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..."This is not the time to cry Morgana,this is the time to become brave and revenge!! Don't forgive the royal family of Neovat.You must avenge my death!!". Morgana ran as fast as she could deeper into the forest and was never seen again....... Years later,Morgana fell in love with the prince of Neovat."We're not compatible!I have a mission to accomplish Leo, you're a distraction". Morgana ranted. Will Morgana be able to succeed with her revenge? Will her love life with the prince be smooth?

Chapter 1 (Banished)

In the year 1980,there was a vast kingdom called Niovan.The Kingdom was ruled by the great King Christopher.King Christopher was a tyrant.He rules in his own favour not minding the impact it has on the people of Niovan.King Christopher was a notorious man and the people of Niovan feared him.There came a time when he banished a young woman and her daughter all because she refused to sleep with him...

He falsely accused her of witchcraft and thereafter banished her with his wife fully in support of his evil decision.Agnes cried heavily as she was forcefully dragged out of the kingdom.She promised King Christopher that she was going to revenge no matter what happens.Her daughter was carried away together with her as they were dumped in the dark forest...

Agnes and her daughter,Morgana,dwelled in the forest for days eating wild fruits from the trees and nuts from the ground.Agnes promised her daughter that everything would be fine even when they were in a helpless situation.She made her daughter believe that her late father would always be with them and won't let anything bad happen to them.This words assured Morgana that they would survive but little did they know of the storm approaching.

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