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Wild Fantasies Come True

Wild Fantasies Come True

Wilson Gomes


Warning!! 🔞🔞This book contains graphic depictions of s*xual activity, strong language, and other mature themes. It is recommended for adults only (18+) ***** I've always been fortunate to have a murky intellect. Without a doubt, many people would describe it as a fault. I like to consider it a feature of my appeal. I was given the chance to retire early a few years ago. I ran for it. Since I had the time, I figured it was only suitable that I utilize part of it to spread the word about my wicked mind and my porn talent. It is unfortunate. However, I have only had a very minor amount of the experiences I write about. Naturally, I have no desire to extend some of the dreams I explore beyond the world of fantasy. But I have to be honest-many of the topics I write about make me feel good, and I want to learn more about them. That's probably clear. I wouldn't write about them if they didn't pique my interest.

Chapter 1 My Marital Life

Charlie's POV

I've always been fortunate to have a murky intellect. Without a doubt, many people would describe it as a fault. I like to consider it a feature of my appeal. I was given the chance to retire early a few years ago. I ran for it. Since I had the time, I figured it was only suitable that I utilize part of it to spread the word about my wicked mind and my porn talent.

I lack a good education. In terms of writing, I can say without a doubt that I lack exceptional skills. However, it seems that I have tapped into the desires of a tiny but bizarre group that has gone unmet by the other authors who have posted works in this genre. They have inspired me, and I now love my small pastime.

With my tales, not everyone is pleased. But it's all right. Never was that my intention. I write for my amusement. The fact that others are amused is only the cherry on top.

It is unfortunate. However, I have only had a very minor amount of the experiences I write about. Naturally, I have no desire to extend some of the dreams I explore beyond the world of fantasy.

But I have to be honest-many of the topics I write about make me feel good, and I want to learn more about them. That's probably clear. I wouldn't write about them if they didn't pique my interest.

In some respects, you might say that my wife serves as my motivation. My wife opposes sex. She has never loved sex and doesn't now. I blame various aspects of her upbringing for that shortcoming.

I am aware of other ladies who had similar upbringings and overcame dreadful things like the Catholic Church, Catholic schools, and parents who were too stiff to exhibit love for one another or their offspring while maintaining their libido. My wife fared less well.

As far as I know, he has never shown his love to any of his five children, but he now expresses it to his girlfriend who is in a nursing facility. She tried for decades to persuade him to do so.

Like so many others, my wife was unable to go beyond it. She grew up to be just as submissive as her dad. What's worse is that she showed little interest in fixing what I saw to be an issue. We remained friends for a very long time-decades. But I have to be sincere. I often considered leaving her.

I believe I remained because I felt like she needed my help. However, it may have been something different, like a wish for her to change in the future. At least initially, I genuinely did adore her. Or maybe it was anything so simple as inertia.

Retirement was the one thing that my marriage didn't make it through. We started to quarrel all the time. We were both relieved when we ultimately decided to split up. She returned to the north to live close to her family after we shared our assets fairly. Both then and today, I didn't miss her.

She was the author of many of my tales, even though we were unable to get along. I vented my anger against my asexual wife on the helpless female characters in my writings.

Because I had so little sex throughout my lengthy marriage, I was forced to spend a lot of time thinking about it. It gradually decreased until there was no sex life left at all. I lack education. I'm not a fool, however. I saw that my fantasies changed as the intervals between sex actions increased. My already deranged thoughts started to consider sex activities that were kinkier and then kinkier.

Women in my tales started to experience worse abuse as I started to transform my dreams into actual stories. I think my anger at my wife had a role in this, at least in part. I never married one of those ladies, the ones I wrote about. As I was writing the pieces, I had no mental image of her. But many poor fictitious ladies have paid a heavy price for my annoyance.

I started using my tales as therapy. Numerous guys who appreciated my article reached out to me, and many of them reported that their spouses were treating them unfairly. There appears to be a large contingent of women who dislike having sex.

Knowing what I know about guys, I have to presume that most of the time, the man is probably far more than half the issue. In terms of women and sex, guys sometimes lack a lot of knowledge. I think that I'm also not entirely innocent. However, it can't always be the issue.

The number of women who wrote to me with thoughts of submission, of being mistreated and humiliated, truly surprised me. They often griped that I didn't go far enough or treated the poor lady in whatever narrative they were writing to remark on too leniently.

There are many cold-hearted ladies out there! I doubt that when I started publishing tales, I had the slightest idea that the things I wrote would amuse ladies. I rapidly got a good education. Think about my astonishment. Other ladies have the same dreams I have!

