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Marrying My First Love

Marrying My First Love

Meir Jolliffe


From the first time I saw Caleb standing on the podium as the top student in high school, I looked up to him for a full seven years. After graduating from college, I sweetly moved into his home with the baby in my belly, and our friends couldn't believe that I had actually caught up to him.

Chapter 1




From the moment I saw Caleb standing on the podium as the top student in our year during high school, I admired him for a full seven years.


After graduating from college, I moved into his house with a sweet smile and a baby in my belly. My friends couldn't believe that I had actually caught up with him.


Caleb had gotten into the Edgewater University as the top Science and Math Electives student in the state and became the prized disciple of Kayce Holt, a prominent figure in the industry.


Most importantly, he was also exceptionally handsome.


I thought I would spend my life with him in peaceful happiness, but at three months pregnant, I stumbled upon a scene in the treatment room with him and a young nurse that was unbearable.


The lunchbox I made fell to the ground.


The little bear I crafted for our anniversary fell to the ground.


And then, I fell to the ground.


When I awoke, he told me with a guilty face that our child was gone.


The nurse, masked, had only her captivating eyes visible, smiling as she administered a nutrient drip.


She told me Caleb was simply tired of living his life under his parents' arrangements.


He went to Edgewater University, studied medicine, and even married me because his parents liked me.


As I accidentally fell from the rooftop, I silently wished never to meet him again in my next life.


But fate has a sense of humor.


I was reborn in my junior year Psychology class at seventeen.


"Krista, the form is due after class. Have you filled it out?"




"Huh? What...?"


I rubbed my eyes in a daze. "Am I dreaming?"


"Are you crazy?" The owner of the voice, holding a mechanical pencil, knocked on my head without hesitation.


I yelped, clutching my forehead, and finally focused on my surroundings.


Wasn't this my sarcastic, genius deskmate, Julian Clayton?


We lost touch after high school. Why was he beside me?


Was I dreaming?


"You...Uh... Your uniform... Julian, what year is it?"




He glanced at me impatiently, whispering, "Snap out of it and fill out your select electives form. Are you choosing Social Sciences and Humanities or Science and Math?"


I didn't have time to ponder what was happening. Following his finger, I saw the form on my desk, already soaked with my drool.


I glanced at him sheepishly, and sure enough, Julian was looking at me with disdain.


Social Sciences and Humanities or Science and Math...I remembered I was doing well in Social Sciences, but I never passed Chemistry or Physics.


Yet, to be in the same class as Caleb, I chose Science and Math Electives, bidding farewell to top universities.


I wiped the moisture from the paper with my hand and carefully wrote one word. Social Sciences and Humanities Electives.


"Here, it's yours."


I handed it to him, determined to stay as far from Caleb as possible this time.




He muttered, picking up my damp form with two fingers and grabbing a black pen from my pencil case to fill out his own.


Curious, I leaned over to see what he was writing.


"What? You're choosing Social Sciences and Humanities too?!"


"Krista! I've had enough of you!"


A piece of chalk hit my forehead, adding insult to injury.


"Stop distracting Julian!


You two were paired so he could help you improve, not drag him down from first place!"


Our Psychology teacher, with his large eyes, glared at me.


I remembered! In high school, we nicknamed him "Big Eyes" because of his big eyes.


I obediently opened my Psychology book, but my mind was on Julian's form.


I remembered he chose Science and Math.


In senior year, he and Caleb alternated between first and second place in the Science and Math tests.


Sometimes, when he scored better than Caleb, I'd secretly curse him to get an upset stomach during exams...


"It's a shame you're choosing Social Sciences,"


I whispered, hiding behind my book when Big Eyes wasn't looking.


"What's so shameful? Do you look down on Social Sciences?"


Julian kept his eyes on the board, but a slight smile seemed to play on his lips. "I'm interested in law too."


Ah, that made sense...


I pictured a slick lawyer from a classic courtroom drama, twisting words to suit his needs, fitting Julian's personality perfectly.


The bell rang loudly, and Julian suddenly moved his chair forward, leaving a gap between us.


"Are you trying to squeeze yourself?"


"Aren't you going to see your so-called crush every break?"


I used to...


Every break, I'd pretend to fetch water at the end of the hallway, slowing down as I passed Caleb's class to sneak a peek through the back door glass.


