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Lost Memories

Lost Memories



Five years of love and then suffering an indescribable pain. The hurt was so deep that To Nhuoc did not want to open her heart again. She married Luc Minh Trach, because in his heart he also loved her. There is one person who cannot be forgotten. I thought that the two of them would forever be like friends living under the same roof, until one day, Luc Minh Trach had a traffic accident. When he woke up , Luc Minh Trach pitifully rubbed his body against To Nhuoc's arm: "Wife, I'm so uncomfortable, hug me a bit." Luc Minh Trach had forgotten the girl he truly loved for 16 years. For years, I forgot that the marriage between him and To Nhuoc was just a contract...l

Chapter 1 Eye viewing objectq

"Ding... Dong...", The small sensor bell mounted above the coffee shop door emitted a ringing sound.

The man sitting at a nearby table raised his head and accidentally touched eyes at the guest who had just entered.

It was a girl in her thirties, wearing a dress with little flower patterns, light makeup on her face and her hair tied up in a high ponytail suitable for the weather. It's a bit sultry in the summer.

The girl slowly walked towards the man, smiling gracefully: "Are you Luc Minh Trach?"

After the other person nodded to confirm , the girl sat down on the chair opposite, ordered a drink for herself and introduced herself: "I'm To Nhuoc. Sorry for making you wait so long."

"That's not it. It's because I came early. .", Luc Minh Trach suppressed the anxiety in his heart, staring intently at her without taking his eyes off.

In the quiet atmosphere of the coffee shop, To Nhuoc noticed his nervous mood. She carefully observed this man. Sharp jawline, high straight nose, indifferent demeanor but does not make people feel distant. Not only does he have an outstanding appearance, through the matchmaker, To Nhuoc learned that Luc Minh Trach's family background and job are also very good. His parents are both residing abroad, and he himself just returned home two months ago, taking on the position of general director of a construction company.

To Nhuoc wondered, a person with many advantages. With such a point, why do we still need to go on a blind date?

Like previous blind dates, To Nhuoc was the one to open the conversation, with an uncomfortable issue.

" Mr. Luc, I want to make it clear first, I loved someone for 5 years. Even though we broke up now, I can't love anyone else anymore. So, if you agree, kiss The relationship between us is just a formality."

Still, we should be straightforward from the beginning, to avoid problems later. To Nhuoc left the decision completely in the other person's hands.

Her previous lovers, after hearing this, all left with an unsightly expression on their faces. That's right, no one wants their wife to always remember another man.

Unless he also has someone in his heart.

Watching the smile on Luc Minh Trach's lips fade away Then it turned off completely, To Nhuoc secretly understood that her blind date had failed again.

While To Nhuoc was trying to find a reason to leave, Luc Minh Trach suddenly burst out laughing: " What a coincidence! I've also loved someone for many years, for a long time, even longer than you, and I can't forget her."

To Nhuoc couldn't help but ask again: "How long have you loved her?"

"15 years."

When answering this number, Luc Minh Trach appeared very calm, but on the contrary, To Nhuoc was extremely shocked. surprised. A 5-year love affair broke her heart into a million pieces, loving someone for 15 years without receiving a response, how painful would that feeling be?

Not wanting to dig deeper into her heartbreak. Not wanting to evoke his own buried memories, To Nhuoc said to avoid another topic.

In response to the urging of both parents, Luc Minh Trach agreed. with her, they made a marriage agreement between the two.

The blind date was finally a success.

Skipping the dating stage, Luc Minh Trach and To Nhuoc went to the city hall to post. signed the marriage contract the next day, and together made quick plans to hold the wedding the following month.

Luc Minh Trach's parents returned from abroad to attend their son's wedding. His grandparents are rich people but have a very generous and friendly personality, especially showing great love for To Nhuoc.

Of course, for To Nhuoc's parents, Luc Minh Trach is a perfect fit. standards for their ideal son-in-law.

In the eyes of family and friends, Luc Minh Trach and To Nhuoc are a warm and happy couple, but unfortunately in reality, they They didn't have any feelings for each other.

When they both sat down to write invitations, To Nhuoc turned to Luc Minh Trach in surprise and asked: "Do you also study at Thien Tan High School?"

"Yes. Class 10A4. Nature class.", Luc Minh Trach stopped writing and stared at her as if waiting for something.

To Nhuoc was also in the nature class, class 10A8, but she had a feeling I felt like I had never met Luc Minh Trach before. Perhaps high school, although just a miniature society, is large enough so that two strangers during the three years of school never met each other, or accidentally passed by without leaving any impression.

