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Fated To The Dark Prince of The Blood Moon

Fated To The Dark Prince of The Blood Moon



Christi is the daughter of the Alpha of the Dragon pack; a very powerful and influential pack in the province. However that power only belongs to her pack as Christi herself is wolfless and this makes it difficult for her parents to find her a suitor. Christi gets rejected by numerous suitors and fears ending up as a wolfless Luna without a mate. She finds Ethan, a lone wolf who falls in love with her, accepting her in spite of her fate. But when Ethan betrays her by cheating on her with Mahalia, a childhood friend and killing everyone in her pack, Christi escapes with her life in her teeth. Christi soon finds out that she is fated to a dark prince whose previous brides have never made it past the new moon. Now thirsty for revenge and power, will Christi survive the curse of her fated and get justice for her pack? Or will she be grabbed by the cold hands of death?

Chapter 1 A fateful day


Christi's POV

"What's wrong, honey?" Father's voice echoed through the parlour. Mother was seated on the couch with a worried look on her face. Her red hair looked frail; One good yank and they should scatter on the floor in endless strands. Her pale skin was stained with the same crimson pigment on her cheeks, neck and blazing red ears which she hid most of the time under her hair. I was a complete photocopy of this woman, only that I was 20 years of age and didn't have stress wrinkles all over my face.

I pushed my thick Crimson hair behind my ear and strained my neck to eavesdrop properly, "I'm worried about her." Mother said.

Father sighed deeply. He knew she was talking about me, "She'll be fine."

"No she won't, honey!" Mother snapped. Then continued in a low tone, "Have you ever heard of a wolfless luna?"

"If you did, you'd know that they always end up miserable." She added.

Father lowered his towering physique to sit beside her on the couch. His tri-coloured hair of black, grey and white was becoming whiter by the day and the fine lines on his face weren't as a result of stress like his wife. But mother always looked at him as if he was the most handsome man in the entire universe.

"She's 20, Gaston, and already, we've had 4 marriage proposals rejected. What if... she doesn't get lucky?"

"She can't remain our little princess forever."

Those were my mother's fears. That I would be unable to find my mate because I'm wolfless.

Secretly, father feared the same thing.

I slowly moved away from the door without a sound and walked a good distance before bursting into tears. Through blurry sight, I ran down the stairs, unable to see that there was someone in front of me, "Christi, can't you see where you're going?!" A voice sneered angrily as my body collided into his.

A familiar blonde came into sight. It was Ivan, a member of the pack. His angry frown lessened into one of concern as he stared at me, "Are you okay?"

I pushed him away and ran out of the mansion and out of the gates, ignoring numerous calls from the other members of the pack that saw me cry. It wasn't new, these tears of mine, reminding me of my unfortunate destiny as a werewolf without her wolf.

After running for over 30 minutes, I slowed down at the meadow just before the river and sat on the soft grass. The racing river and the tender grasses always took my mind far away, but a teardrop rolling down my cheek told me that today, they had failed!

The grass ruffled a few distance from me. I ignored it, sobbing silently in my misery. Again, came the same ruffling, more vigorous than the last. A growling sound followed and I jumped on my feet, already pale with fear. A member of the pack couldn't have followed me here. It was a location that only I was aware of. My eyes caught a grey from amongst the greenness of the meadow. It was a wolf!


I flew through the field with a speed I had never been aware existed in me. Trumping footsteps behind me told me that I was in danger and soon, I felt myself falling to the ground as a heavy body crashed into me.

"Please, don't kill me. Let me go." Was all I could hear myself saying.

Sniff. Sniff.

"Who are you?!" A masculine voice asked. I could sense that it belonged to the wolf who was still on top of me.

I stuttered, "C- Christi...Daughter of the Alpha of the Dragon pack."

Silence. I could only hear myself whimpering inwardly. Then suddenly, he pulled away.

