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1 Chapter 1 : A Quiet Life2 Chapter 2 : The Handsome Stranger3 Chapter 3 : Festival Day4 Chapter 4 : Mixed Emotions5 Chapter 5 : The Best Advice6 Chapter 6 : Date Night7 Chapter 7 : The Second Date8 Chapter 8 : Ex Trouble9 Chapter 9 : Second Thoughts10 Chapter 10 : Time to Think11 Chapter 11 : Leaning on a Friend12 Chapter 12 : The Double Date13 Chapter 13 : A Day at the Farm14 Chapter 14 : The Lunch Date15 Chapter 15 : A Secret Revealed16 Chapter 16 : Shock and Awe17 Chapter 17 : Uncertainty18 Chapter 18 : Confusion and Guilt19 Chapter 19 : Miscommunicating20 Chapter 20 : Best Friends21 Chapter 21 : Clearing Things Up22 Chapter 22 : A New Discovery23 Chapter 23 : Trespassing24 Chapter 24 : A Frightening Encounter25 Chapter 25 : Living in Fear26 Chapter 26 : A Friendly Dinner27 Chapter 27 : Fear and Friendship28 Chapter 28 : Goodbye to the Past29 Chapter 29 : How Can She Understand 30 Chapter 30 : Planning a Trip31 Chapter 31 : Jet Setters32 Chapter 32 : Out on the Town33 Chapter 33 : LA Life34 Chapter 34 : A New Understanding35 Chapter 35 : The Greenfields36 Chapter 36 : Back Home37 Chapter 37 : Contentment38 Chapter 38 : A Sleepover39 Chapter 39 : An Executive Office40 Chapter 40 : The Shelbys41 Chapter 41 : A Dream Come True42 Chapter 42 : Moving In43 Chapter 43 : The Stranger on the Farm44 Chapter 44 : New Friends from Old Enemies45 Chapter 45 : Planning a Vacation46 Chapter 46 : Romance in Paris47 Chapter 47 : The Dress48 Chapter 48 : The Ring49 Chapter 49 : Wedding Day50 Chapter 50 : Contentment