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Attraction by Laila Ali

Attraction by Laila Ali


Chapter 1 Her

Word Count: 1855    |    Released on: 15/03/2022

long time. A long time since she had been dying, every day and every night. Now it was like

just sigh, waiting for this pain to end. Just like right now, the man who

hen her life would get better? She didn't know eve

't know

arry her and take he

? Really

ould like to marry a used girl, wh

nworthy that no one w

erstand the stan

ing? Everything of a girl's life? About her cha

ut marriage, does it mean yo

rve no r

ery other attribute when it comes to girl mak

. She was dying slowly. She never wish

nted to be a

a prostitute than her name. It

her fate was in her

ened which she neve

d the man got off of her after q

s clothes leaving the room. While she just laid on the bed, h

in pain, it ha

e pain which no can see and feel bu

happiness. She always put up a pretense of being happy and co

nd sold his daughter to his brother, Sufyan. Roshanay's mother, Dilshad insisted him not to do this but he didn't pay a heed. After some days Aahil died and R

and he made Roshanay one too. Roshanay resisted him but she needed money and a shelter on her

ce she had been living in this hav

r her took a part o

broke. She hurriedly wore her clothes a

f her. He was a kind of receptionist who had the details of all the

he asked

e replied, his eyes shining w

depict that she is not bothere

he knocked before entering and

d lady just like her husband

f her aunt mocking her and her mother on misery, comparing Roshana

led me?"

our pay time, you've been a very good-" before

d with a smirk

a bonus of five thousand rupees," he said to which she ga

o take the money, Hamdah suddenly took the b

an take it from the floor," she spat

in a de


le the couple laughed at her. They were jealous of he

re daughter couldn't match her be

celain and one would always want to run a finger on her silky skin just to feel its soft texture. Her hair

she was epit

e from floor and took out ten thousand rupee

her tone had a steely edge, "and you people are no human. You'll rot in hell my dear uncle and aunt and I would be laughing at you the same way. Even if

g this money to me, doesn't matter how but I e

his?! How this whore is mocking at us?" Hamdah sai

a determination shining in his eyes to make

the core, Sufyan's and Hundah's only daughter, Hafsa. Whom they have treated

ey in Roshanay's hand g

aid today for being f

ebate," she said trying to step to right and m

ho is feeding on our piec

ed and glance

tter of fact tone and moved past

u'll always be that!" she excla

r, just gazed at her wit

She said again, trying to el

she answered her bitterly. "Now get

nd her mother sleeping. It was 10

forehead before placing the money in one of the

her Lord. She trusted Him, she knew He was the best of planners. She knew one day

ned around to found her mother awake

ey had been living in Pakistan since a long time but sh

you cryi


ial to her knew. She had only allow a cert



th mean

hidden herself, her past self,

She was Roshanay. Roshan

ful nature were brought up wh

am? Mi dani kah man qawi hastam. Dukhta

ould I cry? You know I'm s

madar tw hastam?" her mot

other or I'm

h a sad voice and tapped the place next to her, "

iful daughter, slee

a single person, she had her makeshift bed on the floor but he

is about to occur as if she's spending her last mome

ter slept together, there ar

uld be the last night they

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