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Rich Widower Looking for a Wife

Rich Widower Looking for a Wife



The restaurant is not only famous for its delicious food, but also for its handsome and wealthy owner, Arsenio. At only 35 years old, Arsenio has become a successful entrepreneur in the culinary sector. However, even though his life seems perfect from the outside, there is one thing that still makes him feel lonely-he is a widower who lives alone after being left by his ex-wife several years ago. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the restaurant which is always busy, a young waitress named Kiara is busy serving customers. Kiara, a beautiful but simple 25 year old woman, has been working at the restaurant for two years. With determination and hard work, he tried to support himself after leaving his hometown. Kiara didn't know that one day her life would change drastically when she met the restaurant owner, Arsenio.

Chapter 1 In a metropolis that never sleeps

In a metropolis that never sleeps, there is a luxurious restaurant that is the center of attention. The restaurant is not only famous for its delicious food, but also for its handsome and wealthy owner, Arsenio. At the age of 35, Arsenio has become one of the successful entrepreneurs in the culinary field. However, even though his life looks perfect from the outside, there is one thing that still makes him feel lonely-he is a widower who lives alone after being left by his ex-wife several years ago.

In the midst of the hustle and bustle of the always crowded restaurant, a young waitress named Kiara is busy serving customers. Kiara, a beautiful but simple 25-year-old woman, has been working at the restaurant for the past two years. With determination and hard work, she tries to support herself after leaving her hometown. Kiara did not know that one day her life would change drastically when fate brought her together with the restaurant owner, Arsenio.

One bright afternoon, as the sun was starting to set, Kiara was tidying up the tables in the corner of the restaurant when she felt someone watching her. She turned her head and saw Arsenio sitting in the corner of the restaurant, watching her every move with a look that was hard to interpret. Kiara's heart beat a little faster than usual. She knew exactly who the man was-the owner of the restaurant where she worked, a man who was often the talk of the employees because of his good looks and extraordinary wealth.

Arsenio couldn't take his eyes off Kiara. There was something about the young woman that attracted him, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Maybe it was because of Kiara's simplicity that was so contrasting with the glamorous life he was used to. Or maybe it was because of the sincere smile that always radiated from Kiara's face even though her days were full of hard work.

Arsenio called the restaurant manager and whispered, "Can you call that waiter here? I want to talk to him."

Not long after, Kiara came carefully approaching Arsenio's table. "Good afternoon, sir. Can I help you?" Kiara asked politely, although nervousness was clearly visible in her eyes.

Arsenio stared at Kiara for a moment before answering, "It's not about the order, Kiara. I just want to talk. Can you sit down for a moment?"

Kiara was surprised to hear the request. No customer had ever asked for something like this before, let alone from a restaurant owner. However, she did not dare refuse.

"Okay, Mr. Arsenio," Kiara answered softly as she sat down on the chair across from him.

Arsenio smiled faintly. "Don't call me Sir, just Arsenio."

Kiara nodded, trying to calm the pounding in her chest. "Is there something you want to talk about, Sir... I mean, Arsenio?"

Arsenio looked at Kiara with a deep gaze, making her feel a little awkward. "Have you been working here for a long time?"

"Yes, almost two years," Kiara answered in a soft voice. "I am very grateful to be able to work here."

"I am also happy to have an employee like you. But to be honest, I am curious. Why did you choose to work as a waitress here? From the way you work, it seems like you can be more than just a waitress."

Kiara was silent for a moment, not knowing what to answer. She looked down, staring at her hands crossed in her lap. "Actually, this is the best job I could get right now. I need money for living expenses, and I don't have enough other skills yet."

Arsenio nodded, as if he understood. "I understand. But you know, sometimes life offers something more than we imagine."

Kiara raised her eyebrows, confused by the direction of Arsenio's conversation. "What do you mean?"

Arsenio stared at her sharply, then said in a low voice, "I'm looking for someone to accompany me. A wife."

That statement surprised Kiara. She stared at Arsenio with wide eyes, not believing what she had just heard.

"Wife?" Kiara repeated the word in a voice that was almost a whisper. "But... why are you talking to me about this?"

Arsenio smiled faintly, as if he had anticipated that reaction. "Because I'm interested in you, Kiara. I see something in you that's different from other women I've ever met. Your simplicity, sincerity, and hard work-all of that attracts me. And I want to get to know you better."

Kiara didn't know how to respond. On one hand, she felt flattered by Arsenio's attention, but on the other hand, she also felt awkward and unsure of what to do. "I... I don't know what to say, Arsenio. This is so sudden."

"I know," Arsenio said softly. "I'm not asking for an answer right now. I just want you to think about it. There's no pressure. I just want to be honest with my feelings."

Kiara lowered her head, feeling confused. "I've never thought about something like this before."

Arsenio smiled softly wider. "That's normal. I just want to open up opportunities. Besides, who knows, we might complement each other."

Kiara nodded slowly, still unable to fully process what was happening. "I... I'll think about it."

Arsenio rose from his chair, looking at Kiara gently. "Thank you, Kiara. I won't rush you. Take as much time as you need."

After Arsenio left, Kiara sat in her chair, pensive. Her mind was racing, wondering if this meeting was the beginning of something big, or just a coincidence she had never imagined before. On one hand, Arsenio's offer seemed like a dream too good to be true. But on the other hand, there was a doubt that she couldn't ignore.

Throughout the night, Kiara felt her mind drifting back to her conversation with Arsenio. Was it true that a man as rich and handsome as Arsenio was interested in her? An ordinary waitress with nothing but her dreams?

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