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Alpha Zain's Cursed Omega

Alpha Zain's Cursed Omega



In a world where omegas are as scarce as the golden moon, Aria's fate is sealed. Born part witch and wolf, Aria is cursed and blamed for her parents' tragic demise and equally sentenced to a life of slavery in the pack house. But Aria doesn't complain knowing this is her fate. She does nothing– until her Alpha betrays her, selling her off to another. Aria runs into the saving arms of Alpha Zain. But as she understands better, she realizes his arms may not be as saving as she thought. Alpha Zain's intentions are a never ending river of unsolved mystery, and his efforts to keep her at bay only join fuel Aria's burning curiosity. As every corner holds the shadows of danger, Aria must learn to confront her own demons and the darkness that haunts her. What happens when her kind comes for her, will Aria find the strength to resist their call? Or will she bow to the very curse that has haunted her for so long? Caution: This story contains mature scenes, explicit language, and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapter 1 C1- A cursed Omega

Aria's POV

"Get me the onions!" Harriet, the chief cook tells at another while I hurry into the pack kitchen.

The mop stick rattles in my hands when she screams, "Don't slice it that way!" Her bob-cut brown hair waves with her every movement.

I keep my head low, rolling the mop bucket into the usual corner. I've done this for the last five years of my life- cleaning the pack mansion from scratch. It's a daily requirement for my feeding yet I've never experienced a time as busy as this.

The kitchen is a mess of angry faces and boiling pots, running chefs and scorching heat. But I must do my work. If I don't I will be locked up three days without food.

I squeeze out the mop and start with the less busy part of the kitchen but before I even get a swipe across the floor, pain explodes through my jaw, radiating through my skull.

Tears scald my cheeks as Harriet's hand cracks against my face again. I stumble backwards, my vision blurring as the kitchen spins.

"What took you so long you slump?!"

My trembling hands cling to the mop handle. I force myself to stand as Harriet's venomous words are rained down.

"Get to work!" She roars, I desperately feel like crawling in a corner and staying out of sight but I know I can't, not until my daily chores are done. Not until I pay the price for being born wolfless and with strange marks across my skin.

Each stroke of the mop is a struggle for my exhausted arms, still aching from last night's chores. My sore body screams for respite, but I dare not stop because I know Harriet's wrath would only intensify.

Harriet stands with her hands on her waist, her voice pierces my eardrums. "Cursed dog!" she spits, malice dripping from her words.

My heart shatters the little fragments of self-worth I'd gathered earlier today scatters mockingly on the floor.

The noise in the kitchen suddenly quietens and I stand frozen, mop in hand, as Harriet's voice cuts through the air. "Stand aside, you wretched Omega!"

Flinching with my aching jaw from her earlier slap, I obediently step back, eyes cast down.

I'm used to this treatment. As the only Omega, I'm believed to bring bad luck just as other omegas before me did.

I've read it countless times and heard it even more, how omegas ruined kingdoms, causing Alpha's to fall shamelessly at the scent of their heat.

This tactic was a gain to any pack with an Omega. They were used as traps for rival packs, sex toys to be used at the Alpha's will, commodities of good worth. But all that changed when omegas struck back.

Almost every ruling Alpha was murdered by tired and frustrated omegas. How? That part of the story is a missing piece, something even I, supposedly the first omega after a hundred years, don't have an answer to.

To be born lower than everyone in rank and strength is a curse, but it's a curse I've learned to live with.

Just then, a statuesque woman glides into the kitchen, her large owl eyes scan the room, locking onto me with an air of disdain.

"What's the timid one doing idle!" she says, her voice dripping with curiosity.

Harriet's scolding follows swiftly. "Filthy pig, answer her!"

I hurry forward, my heart racing. "I-I was just sweeping, future L..Luna," I stammer ensuring my eyes are fixed on the floor.

The woman's gaze lingers on me, her expression a mixture of disgust and curiosity. "And what's your name, Omega?"

I swallow hard, my voice barely above a whisper. "A-Aria, future Luna."

Her eyes narrow, as if my name itself is an affront. "Aria, the cursed one. I've heard of you."

I feel a surge of shame, my shoulders slumping under her scornful gaze.

Then her next words pierce my soul like a dagger. "Aren't you the one who killed her mother in childbirth?"

Tears well up in my eyes as I nod, a familiar weight of guilt crushing me. "Y-yes, L...Luna."

Her expression twists in disgust. "Such a shame. I see no reason why my mate keeps you around."

I wince internally, feeling a stinging sensation, as if slapped again. My eyes drop, unable to meet her gaze.

Staying in my pack is the only protection I can get as an omega. I'm forever grateful to my Alpha for giving me befitting punishment for my sins, one that won't lead to me going rogue.

