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Heartbreak on a full moon

Heartbreak on a full moon



Rosetta takes the blame for the felony committed by her boyfriend and ends up with a two year jail sentence. Unbothered by the fact that she had ended up in prison, she comforts herself that she did it for the love they shared. Upon her release, her heart is shattered during the full moon, when her boyfriend whom she devoted her heart to turns a cold shoulder to her. What explanations does he have for this sudden feeling of hatred towards her? She feels broken, rejected and wasted. Will she ever recover from this heartbreak on a full moon?

Chapter 1 Felony

"What!. How did this happen?"

"Trust me Rosetta, I didn't mean to do this."

Rosetta had just arrived at her boyfriend's place and she nearly puked at the gory sight she met.

"You had angry fits again?"

"Yes" Jackson responded with his voice breaking down in tears.

He was shaking and she could see fear written all over his face

"What would we do now?" Rosetta asked, not knowing where to tackle the problem from.

"I don't know," he replied, stuttering. "I'll probably end up in jail."

"No baby, you won't," Rosetta said, trying hard to comfort him.

"Even in jail, I'm still going to love you" he responded, holding tightly to her hand.

"That's not going to happen," Rosetta said reassuringly.

She looked at Lilian's body which was lying lifelessly on the ground. She tried checking for any vital signs, if there was any hope of her being alive.

"She's dead, there's no hope," Jackson said aloud.

Everyone knew Lilian, she was the daughter of the alpha of the Feral mountains pack. Her father was held in high esteem and the both of them knew that if anyone gets wind of the news, Jackson will end up in prison.

"We could hide her body and no one would know that you killed her. After all, it was a mistake."

"That won't work, everyone knows what went on between the both of us. They'll find out eventually." Jackson responded, his voice laced with worry.

Lilian was Jackson's ex girlfriend. Her mother hated Jackson so much and would stop at nothing if she found out that he killed her daughter.

Jackson was the prospective alpha of his pack. His father had died during a war and he was raised by his father's brother. If they also get to hear the news of how he killed Lilian, they would deem him unfit to being the alpha.

Lilian lay on the cold bare floor in a pool of blood. There was no trace of life in her.

"You accidentally killed her during a fight right? Just tell everyone that it was an accident" Rosetta said, trying hard to find a solution to the mess that her boyfriend was in.

"You don't understand, she is the daughter of the alpha of one of the strongest pack. I can't escape on this"

He paced around the room restlessly blaming himself, blaming his wolf, blaming his anger.

"If only I wasn't so hot-tempered, I wouldn't be in this mess," he lamented.

Lilian was a total bitch on her own. Few hours before she was found dead, she had come to Jackson's place. She didn't come there for peace but rather to blackmail him. She still loved Jackson and was trying every means to get back to him.

"I'll show this to your girlfriend, Rosetta, if you don't comply" she said with a cocky smile spread across her face.

"You won't do that" he barked back at her.

She had dropped pictures of him naked with a call girl. He remembered that night, he was drunk.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I want you to break up with her and date me."

"Impossible. I won't do that"

"Then, I'll show her these pictures," she said, holding the pictures in her hand.

He immediately grabbed the pictures from her and tore it into pieces.

His actions only made her laugh, she removed her phone and showed him the sex tape between him and the girl.

"You see, I had everything planned out already," she smirked.

He grabbed her. It was not in his plan that she should slip from his head. She fell from the stairs, hitting her head on the hard floor and gave up the ghost.

He sighed in desperation and paced around the room restlessly, not knowing what to do. He hadn't told Rosetta the entire truth about how she was blackmailing him with a sex tape. He didn't want her to get mad at him. He had only told her that she insulted him and he hit her with anger.

"What do we do now?" He asked his wolf, Anchor.

He gave no response. Jackson could feel him getting agitated as well.

"Rosetta, you have to leave" he said to her and held her hand ushering her outside.

"No, I'll stay here with you. We have to find a solution together." She responded, refusing to leave his side.

"I don't want you to get implicated in this." He said, pleading for her safety.

She defiantly walked to his side, refusing to leave.

"I'll stay by your side baby, I'm not leaving.

Lilian's body had already gotten cold and was a bit darker than earlier. It has been almost five hours since her death. The two love birds stood holding themselves.

"Should we hide her body and act like we know nothing about it?" Rosetta asked.

"No, I'll just confess to my crime. My jail sentence won't be long. I'll be back to see you."

Rosetta was already crying. She grew up as an orphan and Jackson was the only person that meant dearly to her. She couldn't bear for him to leave her life like her parents did.

She knew what she could do. It was daring and risky. She didn't tell him her plan as she knew that he would object to it.

"Can you come with me, there's something I want to show you." She said pulling him along with her.

"What's that?" He asked, wondering if it was a solution to the problem at hand.

"You'll see," she responded.

She led him to the basement and one he was in the basement she shut the door, locking him inside.

"Rosetta, what's the meaning of this? This is no time for hide and seek." He shouted, confused at her actions.

"I know what I'm doing" she responded, her voice laced with tears.


She didn't respond, instead she walked back to the room where Lilian's dead body lay. What she wanted to do would be considered by many as a really crazy action, but she wasn't going to go back.

He kept banging on the door confused at why Rosetta locked him. Then, realization hit him and he was able to put the pieces together.

"Was she going to..."

"No she can't do that"

"No..." he shouted trying to break through the door. It was like fetching water in a basket. Even in his wolf form the door didn't move an inch.

Rosetta took a knife and made some marks on Lilian's dead body. She had to make it look real.

She waited for the worst to come and within a few minutes, her brothers had come to look for Lilian. Lilian came with her family and they were leaving to their pack soon. They had planned to leave since morning, but everyone had waited for her. When she was nowhere to be found, a source told them that they saw her going to Jackson's place.

"What!" Paul the eldest of her brothers exclaimed, seeing her dead body on the ground.

"Where's Jackson?" They directed their question to Victoria.

"He's not around, I killed her myself." She lied.

"It was a mistake." She added.

Lilian's brothers wasted no time in handing her out. Within a few minutes she was handcuffed.

She took the blame for him

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