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The Caged Beast

The Caged Beast

Elora May



Chapter 1

Chapter 1




The clinking of chains echoed on the floor. "Lilliana, have you found a place to hide yet?


If you are, I'm going to start looking now."


The man's voice rang out from the doorway to the coffee table, then to the wardrobe...


Lilliana Buckley, barefoot, curled up under the bed, her teeth chattering so hard that she bit her lip.


She held her breath. Even though they had played the hide-and-seek game countless times, her heart still pounded rapidly.


"Found you!" The bed curtain was suddenly lifted, and an upside-down face appeared in her line of sight abruptly.


Her mind went blank, and her legs went numb.


When she reacted, she instinctively tried to retreat, but her feet were caught.


"Sean..." Lilliana pleaded, her voice trembling.


Sean Clayton saw her tears, and a fleeting cruelty flashed across his eyes. Yet the next second, he smiled, "Lilliana, be good and come out. The floor is cold."


He pulled her out from under the bed and carried her to the bathroom, starting to wash her with the showerhead.


Throughout the process, he remained silent, ignoring Lilliana's constant pleas and explanations, his face stern.


He carried her from the bathroom to the bed and had sex with her, sweating profusely, until she cried and told him, "I don't love anyone else. I only love you."


Only then did he stop torturing her.


He held her in his arms and gently massaged her waist, feeling distressed.


See? All she needed to do was say she loved him. She might be stubborn, but at the end of the day, she had to say this, even though it was insincere.


"Does it hurt?" He looked at the red marks on her wrist, gently rubbing them with concern.


"It's OK."


Lilliana resisted the urge to pull her hand back, letting him blow on it.


She had been scared at first, but now, she was already numb. She let him do as he pleased.


Today, she accepted hot chocolate from some guy, and Sean had been going crazy all night.


He locked her up, and then unlocked her, feeling distressed for her. He was excessively obsessive.


She found it hard to stay clear-minded. She felt that if she continued to resist him, she would be tortured into unconsciousness sooner or later.


So, she figured that she might as well let him go mad. She gritted her teeth, silently calculating the days. She had to endure these few days.




Lilliana woke up the next day, and it was already afternoon. She was exhausted, in pain, and hungry.


She was awakened by the sensation on her lips.


Opening her eyes, she saw him squatting by the bed, feeding her soup spoon by spoon.


He was quite tall, and he must be uncomfortable squatting on the edge of the bed like this.


"Lilliana, you're awake." Sean immediately flashed a sunny smile when he saw her open her eyes.


She had to admit that he was very handsome when he smiled.


His eyelashes were thick, envied by girls, and when he smiled, he had two shallow dimples and two tiny canine teeth.


His smile was pure, like a spring lily, untouched by the world.


How could such an innocent-looking boy have any bad intentions? Lilliana felt a pang of bitterness.


Who would associate him with the monster from last night?


Who would have thought that such a handsome boy had kept her trapped here for almost a month already?


"I'm not hungry." Lilliana turned her head, her face pale. Thinking of last night, she instinctively resisted.


He punished her and then rewarded her. What did he take her for?


"Lilliana," he said, playing cute.


Then he cupped her face with his hands.


"How can you not eat?"


He put down the soup, leaned closer, and pressed his forehead against hers. "When I held you last night, I felt you had lost weight."


She couldn't help but gasp.


As soon as he mentioned last night, her body ached terribly. Seeing his eyes, she got goosebumps all over.


"I'm really not hungry."


Lilliana dodged again.


The air grew silent. Tension was palpable. After a few seconds, she sneaked a glance at him. Sure enough, his face was grim.


He stared at her, his shaggy hair covering half his face, with a hint of madness in his eyes.


"Lilliana, you're mad at me, aren't you?" he asked hoarsely.


"Lilliana, I'm sorry. I lost control last night. I shouldn't have treated you like that. But I couldn't help it.


You can punish me however you want. Just don't ignore me.


It hurts."


Lilliana was terrified of him like this. Every time he acted like this, it meant someone would suffer.


But she was aggrieved.


She tried to explain to him, "Sean, I was just too thirsty back then. He is my classmate, and all he did was give me a cup of hot chocolate. Why are you doing this to me?"


Tears welled up in her eyes.


"He looked at you."


He suddenly raised his head, his eyes cold and bloodthirsty.


"What does one look mean?"