My voice is barely a whisper when I speak up, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry?" The woman's tone drips with venom. "You're a constant reminder of tragedy. A cursed Omega, bringing misfortune to our pack."

Harriet's voice chimes in, "Yes, Luna Sabine, she's a burden. We'd be better off without her."

With a clap of her hands, Harriet stands tall, surveying her domain like a general. "Alright, everyone! Gather 'round! We must greet our future Luna with the respect she deserves!"

All the cooks hurry to form a line. Their faces are set with determination. Some smoothen out their aprons, straightening their caps, and putting on blinding smiles.

But while they assemble, a visible gap forms beside me. Others subtly shift away from me, avoiding eye contact.

At first I try not to pay attention to the obvious disdain but gradually the distance grows, a palpable rift, isolating me from the group.

Low whispers circulate, hushed but audible: "Don't stand near the cursed Omega...

Bad luck...


I stand alone while the kitchen staff greets Lady Sabine with synchronized curtsies and welcoming smiles. A look I'm never granted when glanced at.

The future Luna's gaze sweeps the room, her eyes lingering on each face – except mine.

Just then a royal guard steps forward, his armored body a formidable sight. Polished silver plates cover his torso, arms, and legs, adorned with our pack's blue emblem. His stoic expression boldly makes him an intimidating figure.

"Omega! The princess requests your presence, now!" he barks, his voice firm and commanding.

I hasten to obey, bowing one last time to the future Luna who frowns at me in disgust. When I run past the guard, he scrunches up his nose in distaste.

"Ugh, you reek," he mutters, his voice dripping with disgust.

My head drops in shame but I don't slow my pace, the mop bucket long forgotten. I've gone three days without a bath now, courtesy of my curse. The Alpha has forbidden me from using the outdoor pools or river until his mating ceremony is over, .

I've been so busy, cleaning and preparing the pack mansion for tonight's party. My pale skin itches, and my long black hair feels greasy. I'm a walking embodiment of filth, a stark contrast to the pack's pristine members. Shame burns within me as I hurry towards the princess's chambers, the guard's disdainful gaze lingering on my back.

I push aside the curtains and enter, my eyes cast down, "Princess Li..." my words seize in my throat when my eyes take in the scene before me.

The princess is spread across her bed, sweating and squirming as a firmly built guard thrusts his long cock repeatedly into her. "Uh! Yes...Ugh...ugh...harder!" The princess screams.

Heat rushes to my face and I make to escape, obviously this is another setup by the palace guards. I'm the chosen means by which they while away time.

But then I crash into a vase. The white clay falls with a loud clang. The sound of skin slapping skin suddenly halts and I freeze, prepared to face princess Lizzy's wrath.

Princess Lizzy's voice drips with revulsion, "Who brought the pig! Goddess!" She pinches her nose, her face scrunched in distaste. The guard reluctantly disentangled himself from her. His hard cock glinting with princess Lizzy's slick, bounces with the action and I force myself to look away.

Tears well up in my eyes but I still bow my head in greeting. "Princess Lizzy," I start.

"Don't you dare greet me! Cursed thing!" Lizzy spits, her words venomous.

"Please forgive me." I cry, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with the insults.

She stands tall and strides to me not bothering with a cover. Her expression twists in disgust. "Pathetic! I have no idea why we kept you all this while. You know, things have been going haywire all through your existence." Her eyes flash with hatred, a look I've always been shot with since the morning my father died.

"Thank goodness brother is finally going to do as asked tonight," she adds, her eyes wide with fury.

I bow my head, shame engulfing me, "Forgive me, Princ..."

"Get lost!" Lizzy snaps, her voice echoing through the room. The guard frowns at me in impatience.

I turn and run, tears streaming down my face as I flee from her venomous words. More tears escape me when I hear the guards in the walkway laughing hysterically.

I'd known the moment I'd stumbled on the princess and her personal guard that it was a setup.

I hurry up with all my chores and retreat to my cell, seeking solace in its bleak confines. The rest of the day blurs together.

Night falls, and the darkness outside mirrors the despair within me. Sadly I have not been given anything to eat. It's probably because I'd stepped in on her today. My stomach cries in pain and my head falls– another day without food.

Suddenly, my cell door creaks open, and the guard who'd earlier deceived me looms in the entrance.

"Out, Omega," he growls, his voice devoid of empathy.

I hesitate, fear creeping up my spine. He gestures curtly, and I reluctantly step out into the chill of the night.

He leads me to a dimly lit courtyard, the air biting and unforgiving. Without warning, a bucket of icy water splashes over me, soaking me to the bone.