But now, just hearing his name filled me with fear...


And disgust.


"Can we not talk about that? It's ancient history."


I quickly snatched the pen from his hand. "Give me back my pen!"


Julian, always borrowing my pens, never touched my cheap ones, only going for the few expensive ones I had.


"Fine, I'll be kind today and fetch your water."


He wasn't annoyed, taking my water bottle and leaving.


I couldn't focus on his strange behavior, so different from my memories. I stared blankly, doodling on my book with the pen I had just retrieved.


Over and over, I wrote only one name.






After the sixteenth, our class became a Social Sciences class since Big Eyes taught Psychology.


Besides the original Social Sciences students, several others joined, including some from Caleb's class.


Back in high school, I diligently worked through my workbooks.


Although I had memories from my past life, my foundation was weak, and I struggled with math. Our teacher, fond of challenging us, left me scratching my head in frustration.


Before, whenever I had a question, I'd eagerly run to Caleb.


Whether I understood or not, I'd shower him with praise, and only then would his eyes soften with a hint of a smile.


"If you don't understand something, just ask me. Stop with that long face, it's bringing me down."


Julian glanced at my messy notes and corrected answers, letting out a cold laugh.


"Fine, explain why question fifteen is C and not D."


"Question fifteen?


Just skip it. Leave question fifteen and the last fill-in-the-blank question blank. You'll save time for the big questions and won't score seventy-six out of one hundred fifty."


I glared at his indifferent face.


"Who asked for your help?!


Just wait, I'll be in the top fifty this midterm!"




A familiar voice.


A chill ran down my spine.


Sure enough, Julian turned before me, addressing the voice's owner, "Caleb, what's so funny?"


Standing at the back door, Caleb didn't answer, looking elsewhere. "Ramona, the math teacher wants you to bring the test papers to his office."


"Oh, okay..."


"Hey, I'm talking to you.


What was Julian doing today?


I felt a wave of embarrassment, my skin prickling with unease.


Please, someone, cut this awkward scene.


"Nothing, just thought what she said was unrealistic.


Having goals is good, but bragging just to impress is a bit much."


Caleb turned, his expression serious.


He was the same as before, never considering others' feelings.


Maybe... He just didn't want to bother with mine.


I lowered my head slightly, unsure if I felt sadness or resentment, only an overwhelming weariness, wishing he'd leave our class quickly.


During the break, the usual chaos of students pushing and shoving gradually quieted down. Everyone seemed to be stretching their ears, subtly gathering around.


Two girls from Class One in front of me covered their mouths, sneaking glances and giggles my way. I knew they were probably talking about how I had become the butt of everyone's jokes after Caleb's mockery today.


Whatever, I didn't care...


I just needed to focus on my studies, get into a good university, and continue my new life...


Yet, the tip of my pen trembled slightly on the paper, leaving long, erratic marks.


"She's not bluffing." Julian's voice suddenly burst in my ear. I looked over in surprise, only to meet his confident profile.


"This midterm, she'll definitely be in the top fifty of the grade.


Caleb, do you dare to bet?"


My heart was pounding like a drum.


I silently looked up at the sky, "Dear heavens, do I get a second chance at rebirth?"


"I'm not that bored. What do her grades have to do with me?"


"Caleb, bet with him. You won't lose."


Ramona's voice was sweet, but her words were harsh. "If she loses, she won't bother you again, and you'll have peace."


I glared at her resentfully.


We had no personal grudge, so why was she here kicking me when I was down?


"Fine, and if I win?"


Julian, the instigator, was still enthusiastic. "If I win, you have to apologize to Krista in public and admit how rude you've been."


I finally understood Julian's madness today.


It was a rivalry between top students, reminiscent of historical figures, using me as a pawn to boost their egos...


Typical teenagers.


I let out a frustrated sigh, "Um...As the person involved, can I say something...?"


"Alright, it's a deal.


If she can improve by over three hundred places in a month, I'll not only apologize but also ask the head teacher to commend her at the grade meeting."


Caleb said this with a smirk and walked away without even glancing at me.


Julian snorted, looking lazily at me, "Don't worry, I won't leave you hanging. I'll tutor you this month."


"I really don't care about winning or losing. If I lose, it's just a bit embarrassing. I just really don't want to be involved with Caleb..."


"If you embarrass me, you'll be in big trouble."