Lilliana frowned and retorted.


"Lilliana." He bit his lip, his determined gaze fixed on her. "I don't allow other men to look at you. No one can!"


Lilliana was stunned. She was utterly defeated when she saw how crazy he was.


"You're crazy," she said in silence, closing her eyes and wanting to shut out the world.


How could there be someone like him?


He was only 18. How could he be so brutal?


She thought of herself. She didn't know if she could hold on until the day she got out.


After a while, she was hugged tightly from behind, and she shivered all over.


"Lilliana, I'm sorry. I just love you too much. I've given you all my firsts. I want you to cherish them. You'll be good to me, right?"


He murmured in her ear, wrapping her up as if embracing something precious.


Lilliana was forced to be held by him.


She had only one belief. No matter what, she had to hold on until the day she got out.


Determined, she turned around, accepted his embrace, patted his head, and forced a smile. "Good boy. Don't be afraid. I will always be yours. You don't need to care about others. I'm not interested in other men. They can't compare to you."


"Really?" He was visibly overjoyed, like a child who had received candy, his eyes shining.


"Don't do those things again, OK? I don't want your hands stained with blood. Hear me?"


She coaxed him patiently, gently pinching his cheek.


"OK. I'll listen to you. I'll listen to everything you say."


He snuggled into her arms again.


"Good boy."


Lilliana kissed his forehead.


"Lilliana, does it still hurt?"


He asked softly and gently, blushing.


"It won't hurt in a few days."


She forced a smile.


"I'm sorry. It's all my fault."


He blamed himself, reaching out to her waist and gently massaging it to relieve her pain.


He regretted his impulsiveness last night, but he couldn't help it. Seeing that man talking to Lilliana, giving her hot chocolate, and Lilliana smiling at him, he was driven mad with jealousy.


Lilliana could only be his. How could she smile at another man?




Later, when he fell asleep, Lilliana got up to find something to eat. She was very hungry but had no appetite.


But she had to eat.


She needed to conserve her strength because the agreed day was getting closer.


She took a carton of milk from the fridge and forced herself to drink it. When she raised her hand, she saw the bruises on her wrist.


She was tied up here, and the bindings left those marks on her.


Later, as he gradually began to trust her, he untied her.


These past few days, they had been getting along well. He even allowed her to go out, though he'd secretly follow her.


Meeting that male classmate yesterday was an accident, but also a planned one.


Without that male classmate, how could her message get out?


But the price she paid was being tortured by him all night, and he became even more manic.


She sighed. She had to soothe him these next few days for the sake of her plan.


He had been acting extremely normal these days. Actually, he was a very normal person to begin with.


It was just that he went a bit crazy after he met her.


When she held a tablet watching dramas, he nestled beside her reading comics.


When she played games on her phone, he teamed up with her, assisting her.


When she said she was sleepy, he leaned over, letting her rest on him for a nap.


When she fell asleep, he started researching recipes and making delicious food for her.


He ordered her favorite snacks, cakes, and hot chocolate for delivery.


When she sat for too long, he massaged her shoulders and legs.


He said that as long as she didn't leave him, he'd do anything for her.


As long as she was happy, he'd listen to her every word.


She wanted to please him at first, but she found that he was too easily satisfied.


All she had to do was stay by his side, and he'd beam with joy all day long. She didn't do anything else to please him at all.


However, in the past few days, he hadn't touched her. He only kissed the top of her head and held her as they slept.




Another week passed.


Lilliana was particularly nervous today.


To prevent him from noticing, she spent most of her time watching TV to adjust herself. She would only occasionally glance at him out of the corner of her eye to see what he was doing.


When the hot chocolate delivery arrived, she was startled that her back was covered with a thin layer of sweat.


She ordered hot chocolate from that place almost every week.


"Your hot chocolate is here, Lilliana," Sean said, carrying the hot chocolate over and sitting down beside her.


"Just put it there," she said absentmindedly and then continued to watch TV.


"Why do you like hot chocolate so much?"


He smiled.


Meanwhile, he inserted the straw and handed the hot chocolate to her.


Lilliana broke out in a sweat again.


She tried her best to stay calm.


"It's delicious," she said, taking a sip of the hot chocolate.


Watching her drink, Sean suddenly said self-deprecatingly, "Lilliana, you're so devoted to your drink. When will you be as devoted to me?"