I slowly opened my eyes and they fell on the tall man standing above me; His dark hair sat atop his tender facial features. A set of dreamy auburn eyes pierced into mine as a smirk curved his lips, "My name is Ethan." He said, stretching out his hand to me.

I hesitated for a while before finally taking his hand, "Chri..."

"Christi. I know." He cut in, maintaining his smirk, "What brings a beautiful girl like you here? Hunting?"

"I just needed some time alone."

"In that case, I'll let you be then. Sincere apologies." He said.

"It's fine." I cut in before he would back away, "You can stay."

Ethan looked at me for a while, "You're sure?"


And from that day, Ethan and I made it a habit to meet in the meadow at sunset. We soon grew fond of each other and started sharing our problems. It didn't take long for me to learn that Ethan was a lone wolf whose parents were killed by a rogue pack. I felt his pain and he felt mine after learning that I was wolfless. And 55 meetings and 10 marriage proposal rejections later, Ethan proposed to me right there in the meadow.

It was the happiest day of my life! Finally, I thought, I won't end up as an unfortunate luna like everyone thought I would. There was someone ready to love me and accept me the way that I am.

"Ethan, I'd like you to meet my pack!" I announced one evening by the river and Ethan followed without an ounce of worry. Infact, he seemed way more excited than I was.


That was 3 months ago. And today, Ethan and I were getting married!

I stood by the mirror, caressing the white wedding dress against my body. It was a beautiful work of art, embedded in lush pearls and handmade beads, the only one of its kind and made especially for me, hugging all my curves and edges with precise perfection.

I need to show Ethan my wedding dress. I thought and strode out of the dressing room. The rest of the mansion was buzzing with people moving up and down in preparation for the big day. No one would notice a little bride sneaking off to meet her groom, would they?

I stopped at his door as a sound hit my ears. I could be hearing things. I thought, there's no way that sound is coming from Ethan's room.

"Mhhhhhhh." The repeated sweet sounds of pleasure escaping through the door.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and my skin paled. I could feel the hair on my skin rising. Please, tell me this is not true!

I flung open the door and immediately, all the blood inside of me drained as I stared at the horror before me; My groom-to-be, making love to my best friend on the day of our wedding!

The rhythmic sounds of body against body came to a stop and pale faces turned to stare at me, "Christi!" Mahalia shrieked as she saw me.

"H- How could you?" Was all my mouth could utter. I exchanged looks between Ethan and Mahalia who wore guilty looks on faces which had been moaning in pleasure only a few seconds ago.

"How could you two do this to me?" "You're my best friend, Mahalia...and Ethan you..."

"We love each other, Christi!" Mahalia cut in, "We've always did. Even before he met you."

I felt like a bomb exploded inside of me, "What are you talking about?"

"Ethan's only getting married to you because of your inheritance...right Ethan?" Mahalia turned to Ethan who didn't look like she was lying.


"She's telling the truth, Christi." He said, shattering my heart completely with his words.

Slowly, I moved back, almost stumbling as I stepped on the tail of my dress. Mahalia gasped, "Christi, are you okay?"

Hot tears burnt my eyes and the image of the traitors became hazy. Why is this happening to me? I thought as I turned towards the door and took of the way I came.

Thup! My body dropped to the floor, unable to move an inch further. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Christi, I'm so sorry." Mahalia said.

I felt a strong desire to tear her to shreds, "Why? Why would you do this to me?" I asked in a broken voice.

"I love him."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I already felt lifeless at that moment. My voice dropped to the floor, "You're my best friend."

"Which is why I didn't want you to know, Christi. I didn't want to hurt you." Mahalia said.

Her voice mocked me. There was not a trace of remorse in it. Unable to utter another word, I remained seated on the floor, soaked in my own tears, with my broken heart scattered across the floor.


Almost immediately, another voice followed, high and filled with terror, "Rogues are invading!"

I paled in fear as Mahalia's fingers withdrew from my shoulder. Screams of panic filled the air. I tried to get up but I couldn't.

I was completely numb.

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