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Heartless Beast

Chapter 104 Karma hits back...

Word Count: 1311    |    Released on: 23/03/2022


he wedding, said Jared. It was to be a simple court marriag

s and there was always the feeling that someone from m

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1 Chapter 1 Melissa - The Beginning2 Chapter 2 Jack Stevenson3 Chapter 3 The House that Jack Built4 Chapter 4 Encountering Jack5 Chapter 5 Surrendering6 Chapter 6 Staring at a Bleak Future7 Chapter 7 The Calm before the Storm.8 Chapter 8 Tristan Lord9 Chapter 9 The Funeral10 Chapter 10 Earlier; The previous day11 Chapter 11 Tristan 12 Chapter 12 Andrea-Plan Unfolding13 Chapter 13 Melissa- A Time to Act14 Chapter 14 Preparing to Encounter the Devil15 Chapter 15 Encounter16 Chapter 16 Fireworks17 Chapter 17 The War has begun.18 Chapter 18 Arrival of Lord19 Chapter 19 Defeat tastes bitter20 Chapter 20 Andrea: Victim21 Chapter 21 Blow after Blow22 Chapter 22 Raring to go!23 Chapter 23 Tryst with the Devil24 Chapter 24 Tristan; Collecting the pieces25 Chapter 25 More pain ahead.26 Chapter 26 A new life27 Chapter 27 Entering the Den28 Chapter 28 No Going Back29 Chapter 29 Getting ready to Dance30 Chapter 30 Dancing 31 Chapter 31 Aftermath32 Chapter 32 Melissa33 Chapter 33 Reality Bytes34 Chapter 34 Melissa- The Job35 Chapter 35 Melissa: Hope Ignites36 Chapter 36 The Dream Shatters37 Chapter 37 More Pain Ahead38 Chapter 38 Andrea- Her Plot39 Chapter 39 Andrea- Ace up her sleeve40 Chapter 40 Destitute41 Chapter 41 Tristan: Making things right42 Chapter 42 Tristan43 Chapter 43 Tristan-His Offer44 Chapter 44 Melissa: Decision making time45 Chapter 45 And Life goes on46 Chapter 46 The Southerners Strip Club47 Chapter 47 Life goes on48 Chapter 48 Tristan- Quality Time49 Chapter 49 The way of the world50 Chapter 50 The plot thickens.51 Chapter 51 Melissa52 Chapter 52 Sergei53 Chapter 53 The Plot54 Chapter 54 The Plot unfolds55 Chapter 55 The Club56 Chapter 56 Face to Face57 Chapter 57 Fleeing from the Devil58 Chapter 58 Taking charge59 Chapter 59 Taking Care of Melissa60 Chapter 60 Melissa: In His Power61 Chapter 61 The Take Over62 Chapter 62 Melissa- New Beginning 63 Chapter 63 Melissa- The Wait64 Chapter 64 Tristan: At Home65 Chapter 65 Cornering the little woman66 Chapter 66 Melissa: Waiting for the Inevitable67 Chapter 67 Melissa- Surrender68 Chapter 68 Becoming His69 Chapter 69 Destroyed70 Chapter 70 Melissa- The Web Tightens71 Chapter 71 Melissa- Taking a stand72 Chapter 72 Another Kind of Valentine's Day73 Chapter 73 Melissa- Heartbreak74 Chapter 74 Moving in different directions75 Chapter 75 Unsuspecting...76 Chapter 76 Dinner at the Don's77 Chapter 77 Matters coming to a head78 Chapter 78 Changing...79 Chapter 79 Events ...80 Chapter 80 Melissa81 Chapter 81 Ultimatum82 Chapter 82 And so things move ahead...83 Chapter 83 Tristan: revealation84 Chapter 84 Melissa: Confession85 Chapter 85 Tristan: Zeta's story86 Chapter 86 Dropping the Bombshell87 Chapter 87 Home88 Chapter 88 Bittersweet89 Chapter 89 Tristan: Final Goodbye.90 Chapter 90 Tristan: His Wedding.91 Chapter 91 Diverging paths92 Chapter 92 Tristan: Married Man93 Chapter 93 Melissa94 Chapter 94 Tristan: Destiny has the last laugh95 Chapter 95 Lisa, will you marry Me 96 Chapter 96 Zita Ricci97 Chapter 97 Melissa: Yes...98 Chapter 98 Tristan: Shock99 Chapter 99 Into the Lion's den100 Chapter 100 Entering the Den