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Precious Benedict


Chloe's life was shattered around her. The life she once knew, filled with promises and joy, had been shattered beyond repair when her dance student, Kim Carson, started having affairs with her husband, Fedrick Huo. They both teamed up to maltreat Chloe which resulted in the death of her baby. Chloe miraculously survived the accident but had a serious face crash which resulted in changing her face. After spending a long time in the hospital and building herself, Chloe applied to be a dance tutor to Kim Carson in preparation for her wedding with Fredrick. But Chloe didn't come for the job, but revenge. On the verge of seeking revenge against her ex-husband and his mistress, she uncovered a sad truth about the death of her parents, leaving her questioning everything she thought she knew about her past. What truth did she find out? And how would she scale through this dark path where she has to fight Fedrick, Kim, and murderers alone?

Chapter 1 Chloe's Point Of View

I stepped into Ballerina Academy, my father-in-law's prestigious academy, with my earphones on, I lost myself in the world of music, my body became an instrument, moving with a precision that felt almost effortless.

I felt the rush of exhilaration as I landed a perfect fouetté turn, my skirt fluttering around me like a whirlwind, I opened the door to my father-in-law's office.

"Good morning, father-in-law," I went towards him and gave him a hug on his chair.

"Good morning, Chloe. The students are waiting for you," he said with a broad smile.

I nodded, dropping a few of my things in his office before dashing out to the training room, all changed in my ballerina clothes, I smoothed out my tutu, adjusting the delicate layers of netting.

My ballet shoes were tied in precise bows, and my hair was pulled back into a tight bun. I gave myself a glance in the mirror, ensuring every strand was in place.

"Good morning, students," a loud response was heard from them.

"Good morning, Miss Chloe."

"Are you all ready for this year's ballerina competition?" I asked, scanning the room.

I could see the excitement written all over their faces.

"Yes, Miss Chloe," Kim responded. I nodded and smiled. Kim Carson has been the perfect student in this academy; her shape and everything were just perfect.

"To the left," I uttered, and they all followed my order. "Keep moving, don't let your legs shake," I yelled out, looking at one of my students about to trip.

"Ouch," a student said. I hurried towards her. "Are you okay?" I looked at her holding her ankle, with pain written in her eyes. She was one of my students who was struggling to stand firm when trying to dance.

"I just want you to know, that if you want to be something, you will have to sacrifice, okay?" She smiled with a nod. Kim hurriedly came towards us.

"Miss Chloe, let me teach her a trick. Stand up, Mia," I allowed Kim to do her work since she was so good and my favorite student.

"You like this while trying to dance in order not to trip," she said to her. "Now do it." She helped her adjust her waist. "Do it, Mia, don't be afraid." Finally, after guiding her, she got the dance step without tripping again.

"Very good," there was a round of applause.

"Okay, students, let's go on." After directing them for hours, I sighed. It was time to take a break.

"You move like this, students," As I demonstrated the pirouette, the room began to spin around me. I stumbled, my hand reaching out to the barre for support.

'Are you okay, Miss Chloe?' one of my students asked, concern etched on her face. I nodded, taking a deep breath to shake off the dizziness.

I sat down on the chair, putting my hand on my forehead, trying to compose myself. After a minute, the dizziness left.

I raised my head to see the students chatting, some resting. I sighted Kim Carson.

"Kim Carson, come see me now," I said to her. "Yes, ma'am," she immediately came dancing towards me.

"Here I am, Miss Chloe," she said. I looked at her face. I couldn't dispute the fact of how beautiful she was and her flat tummy.

"Do you know you must always learn to have a beautiful body?" She nodded.

"I want you to always watch your diet so you can keep having a flat tummy," I added.

"Thank you, Miss Chloe," she nodded.

"So, I'm about to give you a very big responsibility." Kim looked at me in shock.

"What responsibility, if I may ask?"

"You will be the one training the rest for this year's ballet competition." Without completing my words, she jumped up excitedly.

"Thank you so much, Miss Chloe," she leaned and pecked me on my lips.

"Naughty," I smiled.

"Don't worry, Frederick will prepare you something nice. My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Fedrick's name. She giggled. "Joking."

She ran out of my sight before I could even pull her ears. And that's right, I was missing Frederick today.

It had been a long day. After taking a break and a lot of practice, I hopped into my car, ready to go home.

I ignited the engine when I checked my front seat mirror. A shiver ran down my spine as I glanced around the empty car.

My heart skipped a beat, and I quickened my scan of the rearview mirror, half-expecting to see a face staring back.

"Is there anybody there?" I asked, looking at the front mirror, but there was no response.

I turned back, and all of a sudden, "Whoa!!" Kim screamed, frightening me.

"Oh my goodness, Kim, can you stop this expensive prank?" I told her, trying to catch my breath, I gasped, my breath catching in my throat, and my eyes widened in shock.


"I'm sorry, Miss Chloe. I don't know if I can follow you home today," she said with her puppy eyes. I really would have.

For the past few days, I haven't enjoyed my man enough, and I didn't want any third party in the house.

"Hmm, Kim, you have to stay at the academy for practice so you can train the rest and lead them for this year's ballet, okay?" I could see disappointment written all over her face.

"Alright then," she opened my car and left. I needed to start locking my car. I sighed,

My foot pressed down on the accelerator, eager to reach Frederick's embrace. My mind wandered to his warm smile, and I found myself grinning.

"I'm home, baby," I jumped into Frederick's arms. Frederick's hands gently guided me closer, our lips meeting in a soft, tender dance. We exchanged a sweet, gentle kisses.

"How are you doing, honey?" he asked as I gently came down from his body.

"I'm fine, just that work has been a lot lately," I replied, touching my back.

"So, I prepared you a meal." When he said that, a beaming smile took over my face as Frederick led me to the dining table. I bounced up and down in my seat, barely containing my excitement.

"Thank you so much. I don't know, I've been feeling a bit dizzy, and at the same time, my back aches," I tried reaching my arm towards where I was feeling the pain.

"Don't worry, for now, eat. I will massage you in a unique way later," he smirked.

Frederick's smirk sent a flutter through my chest. I took a step closer, my lips parting slightly, and my voice barely above a whisper, 'Dirty boy...."

"That's not the game, young lady. Eat, and after that," he walked towards the dining table, and I followed him. He pulled out a chair.

"Sit down, my love," I sat down, giving him the chance to treat me like a princess. After being served, there were a lot of discussions we were having together.

"So, how is Kim and the other students?" he said, munching his food.

"She is good. She asked about you several times today."

"Cool, I will talk to her later then," he said, munching his food.

"Talk to her for what?" I asked curiously.

"Babe, I know she will be going to the ballet competition this year, so I would love to talk to her since my father is the owner of the academy," he responded. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"I'm just kidding," I said to him. "And that reminds me, father-in-law will be going on a trip, so you and I will both run the academy in the meantime.

I didn't know when I felt a bit dizzy. I dropped the spoon on the plate.

"Are you okay?" Frederick came toward me.

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