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His Revenge

His Revenge



"Go to hell " he said with stern and harsh voice. "N....no no no" she said with folding the hand of his. "I love you so much. Please don't do this." "You're my worst mistake in my life that i marry you. Now, I'm in my full senses saying this. He said, putting his finger on his heart, "I divorce you." Abruptly, she kept the hand on his mouth. Please, don't say another word. "I.... will kill myself." He removed her hand and grabbed her hand, what did you say, say again. She said with tremble voice, "I..... I'm not want to repeat that sentence." "Ohhhh madam, stop this useless tantrum."

Chapter 1 His Proposed

"P...please do.... Don't go. I will be alone in this world. I love you so much."

"Ohhh you will be alone, I want you to be alone. I hate your face. I don't know why you are coming to my life again and again. My heart really wants to kill you, but my beloved mother told me to respect every girl's living in this world. But you are my enemy's daughter. Now you're expecting my respect so be ready. I will marry you because my heart is burning in fire. Nobody can set you free from this cage. Listen, be careful. This marriage is just to take revenge from you. You see my soft nature. Now I will show you my bad face that how cruel I am. Now ready your mind to enter my life and face my brutality."

"No....no.. don't do that I will kill you myself. My parents died. I depend on you. Y......you're my best child friend." The tears were streaming down her cheek.

"Stop this tantrum. I hate this. And also this Crocodile tears of yours."

"No...no ...I'm not getting marry to you just because you snatch my dreams."

"No one can enter my life to snatch you from me.You had been hurting me and now this is my time. N.......now whoever tried hurting me and my beloved mother in the past, I will take revenge on everyone. My ...m.....mother died and no one loved me and you rascal girl."

"S...stop it. Wh...who the hell are you? You have no self- respect, that's why no one treats you respectfully and talks to you. I'm going." She said with a trembling voice.

Abruptly, he grabbed her hand and said. "I told you and keep that in your thick mind, I'm not gonna say that again and again."

"But Why .....why?" Her tears were streaming down her cheek and her voice was so trembling that she couldn't open her mouth to utter a word. Words were stuck down in her throat. She was thinking something in her mind, but her hand was in so much pain as his grip on her wrist was so tight. Her thinking was broken down by this pain.

"Please leave my hand, it's hurting me."

"I'm not interested in grabbing your hand."

"But why do I love you so much? Y....you don't love me because I hurt your mother. I still remember it was not me, it was your father who hurt your mother."

"Ooooohhhhhh... You are very intelligent.ok...ok ... .ok let me explain everything, first you enter my life and marry me. I made a promise to explain everything to you, especially about my mother."

"Then what do you want from me?" Her eyes and nose were extremely red from crying.

"I will take revenge on you, be ready and prepare your mind to enter my life."

"No...no...no. I will not marry you and you can't force me to marry you."

"Now I'm going to an important business meeting. I will return home late. From now on, you will obey my every single order, huh." Dropping a hateful glare at her for one last time, he walked out from the lawn toward the door and came inside the house.

He left her crying with a loud voice and no one here to support me.

He entered the room very furious and at the same time the servant came and knocked on the door. Abruptly, he opened the room door and roared at the servant why my door was knocked. His voice was loud enough that it resonated in the entire house.

"Don't you have your tongue? I'm speaking again and again and here you bastard.....

"Master, I'm here to bring the clothes from the market that you order me."

"Hmmm. Ok you go and hang it in my wardrobe."

He walked toward his king sized bed and sat on it. His voice was so stern and harsh as he allowed the servant to enter his room.

The servant stepped into the room with the permission of the master and went towards the dressing room. Attached to it, there was a washroom which was so enormous that on one side of it, there was a closet area and on the other side, there was a big bathing area. The tiles of the washroom were grey in colour and looked most decent. After the servant finished his work, he gave a proper look ensuring nothing had left for his work there. If by chance, he leaves any work undone, he knows his master will kill him. Meanwhile, he opened the door of the washroom and stepped out without making a noise, ensuring he don't disturb his master's peace.

But his master sixth sense was so sharp, he turned and looked at him with a stern face though he steps very silently.

"M...master my work is completed so I'm leaving."

"Ok go and listen. I'm changing my clothes but make sure my car is ready in time. I'm going for an urgent meeting."

"Ok master."

He entered the washroom and stood under the shower, opening its faucet. After taking a ten minute bath, he closed the shower and put on the bath gown. He walked out to the closet and picked up a black three piece suit for himself. He put it on and entered the room and stood in front of the dressing table. Multiple brands of perfumes were placed on the dressing table in front of him. He randomly chose one and sprinkled it on himself. After giving himself one last approving look in the mirror, he came downstairs and the guard was already standing alert for his arrival.

He opened the car door for his master and he sat in the car. His eyes were covered with black goggles as they were extremely red due to the fire of revenge burning inside of him.

He was so lost in his thoughts of the past when the car stopped in front of his office. The guard quickly moved and opened the door for him. He got out of the car and went inside to his office.

His secretary Shehroz, after spotting him in the office, looked at him, stood up very politely and bid him good morning.

He gave no answer and entered his room walking in an arrogant style, and sat in his chair. Switching on the laptop in front of himself and started preparing the presentation for today's meeting.


"Madam, please come inside the home, stop these useless tantrums. You know the master is furious. If he comes, he will scold me."

She was crying nonstop, still sitting in the lawn in the chair, heedless to the servant's pleadings.

"Madam, don't cry. Your tears are hurting me. You are more like a daughter to me and you know, my daughter is a brave girl hummm. Ohhhh, look at your face and especially your beautiful eyes, you are hurting it because of crying."

Amaya got up, and without answering him, she went inside the home.

"Come on, daughter."

Walking inside, she was so lost in her thoughts that why he is torturing her and behaving so rudely and cruely with her. And why is he in base mood with her.

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