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Forbidden Taste: College Girl's Breast Milk Craze

Forbidden Taste: College Girl's Breast Milk Craze

M. adha syarif


Sophia Laurent was a striking young woman of Dutch descent, her beauty matched only by the peculiarity of her condition. Unlike any ordinary student, Sophia had a rather unusual ability: she could produce breast milk, despite never having given birth. This strange phenomenon began after she accidentally consumed a painkiller given to her by a friend. Sophia was a dedicated student at a prestigious university in England. Her life took an unexpected turn when she crossed paths with Julian Harrington, a distinguished lecturer at the same university. Their chance encounter ignited something within Julian that he hadn't anticipated.

Chapter 1 Sophia Laurent was a striking young woman of Dutch descent

Sophia Laurent was a striking young woman of Dutch descent, her beauty matched only by the peculiarity of her condition. Unlike any ordinary student, Sophia had a rather unusual ability: she could produce breast milk, despite never having given birth. This strange phenomenon began after she accidentally consumed a painkiller given to her by a friend.

Sophia was a dedicated student at a prestigious university in England. Her life took an unexpected turn when she crossed paths with **Julian Harrington**, a distinguished lecturer at the same university. Their chance encounter ignited something within Julian that he hadn't anticipated.

One evening, as Julian was leaving the campus after finishing a pile of paperwork, he heard a faint cry of distress coming from the nearby campus restroom. The sound was so pitiful and urgent that he couldn't ignore it.

"Aaarrggghh... sakit..." The muffled cry of a woman echoed through the restroom, causing Julian to stop in his tracks.

The anguished sobs continued, "Tolong... ini sakit banget... hiks.. hiks.. hiks.!"

Julian, feeling a sense of urgency and concern, quickly made his way to the source of the sound. He found Sophia in a state of apparent distress, her voice a desperate plea for help.

Julian knocked on the door gently. "Is everything alright? Do you need help?"

The crying ceased momentarily, replaced by a shaky voice. "Yes, please. I need help. It hurts so much."

Without a second thought, Julian opened the door. Inside, Sophia was hunched over, her face contorted with pain. Seeing her condition, Julian felt a pang of sympathy.

"Please, try to stay calm," Julian said as he approached her. "I'm here to help."

Sophia looked up, her eyes filled with tears. "Thank you. I... I don't know what's happening. It's so painful."

Julian could see that Sophia was in a state of distress, and his concern grew. Without fully understanding the situation, he acted on instinct. "Let me help you," he said gently.

Julian noticed that Sophia's blouse was soaked, and he carefully began to unbutton it. As he did, he was taken aback by the sight of her full, round breasts, clearly showing the source of her pain. He tried to focus on helping her rather than being overwhelmed by his own physical reaction.

"I'm sorry if this is uncomfortable," Julian said softly. "I'm just trying to help."

Sophia nodded, her expression pained yet trusting. "Please, just... do what you have to."

Julian hesitated for a moment but then leaned in cautiously, trying to understand the situation better. He gently placed his mouth against one of Sophia's breasts. At first, the sensation was strange and unfamiliar, but as he began to taste the milk, he felt an unexpected and intense craving.

"Aaaakkhhh... pelan-pelan, sakiiitt...!" Sophia cried out, wincing in pain as Julian inadvertently bit down slightly, his eagerness getting the better of him.

Julian quickly pulled back, apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Sophia took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "It's alright. Just be careful."

Determined to alleviate her pain, Julian continued with greater care. As he continued to help, he noticed that Sophia's discomfort began to ease slightly, though he remained perplexed by the situation.

By the time he moved to the other side, he could see the visible relief in Sophia's eyes. She had begun to calm down, her sobs gradually subsiding.

Julian, while still puzzled by the situation, realized that he was growing increasingly fascinated by Sophia's condition. As he helped her, he couldn't shake the feeling that their lives were somehow entwining in a way he had not anticipated.

"Thank you," Sophia said softly, her voice now steady. "I don't know how to thank you enough."

Julian looked at her, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his eyes. "No need to thank me. I just hope you're feeling better."

As he helped Sophia to dress and regain her composure, Julian couldn't help but wonder about the implications of their encounter. Was there more to Sophia than met the eye? And how had their paths crossed in such an extraordinary way?

Their meeting marked the beginning of a complex journey, one filled with unexpected emotions and uncharted territories. Julian was determined to understand more about Sophia's unique condition, and perhaps, in the process, discover something about himself as well.

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