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Young master's love trap

Young master's love trap

Riki Ageng Pratama


As the sun sets over the city, Shania finds herself sitting nervously in a luxurious office across from Alvaro Mahendra, a handsome but intimidating businessman. Desperate to save the orphanage where she grew up, Shania faces a life-altering choice: to sign a contract that will bind her to Alvaro as his mistress for three years in exchange for a loan to keep the orphanage open. Despite her fears and doubts, the gravity of the situation compels her to accept the deal, knowing that the children depend on her. With trembling hands, Shania signs the agreement, feeling as if she's sealing her fate. Alvaro, devoid of emotion, informs her that her life will now revolve around him. Afterward, Shania receives news that the orphanage has secured a large donation, a gesture likely orchestrated by Alvaro himself. While relieved that the children will be safe, Shania grapples with the heavy cost of her sacrifice: her freedom and future now belong to a man she barely knows. The chapter closes with Shania feeling lost in an abyss of uncertainty and fear, fully aware that her life has irrevocably changed.

Chapter 1 The Unavoidable Agreement

The sun was beginning to set behind the towering buildings of the city, casting a faint orange hue through the large windows of the luxurious office. Shania sat nervously in front of the long mahogany table, her hands trembling as she stared at the stack of papers laid out before her. The room's cool air from the air conditioner did little to ease the knot of anxiety tightening in her chest.

Alvaro Mahendra, the handsome yet mysterious man seated across from her, appeared completely unfazed. His sharp gaze bore into her with an intensity that made her feel exposed, vulnerable. His sleek, jet-black hair was neatly combed back, further enhancing the cold aura that seemed to follow him wherever he went. His hands rested calmly on the table, as if this life-altering agreement was just another mundane business transaction.

"Sign this agreement, and I'll give you the loan," Alvaro's voice broke the heavy silence, his tone steady and emotionless. There was no room for negotiation in his words, only a command disguised as an offer.

Shania swallowed hard, her eyes still glued to the thick legal document. A wave of dread washed over her. This was not just a simple loan; it was a contract that would irrevocably change her life. On the one hand, she desperately needed the money to save the orphanage where she had grown up-the only home she had ever known. But on the other hand, this agreement came with a heavy price. A price she wasn't sure she was willing to pay.

"Isn't there another way?" she dared to ask, though her voice was weak, barely audible. She clung to the sliver of hope that there might be an alternative-something that didn't involve her making such a monumental sacrifice.

Alvaro's cold gaze didn't waver. He shook his head slightly. "No. This is the only offer. You know as well as I do that the orphanage is on the verge of closure. Without substantial funds, they'll shut it down within weeks. And you, Shania, have no other options."

His words hit her like a punch to the gut. She already knew the orphanage's dire situation, but hearing it spelled out so plainly only intensified the crushing weight of her dilemma. The children there-many younger than her-depended on her. She couldn't let them lose the only safe place they had, even if it meant sacrificing her own future.

"But... becoming your mistress?" Shania's voice quivered as she spoke. The thought of it was unbearable. "How can I live like that?"

Alvaro leaned back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips as though he was entertained by her torment. "You won't have to worry about anything. I'll provide everything you need. You'll live in a luxury apartment, and all your desires will be met. Your only responsibility will be to belong to me for the next three years."

Three years. To Shania, it felt like a lifetime. She couldn't even begin to fathom what those three years would be like. A prisoner of circumstance, bound by a contract she was being forced to sign. The clock seemed to slow, each tick dragging on as if mocking her impending decision.

She bit her lip, fighting back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Everything inside her screamed to reject this-to find some other way. But deep down, she knew the truth: this was the only path left for her. The only way to save the place she called home.

With trembling hands, she reached for the pen. Every movement felt like she was sealing her fate. "Won't you regret this?" she asked softly, her voice barely above a whisper. She clung to this last glimmer of hope, hoping for some sign of humanity from Alvaro.

Alvaro's face remained impassive, not a hint of emotion in his dark eyes. "No. I never regret anything."

With a deep, shaky breath, Shania signed the contract. Each stroke of the pen felt like a knife twisting in her heart. As her signature dried on the paper, the weight of her decision crashed down on her like an avalanche. This was it. There was no turning back.

"Good," Alvaro said, taking the papers and neatly tucking them into a thick black folder. His voice was calm, almost casual, as if he had just concluded a normal business deal. "From now on, you belong to me, Shania."

Shania didn't respond. She had no words left. Her world had shifted irrevocably, and the enormity of what she had just agreed to weighed heavily on her soul. The orphanage might have been saved, but at what cost?


That evening, Shania walked slowly back to her cramped apartment, her legs feeling heavy with each step. The city's vibrant energy buzzed around her, but it felt distant, like she was watching it all from behind a fogged window. Her mind raced, replaying the events of the day over and over again. She had signed away three years of her life, bound herself to a man she barely knew, all for the sake of the orphanage.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, pulling her out of her daze. She glanced at the screen and saw the orphanage's number flash on the display. With a deep breath, she answered the call.

"Shania? Are you alright? We just got word that a huge donation came in for the orphanage! We'll be able to keep our doors open!" the excited voice of the orphanage director filled her ear.

Shania blinked back tears. She had expected this, knowing full well that Alvaro had already made the arrangements. Still, hearing the joy in the director's voice made it all feel real. The sacrifice she had made was already having an impact.

"That's wonderful news," she said softly, her voice shaky but sincere. "I'm glad everything's going to be okay."

As the call ended, Shania stared out at the city lights. The world kept moving around her, indifferent to the inner turmoil she was facing. The relief of knowing the orphanage was saved did little to soothe the storm raging in her heart. She had paid the price, but the cost was her own freedom.

From now on, her life wasn't her own. It belonged to Alvaro Mahendra. And the thought of that made her feel like she was falling into an abyss with no end in sight.

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