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Mysterious encounter with the alpha

Chapter 2 02

Word Count: 1324    |    Released on: 15/05/2022

sked him, wondering w

me amused. It's Stéphane Veroni and in case

n the world could not know who they are,

rons, I shrug, glaring at him sar

you ar

of laughter in front of his deprived face. The blond

New York! The whole world is looking for our brand! Not to mention that Stephane is on

him with a

re about that in

, completely hallucinated, opening

pire extends his hand to take again my wrist, with

work, not to support heavy people. The longer I stay st

e's eyes widen in surprise as I push further and further until he drops to one knee. I see a lot of incomprehension i

, he simply gesticulates uselessly with more and more irritation, while t

You play your life! Do you know at least who you

now is that throwing your pheromones in front of someone who doesn't con

ed. For my part, I try to keep a impassive face, while I d

that someone dares to stand up to them, I give again my t

im, hoping that he wil

ylus then scribbles on the screen. I recover it then with a sharp ges

oth by smiling while the vampire magnate looks at me with big eyes more

professional in all circumsta

t my fist in your face! It will be harder to make the fro

ile trying to move forward very quickly. Once in the shelter, when the doors close, I lean against

eir pheromones is paralyzed. That's how they used to feed, before the three races signed the pact.

y devil. I still have a lot of work ahead of me, I don't have time to feel s

I sneer with a bad look while heading towards the exit without slowing down while she gets up totally losing her calm while inveighi

ave a package to recover in another district. Jumping on the saddle, I only have to pedal a few times to

ore deciding that was enough for today. So I head back

lond guy, overexcited and always cheerful. When he s

ful! How is

y hoping to finish qu

in today! He continues admiringly while lo

s. Around me, I can feel the other couriers giving me acidic sidelong glances, annoyed that I am winning the day's money again. I know that many of them dream of at best dethroning me,

he employee of the day did to her customers during her shift. While locking my bike, I

e out of my reverie, slipping in beside me withou

ho socialize with anyone without caring what others

money! I said

nt of background to be had when applying for a visa, especially when, like me, you quit school

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