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Dangers of Early Marriage

Dangers of Early Marriage

Gojoe Dsek


Steve, Pretty and Micheal are the key actors and character in this story.


Chapter 1: A Rushed Decision**

Pretty was only 16 when her life took a drastic turn. She was a vibrant, beautiful, and ambitious girl who dreamt of becoming a nurse. However, her dreams were cut short when her parents arranged for her to marry Steve, a 24-year-old man who was from a well-to-do family in their small town. Despite her reservations, Pretty had no say in the matter and was rushed into marriage.

Steve was kind to her, but Pretty felt overwhelmed by the sudden responsibilities of being a wife. As soon as she became pregnant with their first child, the weight of early motherhood hit her hard. Pretty had to leave school, abandoning the dreams she once cherished, while Steve tried his best to support their growing family. By the age of 18, she had given birth to two children, and the once carefree young girl became consumed by the obligations of adulthood.

**Chapter 2: The Struggles of Marriage**

As the years went by, the strain of early marriage began to show. Steve worked tirelessly to provide for his family, but Pretty felt trapped. At just 21, she began to feel as though her life was slipping away, and she longed for the youth she never truly experienced. Though Steve loved her deeply, he could not understand the emotional burden she carried.

Pretty spent her days caring for the children, but she started resenting the lack of personal freedom. She would often see her old schoolmates living carefree lives, and it filled her with jealousy. While her friends were advancing in their careers, attending parties, and traveling, she was stuck at home raising two young children.

**Chapter 3: A New Beginning**

When Pretty turned 23, things took a drastic turn. She started making new friends who introduced her to a lifestyle she had never known. She began to spend less time at home, leaving Steve to care for the kids. These new friends encouraged her to live life for herself, to rediscover her freedom and youth.

One day, Pretty met a charming man named Michael. He was older, confident, and had a carefree lifestyle that enticed her. In him, Pretty saw an escape from the responsibilities that weighed her down. She became infatuated with Michael, and soon, she made a decision that would change everything-she left Steve and their two children to be with Michael.

**Chapter 4: The Price of Abandonment**

Steve was devastated by Pretty's sudden departure. Left alone with their two children, he struggled to juggle work and parenting. The children were too young to fully understand why their mother had left, but they often asked for her, leaving Steve heartbroken. He could not understand why Pretty had chosen to abandon them, and though he tried to stay strong for the sake of their children, he was plagued by loneliness and despair.

Pretty, on the other hand, felt an initial sense of freedom. With Michael, she experienced the excitement and thrill she had missed out on during her youth. However, as time passed, the reality of her situation began to set in. Michael, while charming at first, was irresponsible and reckless. He was unable to provide the stability she had once had with Steve.

**Chapter 5: Tragedy Strikes**

Pretty's new life came crashing down when Michael suddenly passed away in a tragic accident. He was the only son of his family, and his death left a deep void in his family's life. Pretty was left devastated and alone, without Michael's support and far from her children, whom she had abandoned.

As she grieved Michael's death, Pretty began to realize the enormity of the mistakes she had made. She had left behind her two children and the man who had once loved her unconditionally. Now, she had nothing but regret. The freedom she had craved had come at a steep price-her family and her future.

**Chapter 6: Lessons Learned**

After Michael's death, Pretty returned to her hometown. She sought out Steve and their children, hoping to reconcile with the family she had left behind. But things were no longer the same. Steve had done his best to move on and focus on raising the children. Though he still cared for Pretty, the trust between them had been shattered.

The children, too, had grown distant from the mother who had abandoned them. They no longer saw her as the nurturing figure they once knew. Pretty, filled with regret, tried to rebuild her relationship with them, but it was not an easy task.

In the end, Pretty learned the hard way that the allure of freedom and excitement can be deceiving. She realized that the responsibilities of marriage and motherhood were not a burden, but a privilege she had taken for granted. While she managed to slowly regain her children's trust, the damage done to her relationship with Steve was irreversible.

**Lessons to Learn:**

1. **The Consequences of Rushing into Marriage:** Early marriage can force young individuals into roles they are not emotionally or mentally prepared for, leading to resentment and regret.

2. **The Importance of Communication and Understanding:** In any marriage, communication is key. Steve and Pretty's marriage fell apart because they failed to express their feelings and struggles to one another.

3. **The Impact of Choices on Others:** Pretty's decision to leave affected not just her life but also the lives of her children and Steve. Choices made in pursuit of personal freedom can have far-reaching consequences on the family.

4. **Appreciating the Value of Family:** Pretty realized too late that the love and stability she had with Steve and her children were more valuable than the fleeting excitement she sought elsewhere. Family is a gift that should never be taken for granted.

5. **The Power of Forgiveness and Growth:** Though Pretty could never fully restore her broken family, she learned to take responsibility for her actions and work towards healing. Both Steve and Pretty found ways to grow from their past, though their lives would never be the same.

From the Gojoe Desk.

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