Julian chuckled, picking a pen from my case. "You asked about question fifteen earlier, right? What's unclear?"


I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to hit him.


"Who asked you to drag me back into this mess with that jerk?"


"Winning will give you satisfaction, and losing will help you cut ties with him."


Julian said softly.


Well, he had a point...


This guy usually seemed emotionally clueless, but now he was reading my mind.


I pouted, pretending to be indifferent, "If I lose, it's your teaching quality that's the problem. You'll be fully responsible."


"If the student is a fool, even a God would struggle to teach them..."




Every day, I arrived at the cafeteria around six to grab two eggs, then headed to the empty classroom to study.


In my past life, I was at the bottom of the class, but I had seen what hard work looked like.


Besides, I wasn't completely hopeless. In middle school, I was among the top students and got into the best school in the city as a student admitted through a special quota system.


Who knew I'd be constantly beaten down by subjects I wasn't good at and classmates who seemed like geniuses, creating a chasm between Caleb and me.


Oddly enough, my top student deskmate, who usually arrived just on time, started coming early too, insisting on sharing my eggs.


"You come early but don't study, just nap. Why bother coming so early?"


I watched in despair as Julian quickly peeled and ate my egg.


"Bring more eggs tomorrow. One isn't enough for me."


He ignored me, wiped his mouth, and gazed leisurely out the window. "The bus schedule changed, so I have to come early."


"You used to take a cab every day. When did you start taking the bus?"


I rubbed my still-hungry stomach and gave him a glare.


"There's only twenty days left. If you don't want to be embarrassed, you better hurry up."


"Do you even need to say that?"


I pouted in frustration. "But there's so much to catch up on. Even if I study hard, I can't finish it all."


"Why don't you focus on the key points?"


I looked up, confused, "Key points? What are those?"


Julian sighed, "Alright, I'll organize the key points for each subject and give them to you tomorrow.


The midterm shouldn't be too hard. If you study the way I teach, you should improve."


"What method are you teaching me?"


I asked, bewildered again.


He tapped my forehead with his finger, "During every study period, follow my lead. Don't wander around after class. Study as I say.


Got it?"


Realizing I didn't even have to worry about a study plan, I nodded vigorously, showing a simple smile.


"Stop smiling like that. It's creepy."


"What should I do now?"


"Before the first class..." He marked up my math book, "Do these questions during morning study. Ask me if you don't understand."


"Questions from the book?" I looked at him skeptically. "How could the exam have the same questions?"


"Just trust me. These are key topics."


Julian leaned in, whispering patiently.


His breath tickled my neck, making me shiver. I quietly shifted further into my seat.


"Where's your first-year Political Science book?"


"After first year... I threw it away..."


Julian looked at me, speechless. "I figured. Use mine. I've marked the key points."


He tossed a book onto my desk.


A top student indeed. His book was as pristine as new, barely any creases.


I opened the first page. Under "Julian" on the title page, there were two lines of poetry in a delicate calligraphic style, "The clouds shadowed the beneath, the fog hindered the heath."


I scratched my head, "What a coincidence!


The poem in your book is my favorite too!"


He suddenly snatched the book back, using a ruler to cut out the title page.


"I didn't notice until you mentioned it.


No wonder my first-year Political Science was so bad."


"Be reasonable, will you?"


I grumbled, "You wrote it yourself!"


That evening during study hall, I was hunched over my desk, scribbling furiously. To finish the five math problems Julian assigned before returning to the dorm, I only had cookies from the convenience store for dinner.


The lights flickered and went out, and the entire classroom plunged into darkness.


A black-out?


Students either gasped or cheered, and the previously quiet air was suddenly filled with excitement.


"Don't panic, everyone. I just received notice that this might last until tomorrow morning due to cable repairs nearby.


Pack up and head home early. If you need to call your parents, borrow a phone from me..."


Rylie appeared at the door, announcing the early dismissal.


I was worried. The dorms would be dark too. How would I finish my work tonight?




A lazy voice sounded in the darkness beside me, nearly making me jump out of my seat.




"I'm leaving. Do you have a place to study tonight?


If not,


You can come to my house."




To your house?"




My parents aren't home."


This... This... What was he planning?


I tightened my collar defensively, "Just the two of us? That might not look right..."


"Are you crazy, Krista?"


