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Expendee's Mated Vs Unmated This is the story about a young and innocent she-wolf. She has almost everything she wanted, mating with her boyfriend would be the cherry on top. However, her world crumbles just when she's about to have it all. And now, she has nothing to lose. World Setting: In this story, we have a special werewolf rank called "Sigma." The Sigma: physically weak; about 10% of the population. They would go through a period called "Heat" every month. It's a time they would emit hormones that'll make other werewolves frantically want to have sex with them, no matter mated or not. The omega themselves would be controlled by lust too. They are deemed as a threat to the sacred mate bond, animalistic instead of civilized. No matter what family they were born from when a werewolf starts to have heat turning 18, they automatically end up as Sigmas, the lowest class of society. FL in trouble: She's from a decent werewolf family and wants nothing growing up. Her biggest dream is to mate with her long-term boyfriend when they turn 18, and happily ever after. However, things take a dramatic turn when she turns 18. She finds out herself to be a sigma, the lowest rank, the untouchable, in werewolf society. Drop from heaven to hell, abandoned by everyone close, how can she cope with it?? [Opening Scene] 1. Tomorrow is FL's 18th birthday. She and her childhood-sweetheart boyfriend meet up. Tomorrow is also the mating gathering, where all the unmated werewolves would gather together to find their mates. Since they finally come of age, they plan to go together and mate under the moon goddess's blessings. 2. They run into FL's friend and her boyfriend. They will go to the mating gathering

Chapter 1 OAK FOR LOVE

"It's your birthday tomorrow."

He said to me holding my arms around his body. I was leaning on his shoulder with my head buried at his back, I can feel his breath as he touched me with his hands, so cold, I can feel his icy palm as he touched my waist. I was intoxicated, in love, yes I was yet anxious about tomorrow.

I was lost deep in thought of what becomes of my new age some hours to complete my eighteenth birthday. I was indeed in a fury of what becomes of me after now, turning into a teen wolf is something every werewolf family wanted from their offspring.

"Yeah, I know ". I said to him, gently still leaning on him.

"Come here. I know exactly how you feel right now, I can tell you, I felt this way too ."He said squeezing my butts. He squeezed them so gently that it aroused a sequenced felt for pleasure, simultaneously, I knew he wanted to mate but it's not just time for it, We had waited all these years being tomorrow without mating. I knew very well that Josh wouldn't let anyone ruin my day.

Josh had been my childhood boyfriend my family knew him, he comes for dinner sometimes with his family. They were a decent family just like mine. My father Hooggs, a descent werewolf had trained us to be just like him, we would correlate with the Cullens though they knew our weakness. As for Edward and Bella, they were not a problem to us, they were another set of lovers just like Josh and me, Lucas and Flutta. Bella was a human yet she fell in love with a vampire and so did the vamp that turned up for her. I am like a half-mortal and half wolf. This is because I was a breed of the werewolves clan, an offspring, also one of them, but yet I possess no special abilities, I had kept it to myself though everyone wants to see it; my abilities, they all want to know what special powers I've got in me but the truth was that my inabilities were my one big secret.

Only my family and those around me; my best friend could see it, If only they did pay attention to observe me. At times when the hungry wolves wants to bully me, I ran like a human until Josh could come to my rescue. Edward had once saved me once from them, his type, the bloodsuckers and white walkers.

I felt like the night never breaks to a new dawn. I was almost hopeless but Josh was there with me, this was the time I needed him most and he was there with me I was never deserted.

"It is your big-time tomorrow, I can't wait to see you crowned a teen wolf as you see your flowers". He continued

"It's nothing more important I am just a she-wolf," I smirked

"I can devour any human for you, my love."His eyes staring at mine, I felt his breath again, his palms on my cheeks I can feel his lips touch mine before I knew it we were kissing. He flipped the edges of my hair, he does that occasionally when we are together all alone in the woods, the same place we were now, the lover's track, where there are many large oak trees

Concurrently, we never wanted to leave each other this minute, he held me by the waist, like he was going to lift me, I liked it, I liked the moment, I loved Josh. Josh loved me too I could see it in his green eyes, his hair was curly, mild but not blonde like mine.

"Yes, I love you, my love."He said to me.

The words resounded in my head like Barry sound. How did he do that? I asked myself how he read my thoughts he was a werewolf, not a vamp. Everyone knew Edward Cullen could not read Bella's thoughts yet he read everybody's heart

I looked at his face, I did not say a word, I was always quiet, dumb rather when I wanted to feel his love and touch. I wanted another round of his kiss but I couldn't speak of it to him, though we've been together for many years I think he enjoys my muffler.

When I am mute it either means a yes or a no in different circumstances, regarding how the situation might be. If I were intoxicated in love it's a yes but when I am tensed it means a no. That was how gentle I was. Hooggs knew I never had any problems to bother him with, neither do I bug Josh with my uncertainties. Yeah! That's me, that's my life, welcome to my world.

'I am nervous, Josh. I don't know how I feel about now and what's become of me after now.' I managed to speak

Strenuously I could manage to glance at him that was how timid I were but Josh never took advantage of me for that.

'No worries my love, new age always feels different and totality of advanced body, more powers and unseen abilities.' Josh had always been worried about my abilities. Powers that I don't give a damn about, but it makes me feel awkward in midst of my peers. I could not do what everybody else does nor do I have a unique superpower.

'Does my lack of abilities bother you?' I began to summon courage.

'No, my love'. He lied

I took off my face from his, I hate him when he lied and when he does, his ears are erect like horror.

My boyfriend belonged to the class of werewolves 'Rogues'. They are known for their extra force of nature, so fast than the flash himself in the comics I read, they are termed as the 'bad flock'. Josh and Lucas were different from their clan, they had been better to have been loved by the Luna.

I belong to the Luna class, in which sometimes the gene in our body transubstantiate to another daughter cell molecule and gives rise to another clan gene hormones. Sometimes, the change was unpalatable.

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