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Possession of the Mafia Don

Chapter 181 Movements in different directions

Word Count: 1287    |    Released on: 17/03/2022


were being photographed. Senator L.Rodericks was a name to be reckoned with and the fact that

stepped out of

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1 Chapter 1 Serendipity2 Chapter 2 Encounter with the Devil3 Chapter 3 Ultimatum4 Chapter 4 Going Back5 Chapter 5 How it began6 Chapter 6 Tryst with Fate7 Chapter 7 Enter the Devil!8 Chapter 8 Recipe for Disaster!9 Chapter 9 The Test10 Chapter 10 The Night that changed my life...11 Chapter 11 Getting On12 Chapter 12 Invite to a Party13 Chapter 13 Recipe for Disaster!!!14 Chapter 14 The Nightmare deepens15 Chapter 15 Encounter with the Devil16 Chapter 16 Lost !17 Chapter 17 A New Chapter in my life18 Chapter 18 The Gilded Cage19 Chapter 19 Winds of Change20 Chapter 20 Truth21 Chapter 21 Living a lie22 Chapter 22 Opening my eyes23 Chapter 23 Turning A Year Older24 Chapter 24 An Eye opener25 Chapter 25 Disillusionment26 Chapter 26 Another Shock27 Chapter 27 My Bad28 Chapter 28 The Shock29 Chapter 29 Decisions to be made30 Chapter 30 My decision31 Chapter 31 My Plan 32 Chapter 32 The Final Encounter33 Chapter 33 Gaston: The Dawning of Insight34 Chapter 34 Gaston: Realisation35 Chapter 35 The Second Coming36 Chapter 36 Settling Down37 Chapter 37 Gaston_ Dark Revenge38 Chapter 38 Punishment39 Chapter 39 Submitting 40 Chapter 40 April- Getting back to Reality41 Chapter 41 The Truth tastes Bitter42 Chapter 42 The Green Eyed Monster Emerges43 Chapter 43 Jealousy44 Chapter 44 Retribution45 Chapter 45 Knowing Pain46 Chapter 46 Continuing to Exist Or learning to Live 47 Chapter 47 Bend Ahead on the road!48 Chapter 48 Wonderment49 Chapter 49 Surprise of a different kind!50 Chapter 50 The Declaration51 Chapter 51 Disaster ahead52 Chapter 52 Night of Terror53 Chapter 53 Gaston: After54 Chapter 54 April: After55 Chapter 55 Married!56 Chapter 56 An Unwanted Wife57 Chapter 57 Gaston : Remorse58 Chapter 58 Change in the Air59 Chapter 59 Rage60 Chapter 60 Friends and Solutions61 Chapter 61 Friends and Solutions -262 Chapter 62 Impending Disaster63 Chapter 63 OH NOOOOO!!!64 Chapter 64 Repurcussions65 Chapter 65 The Understanding66 Chapter 66 Remorse67 Chapter 67 Changes68 Chapter 68 Discovery69 Chapter 69 Collision 70 Chapter 70 Troubles galore71 Chapter 71 It takes a friend...72 Chapter 72 Wheels of Change73 Chapter 73 After Dinner74 Chapter 74 Gaston: After Dinner75 Chapter 75 Unfortunate changes76 Chapter 76 Flashpoint!77 Chapter 77 Truth Revealed78 Chapter 78 Back to the World of the Living79 Chapter 79 Remembering 80 Chapter 80 April: Meltdown81 Chapter 81 Gaston: Revenge82 Chapter 82 Threat83 Chapter 83 The Homebody84 Chapter 84 Gaston: Introspection85 Chapter 85 Confession86 Chapter 86 Sparring Partners87 Chapter 87 Phase 288 Chapter 88 Schwartz : Explanation89 Chapter 89 Fathers and Daughters90 Chapter 90 Avenging Angel91 Chapter 91 Wanton and Wicked92 Chapter 92 Reunion93 Chapter 93 And again94 Chapter 94 Making Babies95 Chapter 95 Disclosure96 Chapter 96 The Threat looms large97 Chapter 97 Consternation98 Chapter 98 Dark Thoughts99 Chapter 99 In no mood for Partying100 Chapter 100 The Gift