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Love with monsters

Chapter 2 He wanted to free himself.

Word Count: 1019    |    Released on: 03/06/2022

was a pity to give his dying master a healthy person, s

other guy anything, perhaps that pers

him to discuss how to rape him, and then used it as ba

joked about how if he came bac

ree with his hands and feet in

was a strange

ace that they threw at the mortally

t wanted

unded by a dense forest,

usly born in the w

veryone else took the deep

y is the same as bein

's better than being a sla


ound the neck l

too far from the

g to sell his life, discovered

stonework almos

etic field of the stone,

om the stone, it would shrink,


run away

until the fa

just to keep the owner

xpect him to be

elf being distributed to him wa

e first thing to do would b

ugh this place is not a perfect and fair society, he himself is

dreamed of for many, many yea

constant war, no need to r

slavery and live like

mals, farming, build

orry about it. When

l decades, people facing eac

wind in the sky, in the cold air of th

hen the sun had

inside a

he high moon gently

e heard the suppressed gr

very high sense of territory, s

he was confused, Tu A

s a f

as so hot that i

his leg was s

ding from th

egan to

't let

ders must have tak


to the str

ut the water flows a bit

dark, so Tu An was able to

sy survival knowledg

the w

ter reall

did to him, he s


nds reached

the stone associat

e stone tight

ickly z

into the

hen he stopped on his feet, he wa

mbering the monster lying i

ttle sympathetic,

d to fre

e had to get out of he

t but under the bright rays of the

s, the bodies were pil

bones, the smell o

hip gods and does n


s attention wa

the ground even though he h

tried to reach out and t

n't pull it down, h

ere had to

es to become ordinary people when slaves have cont

t as simple as ta

d, and his mind immediatel

r you go, you are just a slave, a slave without

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