I started interacting online with some of the men and women who read my writings. People, particularly women, feel far more at ease discussing their dreams with someone they have never met and are unlikely to ever meet. This is especially true when that person is someone like myself who has previously published their desires and with whom they feel a sense of familiarity.

Many guys give me intimate images of their wives or girlfriends as encouragement or possibly as money for my tales. I'm grateful for them. I observe them. I like them. I then remove them.

When it initially began, I rescued them. I didn't feel comfortable sharing them, however. That would be an act of treason. I started to remove them when I noticed that I seldom ever went back to look at them afterward.

The tendency of my female admirers to send me intimate photos intrigued me more. Each of them has an appealing quality of its own. And I still find them all enjoyable. That they desire to divulge so much about themselves to me makes me feel appreciated.

I started to enjoy life more once my wife departed. I avoided dating. I'm unsure whether I still understand how. I'm unsure whether I have the patience to handle it.

But I started taking more trips. I love to travel, but unless it was to see her family, it took a few big guys, crowbars, and at least one winch to get my wife to leave our house and go on a vacation.

I was now able to go anywhere I wanted. Even better, I could now ride my Motorbike around freely. Right up until about a year after my wife departed, life was coasting along. I got an email from a young lady who accurately identified the location of my home city. She was born and raised here, so she could guess. She and her spouse now reside 90 miles south of me.

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A slight frown creased Damion's face as he addressed Karen, "Karen, I don't mean to be blunt, but you are mistaken. I have already marked someone else as my Luna" He kept his distance from her, confused by her behavior. "Hold on a minute. What are you trying to say? I'm not making up stories..." Karen ran her hand through her hair, at a loss for words. "The truth is, my wolf has scented you. What else could that mean, if not that you are my mate? Yet, you deny it?" she asked, her expression a mix of confusion and disbelief. ****** ****** Karen Adams Van Brunt, a formidable hybrid of the Blood Moon Pack, was secretly trained by her parents to master her powers. On her eighteenth birthday, she had her first contact with the outside world. That night, she met her mate, Damion Creek, a powerful alpha of the Golden Paw Pack, where she confessed her feelings for him genuinely. Unfortunately, he rejected her, revealing that he had already marked Luna, who turned out to be her elder sister, Charlotte. That same night, Charlotte's body was found in the woods, with all signs pointing to Karen who had an appointment with her before her death. Alpha Damion Creek refused to believe that marking Charlotte was a mistake. Instead, he displayed various hostile behaviors towards Karen, accusing her of killing her sister out of jealousy. To avenge Luna's death, he imprisoned Karen behind silver bars. After suffering in prison without Damion's knowledge, Karen was finally granted release. However, her freedom came with a dangerous condition – accepting Damion's life-threatening ultimatum. Would she be able to keep this illusive deal, or would failure cause her to seal fate with Damion over an inescapable life-bonding punishment?

TRIBRID DESIRE (a werewolf's vain choice)

TRIBRID DESIRE (a werewolf's vain choice)



Sabrina, a hybrid werewolf becomes a tribrid on her migration to the human world, after her mother, Vanessa, a formidable werewitch, sought to eliminate her. Vanessa was once a werewolf mated to Riven Jones, an alpha of the Wild Fang Shadow pack. However, everything about her took new turns when she was framed by some werewolves from the pack. Stirred with anger, she seeks help from a dark witch who awakens the witch in her; thereby consuming every iota of good left in her heart. Her daughter, Sabrina absconds from Gola into the human realm when Vanessa becomes a terror of the supernatural world, destroying their pack and the fairyland. On her teleportation to the human world, Sabrina meets James Walters, the CEO of the famous Rex corporation, and Ann Wakefield, a white witch of the sisters of the hex coven. Everything seems to drive well until Vanessa locates the human realm. She brutally murdered Ann Wakefield and enchanted the lycanthrope curse on James. The human world is in chaos and to quell the turmoil, Sabrina defeats her evil mother. Her insights to having a happy ending became a dream far from achievement when she falls in love with Jason White, a vampire and billionaire, who ran a billion-dollar company competing against James' company. Even at the losing part, James disagrees to accept defeat since he had fallen madly in love with Sabrina. This would cause erupting quarrels and ensue cold wars which within time metamorphose into grisly blood baths between the two competitors. But what happens when James discovers that his lifetime rival turned out to be his half-brother? Who will Sabrina, the tribrid choose between both mates and brothers, Jason and James? Her desire will prompt her to make a choice that would either make her life or maim it completely.

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