"What a coincidence.", To Nhuoc sighed softly, fate really knows how to arrange things. A man who was very close to her in the past, then thousands of miles apart, has now become her husband.

Luc Minh Trach silently looked at her for a while longer before bowing. He started writing the names on the invitation card.

To Nhuoc suddenly thought, based on the timeline, the girl in Luc Minh Trach's heart might also study at the same high school as the two of them.

The wedding of To Nhuoc and Luc Minh Trach took place smoothly under the witness and blessings of all close people.

During the party, Luc Minh Trach drank a lot. When it was time to return home, he was completely drunk and collapsed on the sofa in the living room.

To Nhuoc guessed that Luc Minh Trach was miserable because he couldn't marry the person he loved. His feelings for that girl seem to be extremely deep.

"Go to the bedroom. Don't lie here, you'll catch a cold.", To Nhuoc shook Luc Minh Trach's arm but he didn't react.

To Nhuoc stood still and thought for a moment. While she was still wondering what to do next, Luc Minh Trach suddenly opened her eyes, staring at her with dreamy eyes.

~ ~A second later, he smiled, slowly spread the object in his palm in front of her, "This... is what Tieu Tinh Tinh gave me."

To Nhuoc looked at the tarnished ring. colored but almost unscratched, a keepsake with traces of time but very carefully preserved.

She turned her gaze from the ring to his complicated expression, Calmly commented: "The ring is very beautiful!"

Then stood up: "Let me go pour you some water."

When To Nhuoc returned carrying a glass of warm water, Luc Minh Trach had already arrived. Falling into a deep sleep, her right hand tightly grasped the ring and placed it on her left chest, the corner of her lips still smiling.

Not wanting to disturb his beautiful dream, To Nhuoc put the glass of water on the table and looked for it. A blanket kept in the closet carefully covered Luc Minh Trach's body, then returned to her bedroom.

The next day, Luc Minh Trach woke up very early and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. To Nhuoc was awakened by the aroma of delicious food.

She quickly cleaned herself, then ran to the kitchen: "Good morning. Do you need help?"

"Okay, Let me wait for you."

Luc Minh Trach did not mention what he said last night, nor did To Nhuoc ask more about the ring or about the girl he called Tieu Tinh Tinh.~

~The two promised each other that they would not consider this marriage a burden and would not interfere in each other's private space.

When Luc Minh Trach served the food, To Nhuoc had little surprise. On the table are all her favorite dishes, and his eating habits are very similar to hers: no spicy food, no green onions.

There are many strange similarities between the two, but To Nhuoc has not yet Having time to express his thoughts, Luc Minh Trach spoke first: "After breakfast, will you take me to the shopping center to buy some things?"

"Okay.", To Nhuoc nodded in agreement, there are indeed many things in the house that need to be purchased.

This two-story duplex apartment is a congratulatory gift from Luc Minh Trach's parents to the couple. In the living room, there is a large wedding photo hanging, and many decorative items are used as camouflage tools to cover the eyes of outsiders.

During the day, when family and friends occasionally visit, the living room will become a common stage for the two to perform the play of happy husband and wife. But at night, Luc Minh Trach and To Nhuoc both locked themselves in their own bedrooms, as if drawing a line between two inviolable territories.

However, both of them still did what they did. fulfill marital responsibilities to the other person. Even though they were only married in name, Luc Minh Trach treated To Nhuoc very well. He took very good care of her, single-handedly taking care of everything from small to big things in the house.

During her time During the year I spent with him, To Nhuoc never had to worry or worry about anything. She thought that this good situation would last forever, but life is unpredictable.

There are always events that can happen that can make people's future plans go wrong. another direction.

Like every other normal morning, To Nhuoc helped Luc Minh Trach tie his tie before going to work.

She looked at him tentatively: "Do you remember what day it is today?" ?"

A delicate person like Luc Minh Trach always remembers the birthdays and special occasions of their loved ones, certainly not forgetting that today is the one-year wedding anniversary.

Luc Minh Trach nodded: "I've booked a table at a restaurant that has Vietnamese dishes that you like. Shall we go out tonight?"

"Yes, I'll ask permission to leave early.", To Nhuoc smiled, she also wanted to organize a small celebration, marking the milestone of one year of traveling with her wonderful housemate, him.

After seeing Luc Minh Trach out the door, To Nhuoc turned around. Get ready and drive to the company.

Sitting in the meeting room, To Nhuoc is listening to the announcement of the human resources director.

"...Expert appointed by the parent company abroad will take office two months later, and will also directly instruct and manage our new project..."

Suddenly, the phone placed on the table in front of her vibrated slightly. . A call from Luc Minh Trach's assistant.

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