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Love is Beautiful

Love is Beautiful



Let's start a new romantic story. Here's a beginning: Maya, a successful event planner in her late 20s, had given up on love. After a string of failed relationships, she focused on her career and surrounded herself with close friends. However, her world turned upside down when she met Enest, a charming and mysterious stranger, at a wedding she was planning. Enest, a wealthy entrepreneur, was immediately smitten with Maya's beauty and kindness. As they locked eyes across the room, he knew he had to make her his. As they started talking, Maya felt an undeniable connection, but she was hesitant to open her heart again. Enessensing

Chapter 1 Love at first sight

As I was busy coordinating the wedding when Enest appeared, his confident stride and charming smile making me roll my eyes. He introduced himself as the groom's business partner and proceeded to criticize the decorations, saying they lacked "sophistication."

I bristled at his condescending tone. "I think the bride and Let's start a new romantic story. Here's a beginning:

Maya, a successful event planner in her late 20s, had given up on love. After a string of failed relationships, she focused on her career and surrounded herself with close friends. However, her world turned upside down when she met Enest, a charming and mysterious stranger, at a wedding she was planning.

Enest, a wealthy entrepreneur, was immediately smitten with Maya's beauty and kindness. As they locked eyes across the room, he knew he had to make her his.

As they started talking, Maya felt an undeniable connection, but she was hesitant to open her heart again. Enest, sensing her vulnerability, vowed to win her trust and prove his love.

Now it's your turn! What happens next in the story? Do they go on a romantic date, or does Maya's past heartache hold her back? Take the story further! like the simple elegance," I said, trying to keep my cool.

Enest chuckled. "Simple elegance? That's just code for boring. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I've attended far more luxurious events than this."

I felt my annoyance grow. Who did this guy think he was? "Well, this isn't about you, it's about the happy couple," I said, trying to steer the conversation back on track.

Enest smirked. "Of course, of course. But someone needs to bring some taste to this event. And it might as well be me."

I felt my face heat up with anger and embarrassment. "Excuse me? I'll have you know, I've planned many successful weddings and events. And my sense of fashion is just fine, thank you very much."

Enest snorted. "Successful weddings? I doubt it. If you had any real talent, you'd be working with high-end clients, not small-time weddings like this."

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my cool. "You know what, Enest? I don't need to work with high-end clients to be successful. And I certainly don't need to deal with arrogant, condescending clients like you."

I turned to the bride, who looked mortified. "Don't worry, I've got this under control. I'll make sure your wedding is beautiful and memorable, no thanks to Enest here."

The bride nodded, looking relieved. "Thank you, Maya. I trust your judgment."

Enest scoffed. "Fine, have it your way. But you're making a big mistake. I could have made this wedding unforgettable."

I smiled sweetly. "I'm shaking with fear."

And with that, Enest stormed off, leaving me feeling frustrated but relieved.


I was so Fulious with that Girl

how dare she challenge me ,??

I smile looking at my girlfriend Sophia ,, I can't say my lovely because I know that it is her love for money she doesn't love me but she love my money that I don't care about love as long as I fuck her.

She bent down seducing me ,anyday I could have fuck her but not today my mind is at that mannerless girl I don't know her name

"Ah, Sophia, I'm dealing with a difficult wedding planner, I said sipping my champagne. "She's incompetent and has no taste whatsoever."

Sophia pouted, running her hand over my arm. "Oh, poor baby. Why do you have to deal with such people? You deserve so much better."

I smiled, enjoying the attention. "I know, I know. But someone has to make sure that everything is Smooth and Mike is my brother he trust me,and he is busy managing the family business and he can't do both work and wedding And speaking of which, I have some exciting news. Our new investment is going to make us even richer."

Sophia's eyes lit up. "Ooh, tell me more! I love shopping, and with more money, I can buy even more designer clothes!"

I chuckled, indulging her. "Of course, my dear. You deserve only the best." that's the only thing that matters to her shopping and whatnot Stupid

As we are conversing my mind couldn't shake off the memory of Maya, the feisty wedding planner. Her fiery spirit and determination had sparked something within me something I couldn't quite explain...

"Ugh, why can't I get Maya out of my head? She's not even my type - too outspoken, too opinionated. And definitely not as stunning as Sophia. So why am I comparing them? Maya's just a pesky wedding planner who can't even plan a decent event."

But as he tried to shake off the thoughts, he couldn't help but remember Maya's sparkling eyes, her fiery spirit, and her sharp wit. He found himself wondering what she'd look like in a beautiful gown, her hair styled perfectly, her smile radiant...

"No, no, no! Stop it, Enest! You're not going to fall for some mediocre wedding planner. You have Sophia, the perfect trophy girlfriend. Focus on her, not some...some...nobody like Maya."

But the more I trying to convince myself, the more my mind wandered back to Maya. I don't understand why am so drawn to her. Was it the challenge she presented? The way she stood up to me ? Or is it something more?

"Earth to Enest " I snap out of my thoughts

'what are you thinking Dia I have been talking to you but u was not paying attention ' Sophia complain

haa ? I asked confused

never mind can u borrow me your Black card ? she asked

what for I asked

Pretty please

alright I give up


Maya's mind wandered back to her life, her family, and her humble accomplishments. She wasn't a high-powered businesswoman like Enest's girlfriend Sophia, but she was content with her small wedding planning business. At 23, she was still finding her footing, but she had big dreams.

Her loving parents, retired teachers, had always encouraged her to pursue her passions. Her father, a kind and gentle man, had taught her the importance of hard work and dedication. Her mother, a creative and nurturing soul, had instilled in her a love for beauty and design.

Maya's siblings, her 19year-old Brothe,Alex and 15-year-old sister Lily, Lily, looked up to her as a role model. Alex was a free-spirited artist, always chasing his next creative high, while Lily was a bright and ambitious student, eager to make her mark on the world.

Together, they formed a tight-knit family unit, supporting each other through thick and thin. Maya knew she could always count on them, no matter what life threw her way.

As she reflected on her life, Maya realized that she didn't need Enest's approval or validation. She had a loving family, a fulfilling career, and a sense of purpose. That was all that truly mattered.

But, oh, how her heart still skipped a beat when she thought about Enest...

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