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Blurb: Ava Monroe's life changes forever after one night with Damon Blackwood, the ruthless billionaire hiding a painful past and a secret child. As their worlds collide, Ava uncovers lies that threaten to tear them apart. Caught between her family's troubled history and Damon's dark secrets, she must decide if love is worth the price. But in a world of betrayal, power plays, and hidden truths, will Ava risk everything for love; or is redemption too far out of reach?

Chapter 1 ONE

Chapter 1

The sound of high heels tapping on the marble floor was ringing in the empty and clinical lobby, every step was confident and determined. Ava did not pay much attention to the richness of the interior; she was too practical to be impressed by the upper class. Her eyes were fixed on the road ahead but her mind was still with the text message she had received in the morning.

Her mother's health was not very good.

She took a breath, holding herself together. There was no time for weakness. Her job demanded that she remain calm and that she not let any emotion get in the way of her professionalism no matter what was going on inside her. She got to the elevator and her fingers paused for a moment before pushing the button that went to the top floor.

This meeting could change everything.

The doors closed slowly and quietly behind her, leaving her alone in the shiny metal cage. She felt dwarfed in here, but she did not want anyone to know this. This was the chance she had been waiting for. The opportunity to work with Blackwood Enterprises could help her advance her career and give her family the financial stability they require. And yet, the name Blackwood carried a weight she couldn't quite shake. She'd heard stories-rumors of the man who sat at the top, hidden from the public eye, his empire casting a shadow over every competitor.

But stories were just that, stories. People said many things about those they jealous especially billionaires. Ava tried to take a deep breath, to calm herself down as the nerves crawled up her spine like a cold hand.

The elevator decelerated and stopped smoothly at the top floor. The doors parted and the room that was revealed could only be described as opulent – modern and simple with large windows that showcased the view of New York City. She felt her heart racing and assumed a more upright position, leaning forward.

Waiting was not an option. Not today.

A man was standing by the window, a man of large presence, his outline clear and distinct against the city light. He didn't look around as she neared him, but his silhouette was unmistakable. She sensed it in the atmosphere, how it grew dense as if there was an electricity, a tension, a threat.

She stood a few steps away from him, gripping her bag tightly. They didn't even say hello or introduce themselves. Just silence. And then his voice was low, controlled, but with a razor-sharp edge.

"Miss Monroe."

Just the sound of her name, coming from him, made her feel a knot in her stomach. It was not fear that I felt but something akin to it, a realization of the dominance he possessed, the command he had even when he did not raise his voice. She forced herself to respond, her voice steady but softer than she'd intended.

"Mr. Blackwood. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice."

Damon Blackwood didn't move. He stood still with his eyes focused outside the window, his hands idly resting in the pockets of his perfectly tailored tuxedo. Ava turned her eyes towards the back of his head, looking for some sign, some indication of the man who would determine her destiny. The stories hadn't done him justice. The cold businessman, the ruthless shark. He was all of those things, she realized, but there was something else. Something darker.

"You come highly recommended," he said finally, turning just enough for her to see the sharpness in his blue eyes. "But recommendations aren't enough. That is why I do not waste my time on the mediocre."

His words were bitter but Ava did not turn around, she would not let him dominate her, make her feel like he was making her feel. He was teasing her, she understood. This was part of the game. She tilted her head up, looking straight into his eyes as much as she could muster.

"I do not like wasting time as well, Mr. Blackwood."

And then, for a second, there was a look of something like surprise in his eyes. But it was as fleeting as the light, and he was back to that impassive face that suited him so well. He gazed into her eyes and she felt that he was looking right into her soul, that he was undressing her and she had no clue. They stared at each other for a while, a rather uncomfortable one, but Ava did not flinch. She couldn't. This wasn't just about her job. It was about survival-for her, for her mother. She needed this.

Damon moved away from the window, his actions sluggish and measured. He approached her like a predator, standing close enough that she could feel the heat coming off from him but maintaining professionalism.

"You're not what I expected," he said, sounding more thoughtful than harsh. He gazed at her but it was not a lecherous look. He could have been looking for something different in her, something which has nothing to do with her resume, her reputation.

She glanced into his eyes once more and then stared into them. "And what did you expect?"

A small, almost imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but his eyes remained cold. "Someone I could intimidate."

Ava however suppressed the cold feeling that went through her when he said that she did not let her facial expression show it. Damon Blackwood was a man who enjoyed manipulation, who made people go through the ropes to see if they would crack. But she wouldn't break. Not today.

"Is that why you agreed to meet me?" she asked, her voice cool, matching his calm intensity. "To see if you could intimidate me?"

He hesitated for a response and for a brief moment, she felt she went too far with him. But then he gave a slight nod, a gesture that wasn't quite approval but something close enough to it.

"Maybe," he replied, his voice emotionless. "Or maybe I was curious."

Curious. That wasn't a word she'd expected from him. It suggested something more-something deeper. She sensed that something had changed, the atmosphere in the room was different. It was not only business anymore; it was not a simple interview between a CEO and a candidate. It was something else, something that was not said, something that was felt but not expressed.

Ava forced herself to remain calm and composed, as Damon walked back to the window and stood facing away from her again. His voice, when he spoke next, was low, almost too quiet.

"Let's see if you can handle what's coming, Miss Monroe."

"Let's see if you can take what is coming, Miss Monroe." She did not answer immediately, her head reeling at the implication of his statement. Handle what's coming. A threat, maybe, or a dare. She couldn't be sure. The only thing she was sure of was that whatever was in store for her, she had to confront it squarely.

"I'm ready, Mr. Blackwood," she said, her tone clear and strong, though she felt like a whirlpool of emotions was raging within her.

Still, Damon said nothing to her, and that was all she needed from him. From this, she learned that this was only the beginning and that whatever else would befall her would be even far worse than what she had thought.

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