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Serafina hails from the pack's orphanage with no history attached to how she ever got there. She arrived and has lived her life with no idea of who her parents might be. Though bullied and treated like an outcast for being a nobody,Serafina has done her very best to live up to all her trials, eventually becoming a teacher at the pack's children school. On her 20th birthday, finds out that the orphanage she grew up in was about to be demolished on the command of the Alpha,and Grandma Flora wasn't going to receive reasonable compensation to care for the orphans. However destiny takes a wild turn and she discovers her mate only to be rejected on the same night. But Fate loves to play games,what happens when Serafina finds her second chance mate and he happened to be the Mute Alpha.


Chapter 1


waking up to the bright morning sun, I yawed, stretching my aching limbs. I had a rough night, trying to meet up with the school's syllabus. Thankfully I was done before sleep could take over.

I glanced at the clock on my bedroom wall, eight o'clock, it read. "Oh no!" I exclaimed getting on my feet and running into my bathroom, I had a quick shower and stepped out, slipping into one of my simple work dresses,I wore my flats and styled my hair in a ponytail.

As soon as I was done, I grabbed my bag and books rushing out of my tiny apartment. I even forgot to make my morning coffee, but it was not a problem, facing Mrs Gladys would be the real problem if I arrived at the school late.

I flagged down a taxi and soon I was on my way. I slide out my phone checking the time, thirty minutes past eight.

Finally, I arrived at the school and immediately paid the cab driver, running like I was being chased.

"Good morning Miss Athena."

"Morning."I waved, too focused to check on who had mentioned my name. I arrived at my class and my heart sank.

Mrs Gladys, the school's principal and an elder in The pack's council, was seated amongst my children, obviously teaching them.

"Good morning ma'am." I said with shaky breaths. Miss Gladys turned to me, a sinister smirk playing on her face.

I stepped forward, "I can explain..." Her sideways nod had me shutting my mouth.

"Alright children, your Teacher is here now, I will leave you to her. Be good kids." She addressed the children.

"Yes principal Gladys." The kids chorused. I held my breath as she approached me, an inch away from colliding with me. "Be in my office after school's dismissal." I nodded, my throat dry with tension.

I watched her leave and released a sigh of relief.

"Hey, kids!" I said sitting on the chair Mrs Gladys once sat. "So sorry for coming late again, but not to worry, that's never happening again," I said and the children giggled, they knew I was cracking a big lie. Silly children, I snorted.


I calculated my steps as I made my way to Mrs Gladys's office. I knew she was going to reprimand me, so I mentally prepared myself for her outburst.

I pushed the brown oak door open as I walked in, a bright smile on my face like everything was fine.

"Ma'am," I called, stepping fully into her office.

"Thank the Goddess you are not late again. Sit." She commanded, I hurriedly sat on the chair, rubbing my hands against each other.

"Miss Athena." She began.

"Ma'am, I am so sorry. I was working late last night and I somehow missed my alarm. I know I failed you and I am sorry, please don't fire me, the kids love me, and I know it's not an excuse, but I don't want to leave them behind because of my behavior, please forgive me." I rushed out the words, cutting her off, which was disrespectful and I knew how angry she would get.

"Serafina." She called calmy this time, her tone losing its usual strict touch.

"Ma'am," I replied slowly.

Mrs. Gladys smiled and drew something out from under her desk, then she placed it on the table. "Here, open it." She said, pushing a small pink box toward me.

I carefully took it unsure of what was inside, "Ma'am, are you sure I should?"

"Go ahead." She urged. Trusting that she would not harm me, I opened the box and to my shock, there was a necklace in it. I took it out and admired its beauty.

It was a gold pendant necklace, the pendant was carved out as SA, those were my initials. "Ma'am..." I called, speechless.

"Happy birthday." Mrs Gladys said and my heart sank. Is it my birthday? I had forgotten, how could I not have remembered my birthday?

"It's my birthday? It's my birthday!"

"Flora called to inform me, I am not supposed to tell you, but she's throwing a surprise party for you at the Orphanage." Mrs Gladys informed me, leaving me completely speechless.

Grandma Flora is throwing a party for me, tears burned my eyes but I fought back the urge, I couldn't cry, not now at least.

