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The love game

The love game

Author: Fabfa8

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 829    |    Released on: 13/03/2021


at a company that overworks their employees. Most time I get home really late and I am already tired. The pay isn't very attr

ceeded to clean my room and the Sitting room. My house isn't that big since I live alone and it's barely dirty since I am not always

because I don't even have close friends that I communicate with regularly. I only chat with my colleagues when it is is necessary. In other words, I live a ver

eard my dad cheerful

how are

e dear, ho

I tried calling her but her

urse containing her phone yesterda


heard my dad say at the other end of


re good and how did

ll, don't know how and when it fell, h

ing me but I

self, you haven't introduced

aven't introduced anyone becaus

n the city next week, I would love it if the two

ymore blind dates, th

ance. Your father and I aren't getting any younger. We wa

ard you, I would go jus

rself and don't just do it because of

love you, bye

urself sweetheart

I don't think I am too old yet but to my mum, that is more than old enough. She has linked me up with so many blind dates and most times, it is a disaster

ner. I decided to make spaghetti because I am to lazy to cook any thing stressful. I think I should give that date a chance just to spice up my life because it is getting really boring. I don't need a relationship tho but I could just use that for the purpose of pu

moji. Had my dinner, showered and went to

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