Julian snorted, annoyed. "My cousin is in our school's middle school. She texted me saying she's coming over to study because of the black-out.


Come if you want. Stop imagining things..."


"Oh... Then I'll go, I'll go!"


I nodded eagerly in the darkness, unsure if he could see me. "Can you check the problems for me tonight?"


He finally responded with a nod, his mood brightened like a sunny day. "Study until eleven, then you can walk back to the dorm with her. Saves me from having to take her."




"I lucked out with the right answer to the fifth question, but I don't know the process.


Will I get any points for that?"


"The result isn't important. I'll write out the process for you. Just remember how it's done for this exam. Practice more variations later..."


As Julian explained, he noticed me eyeing an unopened pack of instant noodles on the coffee table with longing.




I had only eaten a cookie for dinner,


So I nodded with a pout, hoping he'd offer me the noodles.


"Wait, I'll cook it for you."


"What? No need, I can eat it dry..."


He shot me a look, and I wisely swallowed the rest of my words.


Well, being dependent on others, even eating instant noodles requires permission.


"Is it good?"




I mumbled, with noodles stuffed in my mouth.


"What makes it good?"


I glanced at him warily, swallowed, and cleared my throat. "The noodles are chewy, and the broth is really flavorful. I've never had such delicious instant noodles!"


Julian nodded in satisfaction and continued grading my homework.


"Cousin! Julian! Open the door, I'm exhausted..."


"I'll get it. You keep grading my work."


I rushed to the door, eager to please.


A petite figure quickly slipped inside, not wearing a uniform, but a pink baseball jacket. As she changed shoes, her brown ponytail fell, covering her face.


"Hi, I'm your brother's classmate..."


"Oh, hi, I'm his cousin, Kallie."


She lifted her youthful face, smiling warmly at me.


Kallie? Her face seemed familiar,


Like I'd seen her somewhere before.


"Julian, what's that delicious smell? I'm hungry too..."


"There's some in the pot, help yourself."


"What are you standing there for? Come over, I'll explain this problem to you..."


"Julian, is she your girlfriend?"


Kallie asked, grinning as she sat at the table with her noodles.


"Hmph, her as a girlfriend?" Julian glanced at me. "Besides, she has a crush, right?"


"Who's the crush? Don't tell me it's..."


"Yep, it's your idol, Caleb," Julian teased, dragging out the last word.


"Oh no! Another rival." Kallie pouted in dissatisfaction.


Rival? Come on.


I gave a wry smile. I couldn't compete with Caleb's admirers. Even after marriage, there were still those trying to steal him away.


I'd already paid the price with my life and my child's for my stubbornness. In this life, whoever wants to take that burden can have it.


Thinking of this, my spirits sank, and I suddenly lost interest in studying with them.


"I'm leaving. You guys continue."


"Wait... I'll walk you out! Kallie, lock up after yourself."


"No need, I can go back alone."


I grabbed my backpack and quickly left.




On the day the results were posted, I squeezed through the crowd at the bulletin board, searching for my name from the back.


Forty-sixth in Social Sciences and Humanities Electives, with Psychology and Modern History both in the top twenty. Even my weakest subject, math, ranked 101st with 116 points.


The best I've ever done in high school, in this life and the last.


I barely contained my excitement, resisting the urge to scream with joy in front of everyone. My steps back to class felt like I was walking on air.




"I know, you've improved a lot, as expected."


Julian seemed to know even before I did, casually flipping through a book at his desk.


Julian's usually annoying face looked particularly endearing to me now.


"Remember," he lightly tapped my forehead with his finger, "this success only shows I guessed the exam topics well. It's just a quick fix. Math is still your weakness.


Go back and thoroughly practice the areas I marked for you."


"Okay, I'll do whatever you say."


I gave a flattering smile, determined to cling to him for the sake of my new future.


"Krista, someone's looking for you."


Julian and I exchanged a knowing glance, and he pointed to the back door.


I was still basking in the joy of my rapid progress.


Out of over eight hundred students, with nearly four hundred in Social Sciences and Humanities Electives,


I had jumped from 380th in the year-end exam to 46th in this one. It was even better than I had hoped.


I straightened my clothes, deliberately trailing behind Julian, unable to hide my smugness as I walked out of the classroom.


"Keeping your promise, huh? Here to apologize?"


Julian raised an eyebrow.


