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Whisper of The Silence

Whisper of The Silence

Author: Linda Lsc

Chapter 1 First

Word Count: 1576    |    Released on: 10/03/2021

just arrived in A

ment came through

surrounding her. A helpless sigh escaped her cracked lips. Hands trembling, she fiddled with the black coat topped on her bruised, cuffed wrists. She

be freed, after month

thought, on the verge o

hough a few looked back at them, and a slight hint of suspicion certainly flashed across their faces, they did nothing more than frown. No appro

all, on the surface, she seemed just like a lady fro

here, sold by her very own bloo

Clover Hon scream

f cooling sensation kissed her skin. Her eyes widened at the nu

ea struck

arting her dry lips with hints of fresh blood peeking through, she clicked her tongue. When it wasn't loud enough, she clicked aga

ing to continue b

gged at her mother's hand and said

she thought she

red, giving Clover a sidelong gl

e cursed. 'It

the targeted direction. She tried breaking free from the cuffs, but to no avail. Oth

side her came up close. He grabbed her ass and squeezed it b

fright when a horny expression was registered on his face. His dark brown eyes tur

e first." He l

shuddered all over and shoved him away. She tilted her head, l

ll she c

near e

the people walking in and out paid enough attention to notice the peculiarity in them, nor did they understand th

asked a hoarse voice the minu

ound for the source. Left,

e was taking two steps at a time, catching up with their pace. "Are you

of the black-clad men suddenly stre

ted, "Sorry, but this is the lady of our ho

ptoed every now and then, lookin




The head of the gun at her waist w

e they never existed. Words waiting to be blurted out stuck in her throat. Clover lowe

n front of her. How

ffee in his hand. But when there weren't any responses from the

y mistake," he uttered and

There goes the oppor

r delay. She was devastated over the loss of her only chance to escape.

r ears and pulled her to her senses. She stood on

nal building. They had their phone cameras

ut to happen, Clover flitted her eyes

posters featuring a young-looking man ever

on her that someone

y the nam


unded by a group of security guards. At the sight of that, the thrilled fans immediately rushed forward with their huge fandom boards. All they wanted was to touch their idol even if it


your bigg

so handsome!

e you!

welcome him, the celebrity finally made a paus

Clover took a quick step to the left at once and snuck into the exuberant horde. It was an instinctive reaction. She couldn't afford a

d. Their panicky eyes con

ean anything to passersby. But she clenched her quivering hands in fright, knowing exactly what it was. When the men were finally

e was linked to the other, and it went on and on. The ear-splitting clank drifted across the air. She

he men in black saw that sce

he crouched next to a huge black-tinted hybrid van. Her heart thumped against her skin so hard as if it were going to jump out of her chest. Beads of sweat s


feeling the sudden change of

n she was hiding beside. Without thinking much and p

under her breath, climbing from the

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