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Her fiance and best friend conspired together against her. She lost everything and became homeless and died on the street. However, she resurrected in a parallel world. By the time she opened her eyes, her husband in this world was strangling her. Fortunately, she survived this. Then she signed the divorce agreement, ready to live a miserable life again. To her surprise, her mother in reality left her a lot of money. She reversed the roles and took revenge. Everything went well in her career and her love happened when her ex-husband came back to her.

Chapter 1 Reincarnation and divorce

"Yasmine, you bitch. Go to hell!"

On the big bed, the man had a face of fury, his black eyes burned with hatred. The veins of his forehead and arms protruded as he twisted the woman's thin neck.

The woman was still half asleep, but she could feel that something was wrong. She couldn't breathe!

Yasmine Bennet opened her eyes greatly, still dizzy by sleep. She felt a pair of hands on her neck, suffocating her. She was confused and consumed by fear and panic.

When her lungs began to run out of air, her survival instinct manifested itself. She grabbed her aggressor's hands, trying to get rid of them.

But the man was not moving. Instead, he intensified the catch, an action that congested Yasmine's face and blurred her vision.


The door opened and the butler rushed in. His face turned pale when he saw the spectacle he witnessed, but he hardly hesitated. He rushed to the bed and grabbed the man's arm screaming! "Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne! Please let her go! You are killing her!"

"She deserves to die!" The man had a disequilated look and sputum came out of his mouth at the same time as his words.

The butler knew that he could not physically stop the man, so he knelt near the bed and began begging him for Yasmine's life. "Mr.

Wayne, please! If you kill her, your grandmother will not rest in peace!"


Hearing the butler's words, Eric Wayne slightly relaxed his grip. Yasmine took the opportunity to escape his grip and crawl away. With her back against the headboard, she wrapped herself in a ball, looking at Eric with big frightened eyes.

The butler saw in Eric's change of attitude a sign that he had to continue pushing. "Mr. Wayne, be patient! Today, your divorce will be finalized. You will never see her again! Save her life for the sake of her mother. Her mother who saved your grandmother's life, do you remember? Please calm down!"

Eric seemed to understand the words of his butler. He got out of bed, put on his pajamas in silence. When he had finished, he turned around and spoke, in a voice cold as ice.

"I will tell Robert to send you the divorce papers. Sign them and then get out. I never want to see your face again."

With a last look filled with hatred, he left the room, followed by the butler.

The door slammed behind him, the sound hurting Yasmine's ears. She covered herself with the bed blankets, still in shock. Her face was deadly pale, her heart was pounding.

She lowered her head and checked her body. She was completely naked and dark bruises stained her otherwise impeccable skin.

The adrenaline that flowed through her veins had alleviated the pain until now. But when the worst had passed, Yasmine felt that her whole body was in pain.She was in pain everywhere.

Yasmine couldn't find women's clothes in the wardrobe. There were only men's shirts and black suits in the wardrobe.

She grabbed a shirt and suit pants and put them on. The pants were ridiculously big for her, she was dragging them on the floor.

In addition to the pain she has already felt, she could feel a terrible headache coming. Moaning, she went to the sofa and sat down. She tilted her head bitterly and closed her eye, invaded by foreign memories.

A few moments later, she opened her eyes again. These memories belonged to the former owner of this body, the woman named Yasmine. After calmly putting things to the right point in her mind, she finally came to two conclusions.

She reincarnated, from Helen Davis to Yasmine Bennet.

The person who reincarnated in this body, was a girl who was cowardly, madly in love with Eric. Her mother had fallen ill and had been dead for a while and her father was a lamentable garbage.

Someone knocked on the door.

The sound took Yasmine out of her thoughts. A cold voice came from the other side of the door. "Can I come in? "

She hastily rolled up the bottom of her pants and hastened to open the door. A tall and dull-looking man stood there, holding a pile of papers in his hand.

"Robert." Yasmine quickly searched her memories and remembered the man's name.

The inexpressive face, Robert Chavez gave her the documents and a pen. "Mr.Wayne asked me to escort you to the door as soon as you signed the divorce papers."

Yasmine took a look at the documents, remembering what the butler had said earlier. That day was Eric and Yasmine's second wedding anniversary, but it would also mark the end of their marriage.

Was the divorce contract prepared in less than an hour? Eric must have really hated Yasmine.

She took the contract and started turning the pages, signing "Yasmine Bennet," carefully wherever it was necessary. It finished in less than thirty seconds.

"That's it," said Yasmine , returning the papers to Rob.

Robert looked at her with astonishment, his eyebrows raised. He didn't expect it to be so easy. When Eric asked him to bring the papers, he told Rob that if Yasmine didn't want to sign it, he could use force.

"You don't want to read it before putting down your Signature?" Said Rob.

Yasmine raised her eyebrows and answered flatly: "No."

"Aren't you curious to know what you're going to get from this divorce?" Rob frowned, looking more and more confused.

Yasmine raised her eyebrows while pulling up her pants. She smiled at Rob. "It's not necessary. I know there are two possible ways out. I'm leaving from here either broke or in debt. I am sure that Eric has put together a team of exceptional lawyers to work on the best option for him."

Ivan's eyes darkened. He took the divorce papers and said: "Mr. Wayne just wants you to leave without any of his property. "

"Well, tell him thank you from me. Yasmine really didn't take it. The woman who occupied this body loved Eric, not her. She didn't even care that this man lived or was dying.

She didn't want a violent man like him as a husband. A man who allegedly strangled his own wife to death. She had another chance to live and she intended to make the most of it.

Robert's eyes landed on Yasmine's neck.

"Do you want me to call you a doctor?"

Yasmine was helpless for a while. Then she remembered the bruises around her neck and raised her hand to touch them. The feeling of choking came back to her and she shook her head to get rid of it.

"No, thank you. I'm fine. It's not that serious,"she replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"So, pack your bags." Robert's tone had become normal again: cold and professional.

She nodded and left Eric's room barefoot, while pulling up her pants. She had a long way to go to reach her own room. Eric hated Yasmine so much that he didn't even want to meet her in the hallway, so her room was at the other end of the huge house.

It took her almost two minutes to get there.

Originally, this room was a storage room, but shortly after Yasmine and Eric's wedding, Yasmine had moved here. She pushed the door and crossed the narrow door with agility.

The room was really small. It contained only a bed and a dressing table, the furniture was so close to each other that there was no room to move properly.

Yasmine didn't have much to take. Apart from her cosmetic products scattered on the dressing table and some clothes, she had almost nothing. She changed to put on her own clothes and stuffed the rest of her belongings in a suitcase.

"Okay, I'm ready. I'm leaving now. I hope I'll never see you again, Robert! Goodbye! "Said Yasmine in a carefree and cold voice while dragging her suitcase in the hallway.

"Yasmine, where do you plan to go?" Suddenly, the elevator doors opened, revealing a woman in a business suit. Her high heels slamming on the marble floor, the sound was sharp and dry, perfectly matching her sharp voice.

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