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Love with monsters

Chapter 3 A Ky Man

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 03/06/2022

d earlier, so he mis

back, silently praying that the

drugs by hand by th

has very st

random, only picking the

ce childhood, distinguishing tree

nt than he

ack, he met

oth monster

ooked at Tu A

an feel those eyes, but he ca

owed to look d

him suddenly grabb

at Tu An wan

ody is re

ter aske

Nap Lang? Why

swer, he could only g

the same, I'm going to fin

the herbs in Tu An's

he difference betwe

n no

ow a

ding a herb or a poison, but he was still easy

two large chicken

ack to Khac

y uncomfortable, glared at Tu An,

e, maybe he even ate all of it, came here early in the mo

uess somethi

so-called A Ky Ma

s were originally caught by me for Khac Nap Lang

ge when they were

to this world, Tu An learned


is not dead, n

g in the same po

t the body is no

f he kept doing t

er died

eg, no cure

r seen this mo


irmed that he was still not awake, then

n bone

is also

ack and finally decided to apply medic

est, abdo

is there

ard and was ti

ruits without much energ

the monster stil

athing was

to the st

o water in

to go to the strea

re will be

o him, Tu An still didn't look up, just qui

r masters, so there's no

llects water a

a few people sti

collecting water whe

, he just met

ed Khac Nap Lan

hip between his master and this

l sleeping, I don't

ould mean he was a useless sla

y that the owner had not al

t, then passed a small tool

hat Khac Na Lang can eat it as soon as he wakes up. In case

re-making tool, brought a

ght firewood and pr

hac Na Lang lying there, and decided to take

an back int

d the honey bee

f experience in the forest to

ny spices but sa

chilies and Chines

al could create

t touching meat fo

called the worm inside Tu An's stom

ading honey ve

iscreet look of the person who was or

blankly at

ave who dared to stare at him like

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