"She improved by over three hundred places, and you only got second in Social Sciences and Humanities this time."


Caleb smirked. "Seems like you really put in a lot of effort tutoring her."


"Cut the nonsense. You promised to apologize, so do it."


"Alright, Krista, I'm sorry. Didn't expect you weren't completely useless."


My excitement was doused. Why did I even hope to prove myself in front of someone like Caleb?


It only gave him another chance to mock me.


I clenched my fists.


"Are you done? If so, I'll be going."


"Why the rush?


Even if you made it to the top fifty, it's still hard to get into the same university as me, right?"


"Who says she wants to go to the same university as you?"


"Isn't it? Otherwise, ask her why she's suddenly so focused on studying?"


"Caleb, this is my achievement, my life. You have no right to judge."


Caleb's eyes were dark, like a bottomless well.


"With your brains, it's hard to say if you didn't cheat."


Smack! Caleb winced, turning slightly, a faint handprint appearing on his left cheek.


"Krista, are you crazy?!" Ramona shrieked.


I shook my right hand, which stung from the force, and looked at Caleb expressionlessly.


"You better not be so full of yourself."


I turned and walked back to class under everyone's gaze, my palm already white from my own grip.


That slap was a release of the resentment I'd been holding in.


Since my rebirth, I've been controlling myself, not letting hatred drive me to do anything reckless.


I kept telling myself that this second chance wasn't meant for me to live for others again.


"Caleb, I'm trying hard to forget everything from the past.


You better... Better not provoke me again."




"On Saturday, the school is organizing a hike up Shellbiens Mountain to watch the sunrise.


Everyone should go. If you can't, report to me..."


"Sir, I have something to do, so I'll need to take leave..."


I paused my work on the Modern History workbooks and timidly raised my hand.


"She doesn't have anything, she's not taking leave."


Julian pulled my raised arm down.


"What are you doing? I have tutoring this weekend!"


"I know you want to study hard now, but what does the Modern History say?"


He took my pen and tapped the paper. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


"But I don't want to go. Hiking is too tiring."


"I'll carry your bag for you, okay?"


I glanced at him, shivering slightly. "Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?"


"Don't overthink it. I just mean you should bring more snacks."


So, on Saturday afternoon, filled with resentment, I munched on cold buns from the cafeteria as I boarded the school bus to Shellbiens Mountain.


The hours-long bus ride left me dizzy and nauseous, with no way to open the window. I nearly threw up inside.


"Can you stop looking like you're about to puke? It's making me sick too..."


Julian weakly nudged me.


I turned to see his face even paler than mine.


"Hang in there, the teacher said we're almost there."


"I... I can't. Tell the teacher I'll join the last group going up later. You go with...




I watched in despair as Julian vomited into my bag.


"Alright, the bag is yours. If I survive the climb, I'll bring you some medicine. Hang in there."


With that, I pinched my nose and quickly got off the bus.


In the past, I didn't know any of the students in the Social Sciences and Humanities Electives class. This time around, I was so focused on studying that I rarely spoke to anyone. For the first time, I felt the absence of Julian's chatter, and everything seemed a bit off.


"Hey, didn't you bring a flashlight? Use mine!"


I approached a familiar-looking girl and offered.


"Uh, thank you, but I'm with her,"


She pointed to Ramona beside her.


"No worries..." I backed away.


Climbing Shellbiens Mountain alone was a bit dull. It would be nice to run into some friends from the Science and Math Electives class from my past...


By the time I reached halfway up, I had unknowingly fallen behind. The students behind me were sparse.


Just then, my stomach started grumbling, probably from the cold buns I had earlier.


I worried that I might not catch up later.


Clutching my aching stomach, I hesitated but eventually dashed into the restroom.


After spending over twenty minutes in there, I emerged anxiously, only to find the group had vanished.


Staring at the dark rocks, I swallowed nervously and gripped my flashlight tightly.


The higher I climbed, the stronger the wind became.


Wearing only a thin hoodie, I freed a hand from my hiking stick to hold my collar tightly, trying to keep the cold wind from sneaking in.


Without the support of the stick, the narrow and steep steps made me lose my balance. My foot twisted, and I fell backward, my heart sinking with dread, thinking this was it.


Suddenly, a pair of strong hands caught me from behind.


