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You Mean My Everything

Chapter 4 The Revenge Of The Devil

Word Count: 1215    |    Released on: 16/07/2020

quiet all of a sudden. With a deep sigh, Rita sat on the bed weakly and lo

s mental illness and couldn't receive any stimulation fr

al, he put him under house arrest. In order to make Rita listen to him and be at his disposal, he as

ll, Rex is my son. I

ill let you see each other after Ethan

eft. He left in such a free and easy way,

r him, how would

, she twitched her lips

icable image had been deep

n the bed, she s

never admit it so easily. She always fel

ous, the stock price of the Bai family began to rise. By taking advantage of this opportunity, Eric h

ing stock price, Ri

ck price was still rising. Ethan didn't take

han's blood and he was the victim. In other words, the reason why everything had happened was tha

was rejected by everyone, and the image of the Bai family also plummeted. The stock fell

made profit by illegal means. Originally, he was sure to win, but

e face without saying a word. "What the hell did you do? Didn't you see

He was the one who forced her to set a trap for

p your o

r in a hurry, "Rita! If you dare to take

sts, trying to control her temp

her. "I didn't do anything to Rex. How would I hurt him? He is my son, but he couldn't

ar filled his black and white eyes. He twisted his body restlessly and sobbed for help.


really pitiful. What should we do now? As I said, I will let you and your brother meet each othe


w, or I will never do

ruthless look and said, "You know what to do. I won't relea

was her father, she would

will not eat its cubs.

ituation, she clenc

re the location of Ethan,

again and again suffer for the rest of her life. She also knew when they met th

gathered here. She took a deep breath to calm herself down, and then clench

very laughter filled the whole room. A dozen women sat around Etha

inctively wanted to avoid this scene, but thinking of the current

e acted as if he hadn't seen this person, talking and laughing in women h

Rita was silly and looked so ridic

and the ridicule of others. She was willing to accept that as l


e, a woman sudde

ed. Why should she

, I wo


to dance. His eyes were dark, and there was a flicker of joy in his eyes. He raised h

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