Synopsis: In a world where cultivation, martial arts, and powerful magic determine one's rank and status, Lin Feng, a humble young man, is born without any inherent powers. However, during a fateful battle, he is chosen by an ancient Sword Spirit, granting him access to a path known only to a few: the Path of the Sword God. As Lin Feng grows, he discovers that the true power of the Sword God lies not just in swordsmanship but in controlling the very fabric of reality with a blade.?
Chapter 1: The Awakening of the Sword Spirit
Lin Feng was a nobody. Born the son of a humble farmer in the quiet, isolated village of Green Leaf, his days were filled with hard labor, barely enough food, and dreams that seemed forever out of reach. His father, old and frail, was one of the few in the village who still spoke of ancient legends, tales of sword gods with strength so immense they could split mountains, call down storms, and tame the rivers with a single strike. But these stories had become no more than fairytales. Lin Feng, lacking even a hint of spirit energy, had accepted his fate as someone who could never rise above his station.
Yet in his heart, a small ember of hope always remained.
One fateful night, a storm unlike any other tore through the village. Thunder roared, shaking the ground, and lightning slashed across the sky in brilliant white arcs. The trees bowed low under the weight of the wind, and rain poured down in torrents. The villagers huddled in their homes, lighting candles and murmuring prayers to ancient gods. But Lin Feng, who had been outside checking on his family's livestock, was caught in the heart of the storm.
Struggling against the wind, he tried to make his way home when something unusual caught his eye. Through the dense wall of rain, he glimpsed a strange, ethereal glow emanating from the nearby forest. The light pulsed with an intensity that seemed almost alive, beckoning him forward. Curiosity overrode his fear as he made his way through the mud and rain toward the glow.
Finally, Lin Feng arrived at a clearing deep in the forest. His breath caught as he saw it-a magnificent, ancient sword half-buried in the ground, the source of the mysterious light. Its blade was etched with intricate, glowing runes, casting a soft, otherworldly blue light that seemed to cut through the darkness. The hilt was crafted from an unknown metal that shimmered with every color of the rainbow, yet it held a cold, timeless elegance.
The air around the sword crackled with energy, filling him with an inexplicable sense of awe and dread. It was as if the sword had been waiting for someone... waiting for him.
Tentatively, Lin Feng reached out, his fingers trembling as they hovered over the hilt. Just as his skin brushed against the cold metal, a deep voice echoed in his mind-a voice ancient and powerful, filled with centuries of wisdom and sorrow.
> "Young one, I have waited for centuries. You have been chosen."
A surge of raw energy burst from the sword, flowing into his body like a raging river. Lin Feng gasped, feeling his entire being ignite with an intensity he had never known. His muscles tensed, his veins felt like they were on fire, and a primal scream tore from his throat as he struggled to contain the power surging through him.
Images flooded his mind: vast landscapes of mountains and oceans, battles waged with swords that glowed like the sun, and the vision of a figure-a being shrouded in divine light, wielding a sword that could reshape reality itself. It was the Sword God, the true master of the blade, a being who stood above the realms of mortals and immortals alike.
As the energy settled, Lin Feng collapsed to his knees, panting. His vision swam, and he could still feel the echoes of the ancient voice reverberating in his mind.
> "This is the beginning of your journey, Lin Feng. Your path will be fraught with trials, but if you embrace the way of the sword, you shall reach heights no one has ever dreamed of."
Lin Feng knelt there, drenched and trembling, as the realization settled in. He had been given a chance-a destiny far greater than he could have imagined. Yet, he knew the power he had just tasted was only a fraction of what lay ahead.
As he rose to his feet, gripping the sword firmly in his hand, he looked up at the stormy sky. The rain washed over him, mingling with his sweat and his tears. He was no longer just Lin Feng, the farmer's son. He was a swordsman bound to an ancient power, a legacy that demanded greatness.
In that moment, he vowed to follow the path of the Sword God, no matter where it led him, no matter what it required. For the first time in his life, he felt the weight of destiny pressing down on him, and he welcomed it.
The journey had begun.
Other books by Royal style