I opened my eyes, which I had tightly shut. My flashlight had already rolled to the side, and the figure in front of me wavered under the dim streetlight, looking somewhat familiar.


"Be careful."


"What... What are you doing here?"


I frowned, pulling away from Caleb's hand.


He raised an eyebrow, "I saw you falling behind and thought you might be upset about my rejection and doing something reckless."


"Are you crazy?"


"Watch your tone, especially to your rescuer."


"I wouldn't have died even if you hadn't saved me."


I glared at him and started to walk away, but a sharp pain shot through my left ankle.


"Why are you limping?"


"None of your business."


"Want me to carry you?"


"I can walk myself."


"How about I help you?"


I stopped, frowning at him. "I told you before, I won't bother you anymore. Can you just stay away from me?"


"With your limping, you'll never catch up with the group. Let me take you back."


Ignoring my words, Caleb draped my arm over his shoulder.


I glanced up. "We're almost at the top. I'll take the cable car down later..."


"Alright. I'll go with you, so no one can say I left you in the lurch."


His tone was still cold, which was quite annoying.


Who asked for his help anyway?


"Why are you here?"


"Same as you, fell behind."


Caleb's profile was as handsome as ever, with sweaty hair sticking to his forehead, leading down to a prominent nose and firm lips...


Such a good-looking person, yet with such a malicious heart.


I lowered my gaze, unwilling to look at him any longer.




"How much longer until we reach the top?"


"Not far, I think. Why asking?"


"Nothing." I tightened my collar as the wind grew stronger the higher we climbed. My ankle throbbed with pain, but I gritted my teeth, refusing to show weakness in front of Caleb.


"There's a corner here where we can block the wind. Let's rest for a bit." Caleb set me down behind a large rock and tossed his jacket to me.


"Here, put it on."


"No, thanks." I waved it off stiffly, throwing the jacket back.


"Suit yourself." He sat down casually, blocking most of the wind for me.


"What I said last time was a bit harsh. Don't take it to heart."


I didn't respond.


"Why has your attitude changed so suddenly?"


Caleb didn't look at me, his voice muffled by the wind.


I turned slightly, gazing at the endless mountain path behind us.


No tears, no soft heart, just a heart as cold as his.


"I actually know what you've done. I've seen it all."


He lowered his eyes, his thick lashes casting shadows like little fans.


I was slightly surprised.


"Don't get me wrong."


He glanced at me awkwardly. "I just wanted to tell you that I've apologized, so you don't have to look so upset whenever you see me."


The first hint of red appeared on the horizon. If we didn't keep climbing, we'd miss the sunrise today.


I tried moving my ankle, but the sharp pain made me gasp involuntarily.


"Let me see." Caleb didn't give me time to refuse, gently holding my foot and removing my shoe.


My right ankle, along with the top of my foot, was already swollen. His touch made tears fall reflexively onto his hand.


"Did I hurt you? I'll be gentle then, sweetheart..."


"What did you call me?"


I was momentarily stunned.


"Caleb, let her go!"


A familiar figure appeared on the stone steps-Julian.


His face was frighteningly cold, his chest heaving slightly from exertion.


"Everyone thought something happened to you two, but you seem quite at ease."


"What nonsense are you talking..."


Seeing Julian, I unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, then felt a bit flustered.


"What's going on? Does it concern you?"


Caleb's expression was unreadable.


"It doesn't concern me, but the teacher asked me to find you both. Hurry down the mountain.


If you don't return soon, the school will call the police."


Julian frowned. "Krista, is your foot hurt? I'll carry you down."


"No need, you're already out of breath. I'll carry her, and you lead the way."


"Thanks for the offer, but this path is too narrow to carry me. You might not care, but I do..."


I struggled to stand, but Julian held my arm.


"Alright, don't be stubborn." Julian crouched down. "Get on, trust me."


I leaned against Julian's back, listening to his heartbeat through the thin black T-shirt. My own heart raced, like butterflies in my stomach before a big event.


"Hold on tight," he whispered, gently adjusting my legs.


I felt a bit awkward but clung to his neck to avoid falling.


"Are you okay? Your steps seem unsteady," Caleb commented lazily from behind us.


"I'm still in better shape than you."


"Better than me? Did you ever win a fight against me as a kid?"


"I let you win, didn't you know?"


I rolled my eyes, the embarrassment I felt earlier vanished.


