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Vinx Ink


Hazel has escaped the clutches of the Red Moon pack, reaching her breaking point after being rejected by her soulmate-the future Alpha and the son of her foster father. In her desperate flight, she goes rogue and finds herself at the doorstep of Alexander Garcia, the most powerful Alpha in the werewolf realm, who inexplicably feels a connection to her. Drake, a twenty-nine-year-old hybrid Alpha king, is notorious for his ruthless handling of enemies. With a shadowy past and many secrets, he's surprised by his attraction to Hazel, especially after losing his partner in a rogue attack that left him heartbroken and more hardened than ever. On Hazel's eighteenth birthday at Drake's pack, hidden truths come to light, and long-buried mysteries emerge. Can they navigate the challenges ahead and deepen their connection? Join them in this thrilling tale to find out.


Hazel recoiled as Luna came at her with a whip, her senses overwhelmed by terror.

" Pl- ease- see," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face, her hands joined together as a plea, her back hitting the dungeon wall stopping her from moving back as Luna Katherine approached her with the whip.

" Why?" The Luna asked laughing crazily, bloodlust visible in her eyes scaring the hell out of Hazel

" You killed him," she declared in anger, her eyes filled with bloody veins.

" He picked you up from the bush but you repaid him by getting him killed,'' she said as she lashed the whip at Hazel, making her scream in pain.

" No-," Hazel started but was cut short by Luna Katherine who hit her with the whip.

" You ungrateful wench," Luna Katherine said as she whipped her again, she squatted down and hugged her head.

" You killed him," Luna Katherine said with a deranged laughter as she continued whipping her despite her vulnerable position.

" Mom-,"

" Don't you dare call me that," Luna said, dropping the whip and storming off in anger.


" Haze," someone called, and Hazel woke up with a start, gasping, her breath came out in short hurried pants. She patted her chest trying to steady her breathing.

" It was all a dream," Angela, Hazel's only friend and roommate, said , patting her back comfortingly.

Hazel made eye contact with Angela and she saw pity in her eyes, Hazel's eyes clouded over as they both knew it was not a dream it was a figment of Hazel's memory that cannot be forgotten. It was when she was thirteen after the alpha died in a rogue attack, but he died saving her, since then Hazel's life has been living hell.

" We have to get ready now madam Harper would soon be here," Angela said and stood up from Hazel's bed she was sitting on, " okay," Hazel said, nodding her head meekly. She stood up from the bed as she made her way into the bathroom.

She came out of the bathroom shivering, omegas are not allowed the luxury of warm water.

" Quickly get dressed, it is almost six," Angela said and handed Hazel maid uniform to her.

" Thank you," she said and collected the clothes from her. Angela is already dressed in her own uniform that consisted of a white shirt and black pinafore.

" Let's go," Angela said as the first bell rang, a warning for all Omegas to come out before madam Harper starts going around.

Hazel quickly slipped on her pair of shoes and followed Angela out.

All Omegas are to stand in front of their room as madam Harper makes roll calls. Two girls were assigned to one room.

Omegas are those born of werewolf parents but are born without a wolf, so they are practically human except that they are even a little bit weaker than humans.

" Number 056" madam Harper called as she moved nearer to where Angela and Hazel stood, Angela nudged her to remind her of it being her turn after number 057.

" Number 058," she called when she was in front of Hazel.

" Here ma," Hazel said as she meekly raised her hand, her head lowered. She has come to learn in a hard way that when talking to a superior you look down and not into their eyes.

After the last number which was 060 was called they were all assigned to their duties with Hazel and Angela being assigned to the kitchen with other five Omegas to make breakfast for the pack members living in the pack house which were majorly the high ranking members.

" Haze, careful there," Angela said, steadying her from dropping the ceramics she was carrying.

" Tha-nk you," Hazel stammered out as one of the Omega glared unhappily at her.

After a while the breakfast was ready and they all set the long table that can contain fifty people since they were mainly for the high ranking officials.

" Are you done putting the dishes out?" madam Harper asked entering the kitchen.

" Yes ma'am," they all chorused as they formed a straight line.

" Good," she said and left the kitchen. Immediately she left the kitchen, the girls started engaging one another with petty talks and gossip. Hazel found a corner to stand waiting for when the bell for breakfast will be rung.

" Are you okay?" Angela asked her concern marred her features

" Yes," she whispered inaudibly.

" Alright," Angela said and stood in the corner with her.

Since that incident four years ago the only person that truly showed genuine concern for Hazel was Angela, everyone deserted her the moment she was demoted to being an Omega by the Luna.

" What's wrong?" Angela asked as she wiped a stray tear at the corner of her eyes.

" No-nothing," Hazel said and cleaned her eyes.

" Haze," Angela called, looking at her like a mother chick.

" I told you, they all don't worth your tears, none of them do," she said, her eyes shone as if she know of things hidden.

" Ding, ding, ding," The second bell rang, it notified the pack members that it was time for breakfast.

The omegas all filed out in an organised manner and waited where they can be called when needed they were all bowing lightly their hands tucked behind their back and their eyes were lowered an act of acknowledging their lowly position

" All should rise, the Luna is here," the Luna personal knight, Mason said in a gruff voice and all pack members that already took their seat stood up and bowed lightly.

" Greet,'' Mason bellowed.

" Good morning Luna, our loyalty is with you," they all chorused loudly with their right hand on their chest, an act of loyalty.

" Morning," Luna Katherine replied and sat down with pride. She was dressed in a white pure elegant gown, a golden belt at her waist that accentuated her slim waist, her black hair falling around her like water waves.

After she sat down they sat all down.

Madam Harper waved her hand a sign for the Omegas to start serving the Luna family.

Hazel avoided being noticed by the Luna because she detested her presence.

" Good morning to you all," Rose, the spoiled princess and the Lua pampered daughter greeted and swaggered into the room, it is obvious she is just waking up.

" Rosie!" Luna Katherine scolded her lovingly.

" What were you up to last night," Luna asked, scowling unhappily at her.

" Momma, don't be so boring," Rose said in a lazy voice pulling out the chair beside her mother, the seat was always reserved for her.

" You!" Luna Katherine said pointing angrily at her daughter, her face reddened in anger.

" Mommaaa,'' she whined.

" I was partying in the club last night," she said smiling lovingly, a sight the Luna could not resist.

" Just be careful," Luna said, sighing.

" Alright momma," she said.

" You," Rose said pointing at Hazel fiddling with her cloth at one corner,

" serve me," she said, her face donning a smirk.

" yes ma'am," Hazel said and let out a shaky breath before she scampered to where Rose was.

" Serve me pancake and apple sauce," Rose said.

" Y-ee-s ma," Hazel said timidly, her body visibly shaking.

" Why are you shaking?" Rose whispered near Hazel's ear, Hazel jumped, her heart racing.

" No-nothing," Hazel said. Hazel has always been scared of Rose, she takes joy in Hazel suffering

" Are you so excited for today's session," Rose asked, placing her hand on Hazel butt, Hazel jumped and split the apple sauce on Rose's clothes.

" Tsk, tsk," Rose said standing up.

" There is nothing you can do well and that is why you got my father killed," Rose said coldness flashing in her eyes.

" How about we start today's session," Rose said and raised her hand and slapped Hazel.

Hazel closed eyes, her hands clutching her clothes tightly, her body shivering in fear of what is to come.

" So-r-rry," Hazel pleaded.

" If sorry can solve everything Hazel, why do you think we have law enforcement agencies," Rose asked, smirking wickedly, her eyebrows raised.

" Get me the silver whip," Rose said.

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