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Young Prince Kael feels unsatisfied in his routine training and tasks to become King. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for him. Follow the Prince of prophecy as he races against time to face the dark Lord Malakar and save the kingdom of Eryndor from impending doom


Long ago in an ancient land of magic and mystery, there existed a kingdom known to all as Eryndor. For a long time, Eryndor was a prosperous land, rich with gold and jewels that seemed to never run out, and green, luscious land that supported life and crop. It was a truly prosperous kingdom and the lands around it envied it for its progress.

In the centre of the kingdom was the royal palace, an epitome of beauty. Its walls were lined with gold and adorned with the finest sculptures achievable at that time. The ground was polished to a mirrorlike shine and reflected the warm glow of the sun to all who were within its walls. The draperies were all made of fine linen... silk from around the world, conveyed by merchants across seas and oceans just to match the aesthetic and squalor of the Eryndor.

It was in this royal palace that Kael Aranthor, prince of Eryndor and heir apparent lived. On this particular day, Kael stood in the balcony of his chamber, looking over the kingdom that was soon to be his. The city was bustling, its streets alive with merchants and citizens, their greetings and laughter floated in the air as if being carried by the wind as testament to all of the kingdom's prosperity.

Kael waved at a few citizens who stopped to hail him, smiling as he did so. He had only a few moments left before he would have to head out for his daily training with the knights of his kingdom. He adjusted the signet ring on his finger in a jejune manner, he was bored with these daily chores. Of course he loved his kingdom and his people, he loved the time he spent with them, but within himself he felt a longing for something more, something deeper... a purpose he was yet to find.

A knock on the door snapped him out of his reverie. His kings guard had arrived to escort him to the training arena. Kael sighed and wore a smile before exiting his chamber to take on the duties of the day. It would be yet another boring day, or so he thought...

Left step, right step, left step. Gasp. Gasp. Right step. Arwyn the ancient took his time as he laboured his way through the streets of the city, headed towards the palace. Arwyn was one of many mages who had served the kingdom of Eryndor. He guarded the prophecies and scrolls that guided the actions of the kingdom, thereby making him a very knowledgeable mage but with all the power and knowledge he possessed his greatest foe, it would seem, where his knees and he was powerless against them. As he huffed and puffed his way through the streets, Arwyn wondered within himself whose grand idea it was to put the palace so far inland. This of course was a welcome distraction from his true thoughts, as they were thoughts he did not want to dwell on. He dreaded what lay ahead and wished he could spare the young prince if what was to come if it was possible. As he made his way to the palace, his shoulders sagged with the weight of the news he carried.

Kael was drenched in sweat. He had attempted, unsuccessfully, to best Glenn Ga'án. Glenn was perhaps the only warrior in the kingdom that Kael couldn't beat, a fact which made their friendship one of unending rivalry. Kael, a skillful warrior himself, was the commander of squad comprising of all the best warriors in the kingdom. It was he who carried out the King's peacekeeping missions and enforced the laws wherever needed.

"Perhaps a blindfold would make this sparring match a bit fair" Glenn teased the young prince "I imagine that the warriors tire of seeing you on your behind m'lord"

"Oh shut up" Kael replied with a slight smile as he made his approach to begin clashing swords with the warrior again.

"Kael" a soft voice called from behind him. He turned to see his mother, Queen Elyra, standing. Her silver hair was pinned up in an elaborate braid, and her emerald-green gown caught the light of the sun brilliantly. Despite the royal authoritative air she exuded, there was a warmth about her that always seemed to calm those she came in contact with.

"Mother" Kael replied as all others in the vicinity bowed in reverence "Greetings"

"Greetings my son. Your father requests your presence in the Great Hall," she said with a gentle smile. "There is someone here who he wants you to meet."

"You escape with your dignity today Glenn" Kael said with a mischievous smile as he handed the sparring sword to a squire and began to follow after his mother, the Queen.

"Come back tomorrow my prince and we'll see whose dignity was ever at stake"

As they reached the Great Hall where the King held all gatherings, Kael was greeted by the sight of his father, King Aldric, seated on his golden throne. The king was a towering figure, with broad shoulders and a stern expression that, though softened by his kind eyes and white beard, bore a stern warning to all who harboured any ill thoughts. Today though, King Aldric seemed different. There was something about him-an air of uncertainty; that Kael had never seen or felt before and he did not like it.