He smiled, but his smile was filled with loneliness and sadness.


He felt uneasy. Even though she was always by his side, and even though they ate and lived together, he still felt uneasy.


He roughly knew the reason, but he didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that she might still dislike him and that her apparent warmth and attempts to please him were just out of fear.


He mocked himself for being greedy. He had her body, yet he also wanted her heart.


Desire was like a seed; once a thought took root, it would grow wildly.


For instance, he still harbored some fantasies, hoping she'd love him or at least care about him.


Just a little would be enough.


Lilliana watched him lower his head in silence, not knowing why he suddenly seemed so downcast.


She felt she should comfort him.


And she did.


"Do you want to give the hot chocolate a go?"


She asked with a smile, shaking the hot chocolate in her hand.


"It's really good."


He looked up. Seeing the brightness in her eyes, he couldn't help but smile.


"Can I?" he asked.


He ordered hot chocolate for her many times but never tasted it.


He didn't like sweet things.


Bitter coffee suited him better than sweet hot chocolate.


But since she asked, he wanted to give it a try. He wanted to know what kind of taste could make her smile so brightly.


"Of course," Lilliana said slowly, straddling his lap and staring into his eyes. She took a sip of the hot chocolate and then kissed him.


His mind went blank at once.


His sanity drifted away. All he could see was her face, and all he could taste was the hot chocolate she fed him.


The hot chocolate was really sweet, so sweet that he felt a dizzying happiness for the first time.


As they kissed passionately, he suddenly pushed her away.


"Lilliana, we can't," he said while panting and holding her hand that was trying to unbutton his shirt.


Lilliana's hand stopped mid-air, her heart skipping a beat.


Her left hand tightened around the hidden object.


In just a second, she regained her composure.


"You don't want to?"


She asked with a smile.


"I do," he said, looking at her with hidden emotions in his eyes.


"But you're not fully recovered yet."


Lilliana breathed a sigh of relief.


He meant he had been too rough with her that day, and she had gotten hurt.


He was worried about her body.


She suddenly felt that maybe he still had a bit of conscience left. But that didn't mean he wasn't still a devil!


Today, she was determined to succeed.


"Silly, I'm fine already," she said, gently biting his earlobe.


He shivered all over and could no longer control himself.


He wanted her, of course, he did. He was never good at controlling himself; he was essentially a monster.


This was the first time she had taken the initiative, and just sitting there quietly, watching her, he felt so turned on.


Just as he was fully immersed, she took out the hidden object from the hot chocolate lid, and a cold liquid instantly flowed from his neck down his body.


Watching his eyes glaze over and gradually close, she finally was relieved.


As she left the villa, alarms sounded behind her.


She made it.




Six years had passed.


Lilliana had been sleeping poorly lately.


She often thought about that dark month six years ago and the way the last time Seth looked at her.


He must hate her.


Just as she hated him.


Six years ago, during the summer after her college graduation, he imprisoned her, yet no one noticed she was missing. Even now, thinking about it made her heart filled with mixed emotions.


No one cared about her. Wasn't it laughable?


When she escaped six years ago and came back home, the first thing her stepmother Cara Buckley asked was, "Where did you run off to this time?"


She accepted that Cara didn't treat her well since she wasn't Cara's biological daughter.


But that night, when her father Jace Buckley came home, he didn't show any concern either. He glanced at her and scolded, "You've graduated, but you don't look for a job. You hang out with those unsavory guys all day. Look at Bailee. She's been spending her vacation learning piano and dancing. Why can't you be more ambitious?"


Bailee Buckley was her stepsister. At that moment, her world collapsed.


Even when she was imprisoned and tortured, she had never felt so hopeless.


Later, she resolutely left that home and found her current job on her own.


She had trained as an actress but chose to work behind the scenes as a talent manager.


She didn't want to be in the spotlight. Besides, she lacked the connections and opportunities.


In showbiz, without resources, one couldn't even land a role, so she simply gave up.


In six years, she had trained many new talents, some who were somewhat popular, some who weren't at all, most only getting minor roles.


This time, the company assigned her an up-and-coming star from a talent show, Cole Harper.


He was 20 years old. He was handsome, good at singing and dancing, and had a large following of young women and older, nurturing fans.


He was considered a rising star in showbiz.


He had an important role coming up in a highly anticipated Boys' Love Adaptation, "From Brotherhood to Love".


