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Reincarnated The Unwanted Princess

Reincarnated The Unwanted Princess



Who is she?" "Her eyes are so dangerous." "She's different." "Is that really her?" "How strong she is." "All I want is peace. If you ruin it, I'll make you into pieces." Eve. I was lost in the middle of the forest because of the person I trusted the most. My body was covered in bruises. "a voice shattered my thoughts. "You can't run away from me. I let out a bitter laugh. If I'm going to die, I might as well face him. I stepped out from my hiding place and saw him standing by the waterfall. Slowly, I walked toward him. " he said without turning around, then faced me. "You know if you just give me your position," he smiled. "Even if you kill me, I'm not going to give you my position," I said firmly. He glared at me and drew his gun. "Then I don't have a choice," he said, aiming the gun at me. Before he could fire, I summoned all my strength and charged at him. The gun went off just as I embraced him, and we both plunged into the raging waters of the waterfall. I didn't feel the pain of the bullet wound; all I felt was the agony of my brother's betrayal. They know me as ruthless, merciless, and heartless, as well as for being skilled in various aspects like business. Of course, they know me for killing brutally. I'm the most powerful and dangerous person in this world, which is why they call me "Empress." But my personality toward my brother is the opposite. As my vision dimmed, despite his betrayal, I whispered, "I love you still, my little brother."

Chapter 1 my family

Chapter 1


I was alone, looking out of the small window of my room. I saw my family eating and laughing together in the garden because my cousin was celebrating her 17th birthday. We share the same day and month for our birthdays, but not the year, because I'm older than her. I guess they've forgotten about me.

I watched them for a long time until someone knocked on my door.

"Beloved princess, please open your door," my maid said.

When I opened the door, a smiling face greeted me.

"Happy birthday, beloved princess," she said, handing me a small bread roll with a candle lit on it.

I let her in, and we sat on my small bed.

"Thank you so much, Elisha," I said sadly.

"Don't be sad, beloved princess," she replied with a smile while arranging the forks and spoons.

I stared at the spoon Elisha was holding. She held the bread up to my face.

"Blow it out, beloved princess, and make a wish," she said.

I did what Elisha said. I closed my eyes, blew out the candle, and wished, "I wish that someday I can feel the feeling of being loved."

When I opened my eyes, I saw Elisha smiling at me, so I smiled back.


"Yes, beloved princess?"

"Can you please get me some water?"

"Of course, beloved princess. I'm sorry I forgot to bring some," she said, her head bowed.

"It's okay, Elisha," I replied.

As she stepped out the door, I slowly grasped the spoon and moved closer to the window. A tear slowly escaped my eyes as I looked at them. My vision blurred, and I glanced at my hand to see the knife. I slowly pressed it against my chest and stabbed it where my heart was located.

My white dress slowly turned red from the blood flowing from my chest. I remembered the pain when they hurt me, both physically and emotionally.

"You're just a disgrace of a daughter."

"You're powerless."

"I don't love you! Look at yourself; you're disgusting."

"We don't have a sister like you."

"Just die."

My eyelids grew heavier, and I fell to the cold floor, darkness swallowing me. Finally, I would be able to sleep.


I woke up because I heard someone crying. As I opened my eyes, I saw someone closing the door.

Am I alive?

I checked my body-no scars, but there was a bandage on my chest. I remember being shot in the neck, not in the chest.

Where am I? This is not my room.

I scanned the four corners of the room. All I can say is that it's clean but cramped.

I managed to sit up when someone opened the door. She walked straight to a small table and placed the basin she was holding on it.

Shock was written on her face when her gaze landed on me.

"M-Mahal na princesa, g-gising ka na," she said tearfully.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly.

She trembled as she looked at me. I could see fear and sadness in her eyes while she kept calling me "princess."

Why does she keep calling me princess? I'm not a princess; I'm an empress.

"AGAIN, I SAID, WHO ARE YOU?!?!" I shouted dangerously at her.

She fell to the floor, weakly stood up, and tremblingly reached for the doorknob. She ran out while saying, "Kailangan malaman ito ng mahal na reyna."

I frustratedly brushed my hair because of annoyance. Is she crazy? Why does she keep saying worthless words? "Mahal na princesa"? "Mahal na reyna"? Is she out of her mind? Tss, nonsense.

I looked at the door because I heard footsteps. The door burst open violently. Are they going to break the door?

I looked at the people who entered the room. A girl in a maid's uniform, along with a man and a woman over 40 years old, both dressed in royal attire and gowns, wearing crowns atop their heads. I think they're a couple.

The woman spoke, tears streaming down her face. ? I don't have a mother; I only have a little brother.

