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Alexa was greatly excited as she stepped into the hall, at first, she was downcast at the prospect of marrying the Magician Prince but after a visit from her mother, she rapidly changed from being downcast to being expectant. She could not wait to see those dreamy magic lands, she could not wait to see the floating castles and beautiful water falls which her mother had described. Eventually, she laid her eyes on the Groom, or... Grooms. Alexa was confused, why were their two men in the Groom place. Both were gorgeous, both looked powerful, like gods but which one was the famed, Prince Draco, here Bride. The situation however, rapidly devolved into chaos before her very eyes as the bigger of the two lunged towards, her, the other attacked as spiraling magic burst out of his hands. The rest of the actions however proceed in chaos and confusion until she was brought into the land of the Werewolves, now Alexa was sure her abductor wasn't Prince Draco but the infamous Demon wolf. A creature that was reported to be so dreadful that even his kind hated him. What was his mission with her? Could she accept him? Or would she choose the Magician Prince over him when he eventually came for her? Read on to know more.

Chapter 1 Demon Wolf

Morgan's POV

"What! Are you really sure of what you are saying, spy?" Morgan shouted as his wide yellow eyes pierced into a young woman who had her head bowed

He was in a large throne room and at one end of the room, a gigantic black throne sat. A muscular man with black hair sat on the throne with eyes closed, he seems to be oblivious to the heated discussion going on.

By the side of the throne, a woman sat and opposite the throne, three other people sat, while the young woman who was standing to a side, nodded at the questionnaire before answering. "Yes, Lord Morgan. Prince Draco, the son of the magician king will be wedding Princess Alexa, the daughter of the Human Emperor tomorrow." The young lady said, with calm face.

"We can't let that happen. The Magicians are definitely plotting some things and they want to get the humans under their control, we can't allow that." He heard one of the seated men stated shaking his head.

"You are right Beta Bryan, we can't allow that but what can we even do? The wedding is tomorrow and it's taking place in the Human Empire Capital. To reach there, the warrior wolves will have to race all night, so they will be too weak to fight when we eventually reach the palace, the witches and humans will readily overwhelm us." The third man spoke.

"What do you mean Finn, even if we will have to use some warriors as steeds to transport others, we will do so. There is simply no way we are allowing that marriage to happen." The Beta spoke, his yellow eyes glowing aggressively.

"Well, I would have suggested that, but there is a big problem with it. We are infiltrating the human kingdom you see, there is no way the magicians wouldn't have been anticipating our attacks, if we use some werewolves as transport, the number of werewolves we will need to use will be too large to not alert the enemies, we will be trapped before we even realize a thing." The Gamma replied.

"So what the hell do you suggest we do, Gamma Finn?" The Beta growled, "...and I don't even mention anything about letting the wedding happen, not unless you want your head ripped off." the Beta added.

Shaking his head with a sigh, the Gamma raised both arms, "I don't really have any suggestion, at least, not after your threats." He said.

"I have one." Morgan spoke up. "Think about it, why must we attack the human capital, why don't we intercept Draco on his way back to the Magician Kingdom, that way, we can get rid of both he and the bride." He suggested.

Morgan watch the Beta and Gamma exchanged gazes for a moment, before a large smile emerged on the Beta's face as he nodded profusely, "indeed, that is very feasible, you genius never ceases to amaze me, Morgan." Beta Bryan complimented.

"Indeed, that is a great plan but... how can we be so sure of catching that Magician Prince on his way back, after all, he would surely be anticipating our attack and might take some unlikely detour to avoid us." Gamma Finn pointed out.

"Why does it appears like you always have a problem to every solution, Gamma Finn? You should really give your own idea if you are so insightful, we have no time." The woman sitting beside the throne eventually spoke and Gamma Finn gave a wary smile before bowing slightly.

"Forgive me Luna, but I was only looking out for the good of all. But are you really willing to hear my own suggestion? I feel like you won't like it." Gamma Finn asked, his eyes now serious as he looked around and everyone's eyes were now fixed on him. "Actually, I think I might need the Alpha's permission to say my mind." The Gamma added as his gaze settled on the man seated on the large black throne and everyone exchanged confused face.

Slowly, the Alpha on the throne opened his eyes, they were glowing like molten gold, brimming with great power as he looked directly towards the Gamma and said "speak your mind." the Alpha and King of the whole werewolf race ordered, his voice brimming with absolute power and authority.

"Thanks Alpha, I simply think there is no one capable of stopping the wedding except the, Demon Wolf. I think Deron should be summoned for this mission." Gamma Finn said and the whole room quietened for a moment.

"What the hell are you spouting Gamma Finn!" Morgan shouted as he stood up, "Why would you need to summon Deron when I have provide a clear way to get rid of our problem and how in hell do you even think a single wolf can run all the way to the human capital, single handedly fight everyone magician and human on guard, stop the marriage and still survive. How the hell is Deron supposed to do that?" Morgan thundered.

"Well, Deron's is called a Demon for a reason and I am actually inclined to believe he might be the only way out in this. But even more, this doesn't in anyway stop you from acting, you can just take your fighters and go ahead with your plan. If Deron doesn't succeed, you will be able to intercept the Magician Prince and kill him, simple as that." The Gamma said, with a smile.

"Wh..." Morgan was however interrupted by the Luna.

"Enough son, Gamma Finn has finally given a suggestion which I think it is a brilliant one. And even if you disagree, you should leave the decision to your father and stop arguing already." The Luna berated Morgan who looked at his mother before sighing and taking his seat.

The King looked at Gamma Finn for a moment and then said, "Morgan is right, no matter how strong Deron is, he wouldn't be able to stop the marriage singlehandedly. We will go along with Morgan's plan." The Alpha spoke, but just as he quieten, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the side and everyone turned there to see a figure in white hood walking towards them.

"We greet the Seer, messenger of the moon." Everyone in the room chorused except for the Alpha who simply stared on at her.

Her eyes were totally white and they were fixed on the Alpha as she spoke, "the marriage must not be allowed to happen, and the Bride must be killed. Send both of your sons, whoever manages to kill the Bride will succeed you as Alpha." The Seer said before turning back and retreating from the throne room.

"It seems the Demon Wolf will have to leave after all." Gamma Finn said, with a smile.

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