Cold seeps into my marrow pulling a shocked gasp from me. My teeth chatter, my body shivering uncontrollably.

The guard's expression remains impassive, his eyes devoid of pity. "Clean yourself, mutt. The Alpha's marking ceremony demands your presence."

I stand there, frozen and humiliated while he turns around, disappearing into the darkness.

I later enter the grand hall, a stark contrast to my damp, shivering self. The brightly lit room buzzes with loud laughter and chatter.

Everyone is dressed in their finest attire. I, on the other hand, stand out like a tattered shadow.

My soaked washed clothes cling to my petite starved frame. My curly brown hair sits still on my back as a tangled mess. I hold the mop I'm given tightly, positioning myself as told– at the corner of the hall, trying so hard to blend in with the shadows.

But fate has other plans.

A man's gaze locks onto mine. His smile twists into a malevolent grin then he deliberately pours his drink onto the floor, eyes glinting with mischief.

"Omega!" he shouts, his voice laced with contempt.

The room falls silent, all eyes focused on me. I rush to clean the spill, my heart pounding, hoping he wouldn't harm me. Pack members erupt into laughter and jeers, their cruel amusement echoing through the hall.

"Look at her scurry!"

"Disgusting Omega!"

"Filthy creature, fit only for scrubbing floors!"

I focus on the task, trying to ignore the stinging humiliation.

I look up from my work when Alpha Thanus's voice booms through the hall, "Pack, gather 'round! Gather round. I present to you, my fated mate, Sabine!"

Sabine, our future Luna steps forward, the room erupts in cheers and applause at her radiance in her elegant gown. Thanus's eyes gleam with adoration as he takes her hand.

With a tender smile, he reveals to the pack the bite mark on his neck. Claps fill the room when Sabine mirrors the gesture, exposing her own mark designed like a snake bite. The pack cheers louder, celebrating the symbol of their eternal bond.

Not everyone gets a mate but every Alpha does. It is believed that the mate to the Alpha is an eternal gift from the goddess. The missing piece of the Alpha. They're that one person that will help the Alpha rule a pack, the backbone of their Alpha.

I watch with a partial smile as they publicly recreate their bite marks. The hall resonates with joy and excitement. There's a pang of longing in my heart. One day, I wish to find my own mate, to experience the love and acceptance that comes with it.

Alpha Thanus and Sabine step down with smiles on their faces.

Then the stage transforms as a troupe of performers get up. I observe from my corner, my mop in hand, as I silently witness to the celebration.

At a point I slip from the vibrant chaos.

I need a break. No one noticed me move. Everyone seems to be lost in the music, finding their partners and laughing together. I force a smile, but undeniable ache of loneliness gnaws at me.

"I'll just grab a quick bathroom break," I whisper to no one, edging towards the toilets at the end of the hall.

As I walk down the dimly lit corridor, the music and laughter fade into the background. I'm almost at the restroom door when raised voices halt me.

Princess Lizzy's voice echoes, her anger and disbelief palpable. "Why would you agree to such a price?!"

My heart skips a beat. I immediately recognize Alpha Thanus's deep tone responding, "I had no choice, Lizzy. The elders demanded it."

Slowing my pace to a stop, I stand still, careful not to make a sound.

I lean my ears against the door, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"What about the Omega?" My ears perk up at Princess Lizzy's words.

What about me?

"Have you considered our loss in all this?" Princess Lizzy presses on, her voice rising.

My breath catches. I hesitate, wondering if I should sneak away or keep listening. My feet seem rooted to the spot.

"I've made my decision, Lizzy. Don't question it," Thanus asserts, his voice firm but laced with a hint of frustration.

Horror washes over me at their words sink in. "She's worth more than death, Thanus! A virgin omega is rare to find. They're rumored to be the best sex creatures out there." Her voice drips with venom, reducing me to a mere commodity.

"That little shit hasn't even gone into heat once. I want the cursed thing off our backs. She's a bad omen, and I just mated. I don't want my pups coming out like her, Lizzy. My decision is final! Alpha Greg would love an abnormally like her." Thanus's response sends a chill down my spine.

They're discussing selling me to Alpha Greg, the monster notorious for discarding his mates after satisfying his twisted desires. My heart races and my mind reels in despair.

I feel like I'm drowning in a nightmare, unable to escape. My breath comes in short gasps and my vision blurs. But I've done everything they asked. No one else around me has died ever since I started paying for my sins.

G..goddess, I'm nothing more than a pawn in their twisted game.

I turn to flee as panic sets in, but my legs betray me. I crash into a solid wall of muscle – a guard.

His firm grip wraps around my arm, holding me in place. "And where do you think you're going, Omega?" he growls, his voice dripping with malice.

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