How could these two high schoolers be so childish yet so much smarter than me?


Life truly was unfair.


"Julian, are you feeling better from the car sickness?


If you're still uncomfortable, I can walk on my own..."


"Who... who said I was car sick?"


Julian blushed, turning his head slightly. "Krista, give me a break, don't say that now..."


"Sure, but about the upcoming exam papers..."


"I'll explain them to you, even more thoroughly than Carol."




I pinched him playfully, then exclaimed loudly, "Wow, Julian, I never noticed how strong your shoulders are! Such muscles!"


"Not bad, right? Try pinching my arm, see if you can."


"Wow, I really can't pinch it!"


I exaggeratedly shouted.


Caleb, with a dark expression, quickened his pace to pass us.


Back in the car, after a half-hour lecture from Rylie, I pretended to be exhausted from low blood sugar and closed my eyes to rest, avoiding further scolding.


"Hey, wake up, I know you're not asleep."


"Oh, come on!" I opened one eye, annoyed.


"Stretch out your foot."


"What for? Are you a pervert?"


"Stop joking. Your foot's swollen like a balloon. If it stays like this, you won't make it back to school. I have some potion, let me apply it."


Julian flicked my forehead.


"Fine, go ahead. But if you try anything, I'll call Rylie!"


He rolled his eyes at me, warmed the potion in his palms, and gently massaged my ankle.


The right foot ached with a pleasant numbness. I kept a calm face but felt a flutter in my heart.


Sneaking a glance, I saw Julian's focused expression, his lips slightly pursed, his black clothes accentuating his calm and gentle demeanor.


When he wasn't talking, he was undeniably handsome.


"Caleb is really arrogant and selfish, isn't he?"




"And not as handsome as me, right?"


"Well..." I pondered, "Do you want the truth or a lie... Ow!"


I glared at him, "Why?"


"My hand's tired. You do it yourself." Julian leaned back, resuming his usual aloof expression.




In my past life, I thought Caleb was just proud and indifferent, treating everyone the same, always retreating into his shell.


Others might give up after a few days, but I genuinely liked him, so I was different.


I believed that if I tried a little harder, acted a bit more shamelessly, he would see my worth, because I, Krista, had my own charm.


I deserved love, especially his.


When I failed my college entrance exams, I only got into an average university.


After my parents divorced and settled in different countries, they sent me generous allowances but still worried, urging me to apply for study abroad.


But I was thrilled to attend a university in the same city as Caleb and eagerly enrolled.


Our eventual relationship was quite unexpected.


In our junior year, since Caleb had never interacted with girls, his family arranged a match for him.


He hated being controlled by his father but was helpless against their emotional tactics.


I volunteered to pretend to be his girlfriend, giving him an excuse to avoid the matchmaking and live as he wished.


For the first time, I saw Caleb's face show emotion.


To my surprise, he agreed with a slight smile, as if he had been hoping for it.


We progressed quickly after that. I was amazed at how attentive and gentle he was as a boyfriend, though he often wore a cold expression, he always considered my feelings.


A few months later, as we planned, he introduced me to his family.


Strangely, his parents turned out to be friends of my father from his college days in the country.


We realized we had met as children but had no memory of it.


His parents liked me even more than the girl they had originally arranged for him.


At the time, I was so absorbed in the surprise that fate had granted me that I never stopped to consider the kind of person Caleb really was. He hated being controlled or interfered with, so when his parents showed their affection for me, did it trigger a rebellious streak in him? Did that make him start to hate me too?


It wasn't until the third party appeared after I became pregnant that I got the harsh slap in the face.


The cruelest thing wasn't being doomed to never get what you want-it was when fate gave you the most beautiful thing, only to snatch it away without warning.


As if God had casually said, "Sorry, my mistake." But that was enough to make my world come crashing down.


I thought he was like Jess Mariano, and I was like Rory Gilmore, a perfect match in the story.


But I later realized he was Jess, and someone else was Rory. I was nothing more than an insignificant side character, a detour to make the protagonist's story a little more interesting.


But what they considered a simple detour was my entire life. And it had cost me my child's life too.


These memories often haunted me in my sleep, and I'd wake up each morning with my pillow soaked in tears.


I forced myself to focus on the promising future of this life, determined not to dwell on the past.


No one was going to ruin this new life for me. Not even him.

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