Beside the king stood a figure in dark robes. The man's face was hidden beneath a hood, and only the faintest glint of silver hair could be seen. Though his figure was quite clearly stooped and showed him to be advanced in age, his presence seemed to fill the hall with a strange energy, as if the very air around him was flowing with power.

"Kael," the king said, his voice strong and echoing through the hall. "This is Arwyn, a mage of great renown. He bears news of grave importance."

Arwyn stepped forward, he lowered his hood to reveal a face etched with age and wisdom. His eyes, sharp and piercing, locked onto Kael's with an intensity that made the young prince's heart race.

"Prince Kael," Arwyn said, his voice low and resonant. "I bring sad tidings. News of great peril. The prophecy... it has begun."

Kael's brow furrowed in confusion. "Prophecy? What prophecy?"

Arwyn's gaze never wavered as he spoke. "For ages we mages have practiced magic of the earth, magic that brings life and prosperity, it is the standard within our order. Yet there exists another type of magic, one that feeds on life itself, and though powerful in an instant, it is waning and requires continuous sustenance- the life force of everything around it. This type of magic, though forbidden has appealed to a few dark mages over the ages. Of these mages, there was once a dark Lord, once so evil and terrible that to speak his name brought a cold chill upon your very soul, his name... Malakar...". At the mention of the name, the room seemed to darken a bit and a cold air swept through the prince.

"Malakar reigned for a while with terror and death but finally was felled. Alas, it is prophesied that at a time of great peace, Malakar, the Dark Lord who once brought the world to the brink of destruction shall stir once more."

A cold shiver ran down Kael's spine. He had heard tales of Malakar as a child-stories of a shadowy figure who wielded dark magic and commanded legions of twisted creatures. But they were just stories... weren't they?

Arwyn continued "The prophecy speaks of a hero who will rise to challenge Malakar-a hero who carries the blood of kings and the courage of a lion. We believe that the hero the prophecy speaks of is you, Prince Kael."

The room fell into a heavy silence. Kael felt the weight of Arwyn's words settle on his shoulders like a crushing burden. He was just a prince-young, untested, and unprepared for such a destiny. How could he be the one to stop a force of evil as ancient and powerful as Malakar?

"I... I don't understand," Kael stammered. "How can I possibly fight something like that? I know nothing of magic or-or of fighting mages. This makes no sense"

Arwyn approached the prince and placed a hand on Kael's shoulder, his touch surprisingly gentle. "I understand your fears my prince but please understand that you will not face this alone. There are allies to be found, powerful forces that will aid you in your quest. I myself will do all I can to aid and prepare you but time is short. Malakar's influence grows with each passing day, and if he is not stopped, all of Eryndor will fall into darkness."

Kael looked to his father, seeking reassurance, hoping some part of this was a jest, looking for a clue that it was all untrue but the king's expression remained grim. "I wish I could tell you this was a mistake," King Aldric said, his voice heavy with sorrow. "But Arwyn speaks the truth. The signs are all there-there is unrest in the borderlands, reports of dark creatures seen in the forests, disappearances in the villages on the outskirts and outright attacks. We cannot ignore this threat my son."

The queen stepped forward, taking Kael's hand in hers. She had been quiet all this while, and now Kael could see that it was because she had been crying in the corner "We believe in you, Kael." Her voice breaking with emotion "You are my son and you have the strength and the heart to do what must be done. Trust in yourself and trust Arwyn, he will guide you aright."

Kael swallowed hard, his mind racing. He had always expected that one day he would have to take on the responsibilities of a king, a weight that he knew would be daunting but he had never for a second imagined anything like this. The future he had envisioned, the life he had grown up expecting and awaiting now seemed like a distant dream.

"I'll do it," Kael said finally, his voice trembling and soft. Turning to face the King, he said louder and with a firmer voice "I'll do it."

Arwyn nodded approvingly. "Then we must make haste young prince, for there is much to do. There are others we must seek out-warriors and mages who will stand by your side. The journey will be long and perilous, but it is the only way."

Kael took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead. The path before him was uncertain, fraught with danger and darkness. But as he travelled from the eyes of his parents to that of the mysterious mage, he knew there was no turning back.

It would seem that the fate of Eryndor rested in his hands.

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