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Fated to Be Forgotten

Fated to Be Forgotten

Emperor penfelt


She never should have been born an alpha's daughter. Reyna Winters was all too keenly aware of the irony of her familial status. She longed to be like any other wolf in the Silver Moon Pack, knowing that her purpose was tied to her destined mate. She wanted any other forbidden love she could have; the perfect husband, the babies...She just wanted to fulfill the role she was made for. Instead she was tarnished. Branded as nothing more than a disgraceful daughter, Reyna is laid bare, outcast and alone. Then she is banished into exile. Sathis the goddess of Fate, has other plans. Just when all hope seems to be lost, Reyna's life begins anew. Unfortunately, it is more than expected on every front. She discovers she has powers not witnessed in nearly a hundred years and a destiny that she and her mate both fear. And a terrifying pack threatening to spill into her pack land threatening everything she has rebuilt. Reynolds, the alpha of a rogue unclaimed pack, steps up to the challenge of his fathers murder and the occupation of his enemies. He must make a move to solidify his pack and save their riddles from defeat, while still managing a roughtly matched alliance with werewolves he sincerely dosent like. And to top that off, he takes out the only female in the entire riddled pack as his mate. While each forced to define themselves now that their lives could be forever. closed in a day, or less, they have to choose. A powerful alpha that screws her heart into a million pieces or a possible mate that tugs at her soul, longing to give so much in return. Love after all, conquered all. Is it the love of a shattering heart or the need for revenge, that reigns supreme?

Chapter 1 A Night of Shattered Dreams

The moon shone brightly above us, illuminating the ceremony grounds in a veil of silver, as I clutched my chest with my pounding heart while gazing at the gathering of my pack. The full moon ceremony was underway - and tonight I would finally meet my fated mate. Being the daughter of the alpha of the Silver Moon Pack, I've prepared my entire life for this moment. The expectation weighed heavily on my shoulders.

I attempted to fend off the anxious flutters in my stomach caused by the thought of Kian Grey, the respective alpha of our pack. We have known each other for all of our lives - trained together - shared everything but one thing - the truth of our mateship. In the depths of my heart, I hoped it would be Kian. He has always been the one destined for greatness, and I always imagined the moon goddess would pair me with a soulmate with a destiny like that of Kian. When I played out scenes from tonight's ceremony in my mind I always pictured Kian as the most beautiful wolf in the world when he finally saw me, when he finally truly saw me.

The people around me buzzed with anticipation. I looked over at my father, the dark and impressively built alpha Marcus posture stoically at the front of the pack. His silver locks glowed impossibly illuminated by the moon as he provided a regal manifestation every ounce the leader he was. I had everything he was in me, even if I didn't think that at the moment. I squared my shoulders, ready to deliver in honor of my father's legacy.

Nora nudged me with emphasis, "Reyna you'll be fine just breathe."

I practiced a nervous smile at her. "I know. But...what if it isn't Kian?" Throughout our journey along the boundaries of our territory, I felt the shift in energy surrounding us. The air was filled with palpable energy, and I could sense that something major loomed in the near future. "Do you believe we can take him?" I asked softly in an almost whisper with apprehension.

Kian paused, clearly contemplating his initial response to my inquiry but frowned deeply. "I have no clue what Damian is planning," Kian said, "but what I do know is that we are stronger united. We have fought for this pack, and we will not back down now... no decision to be made now," said Kian rallying support as charged energy interpreted.

Before I had a chance to deliberate, I felt empowered, filled with boldness and strength. "Alright-let's get to work and prep and prepare." I continued, "We need to gather everyone and set up defensive patrols-get everyone in defensive mindset."

As our group walked together above the border around the pack, my thoughts spiraled back to the journey of how I got to this very moment-the rejection, the pain, the rediscovering of self. Now I was standing on the edge of a battle, sooner or later perhaps, for everybody in this pack, and my perceptions of identity.

A few hours later, when the moon hung high above in the sky, casting silver shadowing across the forest floor, we all gathered in the clearing to decide a plan of action. The warriors stood forming a half circle shape around me as I stood my ground at the center supported by the firelight from the flickering flames. I took a few breaths to compose myself.

I need them to hear what I had to say. "Listen-listen up everyone! We've received and confirmed a breach of an attack from Damian, and we need all to be ready. We are only strong united, and I know each one of you have powers to defend or make the pack strike to perceiving conclusion."

Almost instinctively a cry rang out for encouragement, solidarity, and support: "Yes!" invigorating myself and others in spirit as if it ignited a fire within myself and others around. I shared or communicated my plan for defense and sharing the patrol parameters, strategic stations, etc. to everyone so they at least had an idea of their duties and had some repeated acceptance and acknowledgment while awkwardly moving into the next plan of discussion.

Kian stood beside me, offering his input and bringing up the spirits of the pack. Together, we established a joined front, a team and above all, we were bound to protect what was valuable to us. The friendly feelings spread through the laughter, camaraderie, and stories quickly. As we unpacked our plans, I could see the dominos of resolve assembling among the warriors.

Time moved quickly through stories and laughter, a brief moment of peace before the storm. I occasionally noticed Kian and how he interacted with the pack. Every time he spoke with a member, it was clear he was working to reclaim their trust and, at that, a sense of relief warmed my heart. It felt good to see him engaged in his new role, and perhaps there was sunlight beneath the shadows of our former selves.

