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Luna's Hidden Legacy

Luna's Hidden Legacy

Cynthia Smith


Orphaned and wolfless, Luna Mooncrest faces rejection and torment in the Silver Crescent Pack. When the Moon Goddess grants her Ryder Blackthorn as a mate, he publicly rejects her. A desperate night leads to a passionate one-night stand, and Luna finds herself pregnant. The Lycan King, Alaric Stormwind, arrives and claims Luna as his mate, but she flees, fearing for her unborn children. Years later, Luna returns stronger, only to find herself caught in a prophecy that could change the Lycan kingdom. With enemies closing in, Luna and Alaric must unite to confront their pasts and protect their future.

Chapter 1 Tragedy



Life has never been a smooth ride for me in any way. I had a very easy journey living with my parents and other extended family members who made life worth living as a child.

Little did I know that I was only being prepared for the worst days of my life.

I never thought the same people I once bonded with and called family would one day turn their backs on me.

My name is Luna Mooncrest and my life has been a rollercoaster of emotions, following the death of my parents.

As if that was not enough humiliation already, the moon goddess chose to punish me further by rendering me wolfless and without a mate.

I literally turned into a laughing stock in the same pack where my parents were once rulers.

"We'll be back before you know it. We can't just let him die that way."

Those were the last words I ever heard from my parent's lips, and the rest of it was history. Everyone was in complete awe of their sudden disappearance, not until a fellow pack member visited the packhouse to announce their death.

It was as if a new chapter was automatically opened for me by my extended family.

"Oh, so they are finally dead? Finally, we can breathe some fresh air." I heard my cousin, Delia say from a distance.

It didn't stop there. My uncle was not left out, alongside his wife.

"Now is the time to take over what rightfully belongs to me." He spilled boldly, striking his mustache with his thumb. "What more is left for you, Mooncrest?"

"Of course, we all know she is now automatically our maid." Delia added, laughing heartily to herself.

This all sounded like planned work, like they had all been waiting to get the news of my parent's death.

"That's right, my angel. After all, we never employed the services of a maid before now. I guess she should be useful in that aspect since she fails to be useful in the rest."

I knew he was referring to my inability to find my mate.

They all took turns to throw various tantrums at me. My eyes narrowed in disbelief, and for some minutes, I was speechless.

I finally found myself after a while, but this time around, the tears were unstoppable. "Why are you all doing this to me right now? I just lost my parents, now this?"

"You had better shut that mouth of yours or I will shut it for you." Delia warned, shooting me an aggressive glare.

This was so alarming and unbelievable. Even if everyone else turned their backs on me and spoke to me as they wished, I never believed Delia here was going to do the same.

This was someone I took as my only little sister, someone whom I adored at every point in my life.

"Delia, are you really saying this to me? Have you suddenly forgotten everything in a hurry?" I queried with a teary face.

But all that looked like trash in the eyes of Delia. She glared at me with undeniable hate. I could boldly see the anger written all over her face.

She suddenly turned to face her father. "Dad? She disgusts me! I don't want to see her anymore." She spat viciously, sparing me an even more despiteful glare.

"What else are you waiting for, you little wretch? Get to work immediately!" My uncle warned brashly, throwing a fist at me.

I took to my heels immediately. I ran as fast as my legs could take me until I was sure I had left their sight.

Their voices kept reverberating endlessly in my ear, leaving me totally helpless and petrified.


Night time was fast approaching. As usual, I made my way to the kitchen to have dinner as my bowel was beginning to make a funny sound.

I was merely an inch away from the kitchen when I had a familiar, yet coercive voice yelling behind me.

"And what do you think you are trying to do?" It was a feminine voice. I needed no one to tell me that it was Delia.

I turned gradually to confirm my curiosity, and she was exactly the person I saw.

"Hey Delia. How are you doing this evening? Why not come have dinner with me?" I indulged her with a pleasant smile.

Unfortunately, what I got in return was a cold frown with an unwelcome greeting.

I wasn't really bothered seeing her glare at me in that manner. That was the exact way she had behaved earlier today. I initially thought it was some mood swing dealing with her, but I was obviously so wrong.

To avoid any further trouble with her, I gently turned my daze away from her and continued my movement into the kitchen.

I felt a sudden sharp pull on my hair which stopped me instantly from getting any closer to the kitchen.

"Didn't you hear my question? Where the hell do you think you are going, bitch?" She asked once again, clinging so hard to my hair.

I gritted my teeth in pain. The only sound I could make was a yelling sound, yet, none of that got to her.

Instead, the more I yelled, the firmer she held onto my hair and dragged it aggressively.

She finally let go when she had made sure that the pain sank into my brain.

"You know what? Turn around immediately and get the hell out of this place right now! Get into your damn room!" She ordered, pointing her index finger towards the kitchen exit.

"But I..." I wasn't going to give up just so easily. I tried to say something to further convince her but my words were left hanging in the air as she cut in quickly.

"I don't want to listen to anything that is about to come out of that filthy mouth of yours. Get out!" She yelled insistently.

I dared not hesitate one bit. I turned around with the impact that her fierce words had on me.

I zoomed off at once without a single feeling of reluctance.

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