Cole was great in every way except the fact that he was quite wild. He was a regular at nightclubs, a notorious flirt, with a string of ex-girlfriends, which gave Lilliana a headache.


Every night before bed, she would habitually check for any work-related issues. At this critical moment in the casting for "From Brotherhood to Love", she had to maintain his image to increase his chances.


Cole was competing for the lead role, a top in the relationship as well as a character with a likable personality and many close-up scenes, making the actor easy to shine.


Almost every young male actor who hadn't made it big yet was eyeing this role.


There were even rumors that whoever got this role would be the next big star.


Lilliana had put in a lot of effort for this role, but the investor and the director's team had only promised a chance to audition.


It was a glimmer of hope anyway.




On the day of the audition, Cole performed exceptionally well, and landing the lead role was almost a certainty. The director's team was very satisfied with his appearance, acting skills, overall image, and pretty much everything. All that was left was the investor's approval.


These days, it was claimed that the directors' opinions counted, but in fact, it was still the investors who called the shots.


So, tonight's dinner was crucial. She was about to meet the investor.


The dinner was set in Room 1027 at Golden Olive Restaurant. Lilliana spent almost the entire afternoon getting ready.


She hadn't worn such exquisite makeup in quite a long time.


She was actually very beautiful, with a mix of innocence and mature allure, as well as a touch of the enigmatic beauty of an ice queen.


Back then, her teachers often commented that her looks were perfect for a variety of roles.


But she chose to work behind the scenes.


Working behind the scenes didn't require much attention to appearance, as she shouldn't outshine the stars.


However, tonight was different. Tonight, she might even need to use her charm to help Cole secure this role.


Before leaving, she took a few anti-hangover pills.


Tonight's event wasn't arranged for her; she was just tagging along. After some inquiries, she learned that the investor would be present tonight.


She hailed a taxi, and as soon as she arrived at the restaurant, a waiter accidentally broke her bracelet. She frowned. Since the investors had already taken their seats, she didn't have time to pick up the pieces that had fallen under the table.


Never mind.


She hurried into the elevator, feeling an inexplicable sense of unease.


A broken bracelet was definitely a bad omen.


And a few minutes later, her premonition was confirmed. It really wasn't a good omen. At the dinner table, she saw Sean's uncle, Neil Clayton.


Six years ago, she had anonymously reported to the police, and no one knew she was the kidnapped victim.


Later, Sean was arrested, and she didn't follow up on his fate. She knew he wouldn't end well and didn't want to dwell on it.


Since then, she had avoided the Clayton Family members. She never expected that her first encounter with one of them after six years would be at such a dinner.


The Clayton Family had always been the business overlord of Warrington, dominating the real estate, mining, and natural gas industries. When did they start dabbling in the film industry?


This was a real headache.


Moreover, Neil wasn't just anyone. She pursued him six years ago, practically going all out, yet she still failed.


This made it even more awkward.


She wept for Cole.


She sat in a corner, no longer interested in making a toast, sulking the entire dinner.


"Mr. Clayton, this is Miss Buckley, the agent for the male lead who auditioned today. Miss Buckley is young and capable. She has managed quite a few stars," Rylan Hewitt, one of the directors, began introducing her to Neil.


Lilliana was lost in thought and was caught off guard when she heard her name. She quickly picked up her glass and forced a smile.


"I'm flattered, Mr. Hewitt. I wouldn't dare claim to be young and capable in front of you and Mr. Clayton. Nice to meet you," she said and then downed her drink.


As she finished her drink, the man in the suit sitting at the head of the table casually said.


"You made it sound like this is the first time you met me."


He chuckled.


But his eyes were utterly cold.


"Oh?" Rylan seemed to notice something. He looked meaningfully at Neil and then at Lilliana. Suddenly, he seemed to understand. "Miss Buckley, you got us all. You know Mr. Clayton?"


Everyone at the table was stunned, all eyes on Lilliana.


To be honest, Lilliana was stunned, too.


She didn't agree him when she came in here, and he didn't look at her.


She thought he didn't want to reveal their acquaintance in such a setting, so she naturally wouldn't shamelessly cling to him, especially given their awkward past.


She assumed they both would pretend not to know each other to avoid embarrassment. Yet his sudden remark left her in a difficult position.


"I've always admired Mr. Clayton, of course," she said with a smile.