As the embers burned to coals, Zane pulled everyone aside for one final huddle. "Tomorrow, we face our enemy. We are not only fighting for ourselves but for our family, our home, and our future together. Tomorrow, we show Damian that the Silver Moon Pack won't be shattered."

A huge cheer came from the clearing, and I could really feel the bond strengthen. Everyone was ready for the battles ahead. As I turned and looked back at Kian, some nerves crept up. Were we really able to move on from our past and fight as a team?

He shifted his eyes to mine, and in that moment a, flicker of understanding passed in between us. "No matter what happens tomorrow, Reyna, I want you around. You are not alone."

I was all smiles, and the words filled my heart with gratitude. "Thank you, Kian. Thank you."

As everyone dispersed to their sleeping arrangements, I took a moment to escape the happenings at the camp and breathe the crisp air of the cool night. The moon was low and casting light over the trees that surrounded us and the silver firelight reminded me of a long journey ahead.

In that instant of isolation, I became aware of the stirring of my wolf, once dormant power awoken again inside me. Eyes closed, I concentrated, feeling the power of my wolf pulse in my being and through my veins. I was ready to step into my true self.

Tomorrow might entail challenges we couldn't see, but I was without a doubt, not the girl who had been left and rejected. I was Reyna Winters an alpha's daughter, a warrior, a Luna, ready to fight for her pack.

With full confidence, I made my way back to my chambers, and I was prepared for the dawn of war. I would fight not only for my pack, but I also mustered all my strength in my face. And no matter what, I would emerge resiliently, retrieving the awakening power inside me.

When the weight of the night finally pooled over me, and banked away into a cave in the spaces through my head, I welcomed it; caught in the knowing if needed the next morn, I stood up as an intimidating creature. I was liberated in the knowledge, anything could happen tomorrow and I would embrace it. I plugged into the might of cortex, freedom and love in those surrounding me.

She scoffed. "Unless you're talking about Kian, the moon goddess is a fool. Besides, whoever your mate is, they're lucky. Don't worry, we all have nervousness the day of. It will pass.

I wished I had Nora's confidence. I wished I could push aside my doubts, but the way Kian had been distant in the last few months reigned in the back of my mind. We hadn't trained together in weeks, and whenever I caught his eye, it was as if he looked straight through me. Maybe it was just pre-ceremony jitters. Maybe he was nervous too.

The alpha's voice called for the pack. "Tonight, we gather under the moon's blessing, to watch our young wolves pair. The bonds created tonight are to help us steer the future of the pack."

I swallowed hard, as the energy in the air quickly shifted to its next phase. The next phase of the ceremony. The anticipation was palpable in ambiance, just beyond what we could interact with. One by one, wolves around me began to sense their mates. Each pair's eyes lit with sparkles of recognition of the sacred bond. Heart beating approximately out of my chest, I scanned the crowd, searching for Kian.

Then I spotted him.

Kian stood at the edge of the circle, tall and menacing. His dark hair whipped in the wind, and his green eyes were fixed on something...or someone. I was trying to calm my breath, but I was unable to. I took a few steps toward him after sensing the future mate bond stir within me.

This was it. This had to be him.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he spoke first. His voice, cold and sliced like ice. "Reyna."

I blinked, heart racing. "Kian, I-"

" I reject you as my mate"

The words struck me like a blow to the chest. For a moment, I could not comprehend what he had said. My legs shook under me, the bond I felt only seconds before had been severed like a thin thread. The pack became quiet around us, all eyes now on what was happening.

"I'm sorry?" I whispered, my voice getting small. "You... reject me?"

Kian's face was stony. His voice was frigid. "You're too weak to be my mate, Reyna. You've always been too soft, too kind. I need a Luna that can stand beside me and lead. I need a Luna that is strong. You are not that Luna."

I couldn't breathe. My chest was tight, and my heart cracked into tiny little pieces with every word he said. This could not be happening. This was not how it was supposed to go.

"Kian, I-" My voice broke and I pushed myself to speak again. "The Moon Goddess paired us. You cannot reject that."

He snarled, "I can and I have. The pack deserves better. I deserve better."

I kept staring at him, the weight of his rejection suffocating me. The humiliation burned under my skin as hushed whispers flowed through the pack. My father's eyes met mine from across the circle. I could see the shock and disappointment on his face. He had believed I would be Kian's Luna, just like I did.

But now...

Tears welled in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them fall. I would not break for him. I would not break for any of these people. I would not give him an ounce of satisfaction.

"If that is what you want," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

Kian's rejection was final. The mate bond was completely destroyed, and the loneliness that came with it felt empty inside. I had never felt pain like that before, as if I had lost a piece of my own soul.

Kian didn't say another word; he simply turned and left, leaving me lonely and broken.

The ceremony around me continued, but I felt numb. I couldn't hear the laughter, and joy as others found their mates. All I could feel was the crushing weight of Kian's words.

I had been rejected by my mate. I had been pushed away. I had been humiliated in front of my entire pack.

That night after the ceremony, I packed a small bag and fled the Silver Moon territory. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't stay. After everything that had happened, I felt I had no other choice. After all, my home, which had been my secure attached place, felt like a prison.

As I headed into the forest cloaked in twilight, I made a silent vow.

I won't come back. Not until I found a way to prove them wrong. Prove him wrong.

But deep down, I knew it would take more than strength to heal the wound Kian had made.

Healing would take a miracle....

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