't have to bring that up, honey." Mr Herrington cut in.

"No, let me finish, George dear. Now listen clearly, Gem. You ain't nothing but trash, my husband and I took care of you and you are not going to turn your back on your blood. You are going to marry Marcello Mac Macdon! Let that stick in your head!"

"Wait! Pa, you didn't bring me here to the Macdon's 40th anniversary to tell me I was going to marry one of the Macdons." Gem voiced after realizing what was going on.

"I hate that she calls my dad, pa." Georgia, Gem's cousin muttered, crossing one of her legs over the other with her eyes fixed on her iPad.

"Honey, I thought you told her." Mr Herrington turned to his wife.

"I was busy dear, finding the perfect dress for her tonight." She replied to her husband and then said to Gem with a serious tone. "Get your shit together Gem, everything is set."

Gem averted her eyes to the crowd, scanning the room nervously. She had no idea who her mysterious fiance was or what he looked like.

Then, Mrs Herrington brought out a diamond ring from her purse. "Good heavens! I almost forgot. Put this on, do that under the table so no one gets to see. Most eyes are on the Herringtons family, we should wear more smiles. It's a big night for us."

"The Macdons are a prominent family," Gem pointed out. "Why is Georgia not the one getting engaged?" Her curiosity boomed.

"Jeez! Gem!" Georgia exclaimed angrily.

"Smile, baby, people are watching." Mrs Herrington rubbed Georgia's hand smoothly and turned to Gem. "No more questions, Gem! You are not getting engaged. You are already engaged! Mac will announce to the public tonight about his son's engagement," she added.

Gem's eyes widened in shock and her heart sank at the words of Mrs Herrington. How was she engaged and wasn't even aware?

"And the Macdon's family will be joining this table soon when they are done with greeting their guests. Gem, It is an honor for the Macdon to choose to marry from the Herringtons. In return we get to do business together, growth, expansion and you would get the perfect life you always wanted." Mr Herrington stated.

"That's enough, George, we should go mingle now. Leave the silly child." Mrs Herrington declared and both her and her husband found their way to the crowd.

"Georgia, what's going on? Does all this make any sense to you? I mean, why are you not the one getting married?"

"The rumor was traded for free, so I will just tell you anyway. I hear Marcello is a mad man and I can't marry a mad man. He will ruin my modeling career." Georgia said.

"A mad man?" Gem was in a maze.

"They said he acts strange, like one with mental illness but hasn't been diagnosed with any. He is the first son though, but he won't be let to continue the Macdon legacy. He has a life of his own in Paris and his mother was worried he would die a lonely man. So see it as a good thing, because you don't have a choice." Georgia spoke in a condescending tone.

"Why must the wife be from the Herringtons?"

"We are powerful, brilliant and strong women. Except for your mother–" Her words shifted when she glanced over her shoulder, "here comes the Macdon and my parents behind."

"What does Marcello look like?" Gem whispered.

"Shut up, Gem." Georgia stood up, bent over and whispered into Gem's ear, "I heard he is ugly and looks like an ape." She giggled, "don't worry," she sat down then turned facing her as she covered her lips from the crowd with her hand. "You guys will make the best couple, who knows?" She laughed as she removed her hand, placing it gently on the table.

The Macdons and the Herringtons got to the table, exchanged graceful greetings and embraces and took their seats around the table. The Macdon men were accustomed to command respect and admiration wherever they went. All eyes turned to witness the meeting of these two titans of society.

"Hi, I'm Marcello, I heard you are Gem and we are engaged. So I will be sitting beside you." Marcello said, then settled down.

The discipline instilled in Gem kept her mouth from dropping open.

Was this very dangerous looking man in black tie, with his hair color the same as her silver purse and burning blue eyes going to end up being her husband? She bet she was going to be battling with different mistresses in Paris. But doesn't she have a choice?

"Oh my God, he is cute." Georgia whispered to herself.

"Didn't you say he was ugly?" Gem asks her whispering.

"Hmm hmm" Georgia cleared her throat. "But he is still mad, is he not?" And mad men can't be reliable." She whispered into Gem's ear again. "Oh do tell how it feels to sleep with a mad man. I know you can't wait to get into his bed." She laughs as she turns and sits properly.

Georgia was trying to get Gem and she was succeeding because the expression on Gem's face was getting worse.

"Why don't you marry him since you're so desperate to find out." Gem replied calmly, trying not to show her anger.

"Uhmm!!" Georgia exclaimed angrily, drawing attention. "Georgia behave" her mom said in-between her teeth. Georgia forcely smiled trying to reduce the attention focused on her. With this Gem felt a little satisfied and whispered to herself. 'So much for someone who wants attention' she smiled. It was the first time she smiled that night.

It was time for Mr Macdon to give his speech. He climbed the stage and everyone applauded. He began his speech.

"Are you okay with this?" Gem whispered to Marcello.

"With what?" He gave her a cold smile and shifted his gaze back to his father, who was giving Macdon's 40th anniversary speech.

Gem, trying to understand his cold attitude, didn't really understand the situation. "He is very cold and composed. Why would anyone say that he is mad." She whispered to herself.

"What are you saying? Better keep it low before everyone will think that you're also mad." Georgia Said in an annoying mocking voice as she smiled wickedly at Gem.

Georgia's voice was so loud that Marcello heard her but ignored it and was still gazing at his father without blinking.

"... and it's a big night of course, my son, Marcello Macdon is joining us today after seven years and he's engaged to the beautiful Miss Gem Herrington."

More applause came from the crowd. Then Marcello stood up and removed the engagement ring from his finger and dropped it on the table.

"What are you up to, Marcello? Please sit down." Mrs Macdon whispered.

"I'm doing something concerning the engagement." Marcello voiced out.

"You are not to interrupt, Marcello, please sit down, please." Mrs Macdon pleaded.

"I told you he is a mad man, here we go." Georgia uttered in a mocking tone to Gem.

"I'm not engaged to Miss Gem Herrington and I will not marry her!" He yelled.

"See, he is worse than mad." Georgia whispered to Gem laughing.

"Shut up Georgia" Gem said, trying so hard not to show her anger. She didn't even know why she was angry but she believed that the situation alone annoys her so much that she hates the fact that all this is happening to her. It has always been bad but not this worse. How could they make her marry a mad man, she wondered to herself.

"Marcello, listen to your father," his mother pleaded as she held his hands.

A sudden hush fell over the audience indicating their shock at the outburst. Some reacted in gasps, murmurs of surprise while others exchanged puzzled glances and whispered to one another, trying to understand what just happened.

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