"Oh, really?" Neil looked at her again. "Miss Buckley, but I feel like I've seen you somewhere before."


He teased.


Lilliana was stunned. She felt she shouldn't have come.


Why was he making things difficult for her?


Should she admit to knowing him or not? Her failed pursuit of him years ago was not something to brag about.


"Mr. Clayton remembers you, and that's your honor. Think about it. He's such a busy man! Well, since everyone here knows each other, Miss Buckley, why don't we discuss your artist together with Mr. Clayton?


We're all friends here, so why not work together and make some money?" Rylan interjected.


Lilliana gasped. Rylan was so good at passing the buck. He had already chosen Cole but insisted she bring it up.


What a nuisance.


"Sure," Neil agreed readily, taking a sip of his drink and smiling at her. "Let's get straight to the point. For the male lead, we'll go with the directors' choice. But I want to choose the second male lead."


Lilliana and the directors present were all relieved.


Securing the male lead was a big relief.


As for the second male lead, it was actually the bottom of the two main roles. The second male lead had fewer lines and more nuanced expressions, making it harder for the actor to shine.


Young actors today dreaded such roles. If they were too subtle, they'd be accused of wooden acting; if they were too expressive, they'd be called overacting drama queens.


It was a role no one wanted.


No one raised objections regarding Neil's announcement.


The directors all expressed their agreement.


"Of course, we trust your choice, Mr. Clayton. Which young actor do you have in mind?"


Rylan asked with a smile.


"He's a newcomer from one of our subsidiary companies, currently in Authkerland. He'll be learning a lot from you," Neil said, giving Lilliana a meaningful look.


Lilliana felt a shiver down her spine from his gaze.


Why did he look her like that? What a creep!


She avoided his eyes.


He didn't mind. He raised his glass and smiled.


"No problem, Mr. Clayton. Rest assured!"


"Leave it to us!"


"Mr. Clayton, we'll take good care of him."


The dinner, though tasteless, finally ended on a good note.


Lilliana, of course, had to stand at the door to see the guests off.


Neil, after using the restroom, walked to his black Lincoln and suddenly stopped, turning to her. "Want to come over to my place?"




Lilliana froze.


Too awkward to respond, she brushed her hair.


"Mr. Clayton, you've had quite a bit to drink tonight. I wouldn't want to disturb your rest," she politely declined.


Neil glanced at her without saying a word.


Then he smiled and got into the car.


7 On the way back, Lilliana kept replaying the events in her mind, wondering if her memory was faulty or if Neil had changed.


According to her memory, he wasn't the type to approach her, let alone invite her over.


Six years ago, she had just graduated from college at 22, while Neil was 24. The Clayton Family was wealthy and powerful, and she was being mistreated by Cara in the Buckley Family. She desperately needed a rock to reclaim what was rightfully hers.


She set her sights on the Clayton Family's son, Neil. Back then, they were neighbors.


Neil's dad was already an old man when he had Neil, so he spoiled Neil a lot. She had to put in a lot of effort to get close to Neil.


Neil was a playboy and was rarely home. He had countless ex-girlfriends, making it difficult to get close to him.


Just when she was fretting over how to approach him, a boy moved into the neighboring house. That boy was the 18-year-old Sean.


She heard that Sean was a distant relative of Neil's dad, well-behaved but not academically inclined.


She saw an opportunity and started helping Sean with his studies, hoping to get closer to Neil.


She never expected things to turn out the way they did. She barely got to see Neil but ended up entangled with Sean, that jerk.


Thinking about what had happened gave her a headache. Recently, she had been feeling increasingly uneasy for some reason.


She debated whether to ask Neil about Sean to ease her mind, but she couldn't find a good excuse.


She sighed deeply.


After she got out of the taxi, the wine kicked in. She steadied herself against a flowerbed, took a moment to compose herself, and then walked toward her apartment complex.


It started to drizzle. The sky was dark and oppressive, and the streetlights were too weak to shine.


For some reason, the path she had walked countless times was eerily quiet now.


Suddenly, she heard the rustling of leaves behind her.


It startled her.


She suddenly felt more alert, stopped, and looked around suspiciously.


There was no one around.


Then she saw a stray cat behind a tree in the flowerbed, meowing in fright.


It was just a cat.


Her heart stopped beating so fast, and she finally calmed down. The elevator was just ahead. She quickly walked toward it without stopping.

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