"I'm not your daughter, ma'am," I said seriously.

She weakly embraced her husband.

"I'm sorry, but you are my daughter, or perhaps you lost your memories because I heard that you fell to the ground," the woman said as tears continued to fall from her eyes.

"Call the healer now, Elisha," the man ordered, his cold gaze meeting mine. We stared at each other until he looked away, muttering something I didn't hear.

"Call the healer now, Elisha," the man ordered, his cold gaze meeting mine. We stared at each other until he looked away, muttering something I didn't hear.

"Child," the woman said, drawing my attention.

"I'm your mother, Cynthia Vladimir, and this is your father, Leonnel Vladimir. We are the King and Queen of the Vampireous Kingdom, and you are Ezra Eve Vladimir."

Ezra Eve Vladimir? That's not my name. My name is Eve Yue. I was about to protest when a sudden, intense pain shot through my head.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed, clutching my head.

"What the hell? It hurts." Before I blacked out from the pain, I heard the Queen shouting for the healer.

As I opened my eyes, I was greeted by a clear sky. I looked around.

Is this paradise? I wandered aimlessly, not knowing where I was headed. I was surrounded by tall trees and beautiful flowers.

While exploring, I noticed a well. I continued walking toward it; it was surrounded by grass and flowers, but its beauty was still evident. I gazed at it as if it were inviting me to look at the water rising from the well.

As I watched it, it suddenly brightened, causing me to cover my eyes. As I removed my hands from my eyes, various images appeared, almost like someone's memories.

'SLAP! You're just a disgrace. Get lost!'

'Are you even royalty?'

'You're powerless.'

'I don't have a sister like you.'

'You're just a shame.'


'Look at your face. Disgusting.'


The images slowly faded. I saw a girl surrounded by a group of bullies; they were hurting her, not just emotionally but physically. Her family was also hurting her, although her mother wasn't. Even though she didn't hurt her, she did nothing to stop her family. Just because she was a nerd, powerless, weak, and ugly, they were going to hurt her? Tss, pathetic.

Oh! Wait, her mother looks familiar. Oh! I remembered she's Queen Cynthia and her husband is King Leonnel. So why are they calling me daughter? We don't look alike. Are they deceiving me? Deceivers.

As I pondered their intentions, the water in the well rippled and overflowed, pulling me in. I tried to run, but it was too late.

Before I was completely swallowed by the well, I heard a voice: "You're back now, my child."


I woke up to the heat streaming in from the window. I shot up, memories flooding back.

It was all just a dream, wasn't it?

Slowly, I opened my eyes. What the hell!! Why am I here again, in this room?

Don't tell me...

I quickly searched for the bathroom. When I saw it, I immediately opened the door and faced the mirror. I nearly punched the mirror because my face was different; it wasn't my face. I intently looked in the mirror: dry black hair, big round glasses, and an oily face. It was the girl from my memories.

I sighed. So, I've been reincarnated as the unwanted princess. Great. What a headache.

I noticed a shower, so they do have one here. Not bad. At least I won't have to adjust to everything. I walked over and took a shower. I felt so sticky. Did the owner of this body never bathe?

After showering, I looked in the mirror again and saw a goddess. She was beautiful. Why had she been hiding her face? Her long, silky black hair had highlights of gray. She had pale skin, a slim face, pinkish lips, a small pointed nose, and ash-gray eyes with a tint of red. So, this is my new face? Not bad.

I wrapped myself in a robe and stepped out. There was a cabinet in the room, so I figured it was her closet. I opened it, and my face went emotionless at the sight of her clothes. No wonder she was called ugly and a nerd-her clothes were so frumpy.

I sat down by the door, staring blankly at the cabinet. I noticed a small button so tiny you wouldn't see it unless you looked closely. Without hesitation, I pressed it, and suddenly the cabinet started to spin, pulling me in. It was so dark; I couldn't see anything. Slowly, I felt along the wall to find the light switch, and when I found it, I quickly pressed it.

It's all I can say: Heaven.

There were so many clothes, shoes, heels, bags, glasses, and more. I just wore black shorts and an oversized shirt since I was only in the room. I also put on a pair of glasses that suited my face; her vision wasn't blurry, so why was she wearing glasses? After getting dressed, I walked around and saw-oh my god-there were so many books. Is this a library? Oh my god, I'm crying! I love books!! I completely lose my status as Empress when I have a book in my hands.

After browsing for a while, I picked out two books: "Enchanted World," which is about the kingdoms and places of this world, and "Mystic Magics," which covers magic, powers, and abilities.

To Be Continued...

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