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TAMING THE BEAST IN HIM( 🌺 His Red Phoenix 🌺 )


Word Count: 1928    |    Released on: 20/05/2022


the restroom's door barged open, making her turn swif

hed to her immediately. Stretching out his hand, he used his magic to make her hang

stand while holding her shoulders. He wa

mains of the whole building were about to collapse, a door appeared inside the restroom, and going through it, Ax

ing that, he realized some strand of her hair which was dangling on h

easing Phoenix's hair. In the process, he decided to examine h

eave, but stopped. He squatted back, looking over at her hair. That was when he saw a red-feathered hair ti

out and gently took it off making Phoenix's hair fall freely,

shrugged and stood up, putting

t " He scoff


ara huffed as Axion

would " He repl


the room. There inside the room was an old woman seated on a chair beside a bed. And on top of that bed was a lifeless

sked, turning the attent

on seeing him. Axion complied and sat beside the lad

nt " The other

pell and medicine working on Mom? "

eally beyond my spells and magic. The only thing I can do is try

do we have lef

face is to turn pale too...then she's gone...for good " The old woman answered this

ith Mom " He muttered

old woman said, standing up. Plac

. Axion only nodded slightly to what she said, his eyes still closed and head bowed.

" Was the question Axion thre

but aren't aware y

I don't have much time before my mom is gone for good and I've spent 7 years loo

t one thing I'm sure about is that there will be something

lked to Glinda. Putting his hand in

feel weirdly attracted to it for no good reason. I don't know... maybe becaus

y on seeing the hair tie and

ind this? " She d

mething wrong? " Axion

where did you find it? "

his crazy girl I met at t

e red-h


scoff immediately, mu

OK? " He asked

o be? Of course, I'm oka

is, huh? " She asked, an

d her...you did " Glinda revealed, and Axio

he...Red Phoenix? " He

Phoenix can possess this red-feathered hair tie. And if you're one thousand

hand through his hair still in disbelief. His heart was already leapin

h is finally


en if I do, I have to keep I safe. She bought it for hundreds of dollars and

of a bench and her hair loose. She has been cursing and swe

ir tie for? And of all the places he could leave me, why on a fucking bench? Is he s

d on entering their office. To

e called ou

r anything or else if it is time to perform, so where is

since it was night. She was still about to take out her phone wh

her. She swiftly turned, about to send a hard punch at th

just you " Phoenix

, placing her hand on her ch

ing it to be...a ghos

" She

ays, where is my mom

a sudden and was rushed to the hospital " Veronica rep

" She excla


Lilly, who was lying unconsciou

? " She asked the doctor

gain consciousness soon " Phoenix's

my Mom be OK?

really important I need to inform you about " The docto

rgent? "


" She nodded

to the doct

" The doctor offered

th my mom, doc? " She

SGS ie Short gut syndrom


en mean?! " Phoenix

to be treated immediately " The doctor explained. Phoenix's lips part

pen? How come I... never knew

from you because this isn't the fir

ing down. She couldn't believe her mom ha

of a daugh

don't... want to lose my mom " She inqui

al transplant. In a more specific manne

g you just said, doctor " P

testinal transplant. It's a really risky and complex ope

s the transplant

ation, and postoperative care, it's a total of $1,206,0

llion wh

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