But then I realized, "Teacher's don't work on their birthdays Mrs Gladys, you made that a rule right?" She nodded, smirking, "Let's just say, that is your punishment for always arriving at my school late. Now enough about me, get going, you don't want to arrive late at your party as well." I chuckled.

"Thank you, Ma'am, I really appreciate this," I said, a genuine smile plastered on my face.

I returned to my classroom, packed my things, and boarded a cab that would take me home. I had to prepare for my party.

Arriving home I had a quick shower and picked out my favorite blue peplum dress. Grandma Flora would be happy to see me in it, she had gifted me the dress on my nineteenth birthday. It was the day I chose to leave the orphanage and follow my dreams of becoming an explorer. However, those dreams ended right at the doorstep of the Night Walker Elementary School.

I couldn't do it. It was harder than I expected, after living in the Orphanage all my life, with no idea of what my origin might be, I grew a passion to find out, to know if I had another family out there. Well after all of my investigations as a child till adulthood, I only found out that I mysteriously appeared in front of the territorial border. How amazing!

Regardless of my freedom, I gained nothing. Grandma Flora did warn me about life outside the orphanage, but I was too much of an eager freak to listen.

I glanced at my small mirror hanging on the barely painted wall of my room, I let my hair rest on my back.

I put on my ballet flats and grabbed my bag heading out, I glanced at my phone and it displayed six pm. "Great, I am running late." Grandma Flora is well known for punctuality, kids must go to bed by eight pm, so if I am not there yet, the party might just start without me. Oh, I can't wait to see everyone.

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Other books by Jahbliss





❤️Prologue ❤️ The Prince who is the Prince ? Well that is no other person than Prince Asim Berlin , crowned prince of Alexandria City . 24 years of age 6 ft tall broad and huge , green hazel eyes heart-shaped lips which is full and Pink , carly dark brown hair , intelligent and super smart, in essence a Greek god the only son to King Charon and queens Stella. Xander is every girl's wish even though he has an arrogant behaviour he can't seem to chase them away he sees all women except his mother and fiance as sex toys and a typical play boy and a sex freak he always want everything to go his way no one can refuse his will, well except one crazy girl . The Pauper Who is she? Naunet Domero Naunet Domero , 21 year old, 4 ft tall ,slim and slender ,but with a domineering cleavage full red lips, diamond blue eyes long strawberry blonde hair ,a goddess to be precise and so beautiful. Many times it lead her to trouble ,at 18 she had up to 100 suitors but she rejected all of them this made her parents sad but they couldn't tell her because they were always in support of her decisions all she did was work ,work and work and least I forget sometimes cause trouble more like people always troubled her , especially jealous girls . She had no friends work was more of her best friend but she had to work to feed her parents she never had the opportunity to go to school because of how poor they were she was willing to change that but she had to work she involved herself in every work available she was also a part-time maid at the palace and known for her beauty there as well. During her time at the palace she had never encountered or seen the prince because he was never home so she had no idea what he looked like she also had no phone to browse about him and she also had no time for that . Life wasn't that good but manageable for her until she met with Prince Asim on one of her visit to the palace she had never seen him before so she mistook him for a guard because of how casual he looked, she disrespected him with no idea of his identity and prince Asim was enraged,he vowed to have her for himself like the other ladies but he failed countless times until he took a drastic decision that changed his life forever. Extract from the story ...... "Please I beg you forgive me ,I know I wronged you and I am very sorry" "Keep quiet you are disturbing the neighborhood " "I am sorry please don't take it away from me ,I am a virgin please I want to keep it for my husband please I beg you '' "You want to keep it for your husband,you should be happy I am taking it ,you wouldn't want to give it to your ugly and hideous looking husband ,now keep quiet and stop resisting. He forced her on the bed and tore her dress , removing her bra and undies roughly, pinning her hand on the bed,he cupped her breast in one hand and squeeze it before placing it into his mouth ignoring her endless pleas ,he roughly penetrated into her making her scream, breaking her hymn as blood flowed out . "Noooooooooooooooooooo A huge thunder struck as heavy rain began to fall , lightening strikes so loud ,it shook people out of their sleep. A witch is in distress . . .

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