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Love with monsters

Chapter 10 Casta

Word Count: 1196    |    Released on: 04/06/2022

great citadels, four medium cita

ndent and had no jurisdi

to go to was one of

n and Khac Na Lang stayed

nes required a certain level of competence; otherwise, a person could only be a slave to others, and very few were willing

they became members of the current citadel after several conflicts and mergers.

tensions and arguments ensued, making A Ky Man and Kha

, the majority of the people in the citadel wanted to abandon and g

would be a battle to choose people to join their army the following ti

s not so beautiful,

had to carry everything. That was due to the fact that Kha

er hand, did not entirel

seen how other people treated

well, and the slave cl

market with a product called "slaves", the slave trade was ope

skin. A wimpy slave would be two pieces. The strong slave migh

n thought he was merely a weak

lothing, and there were two more sets in a little bag

lowed to eat the leftovers after the master had finished eating. Tu An ate with Khac Na Lang

vanced than their former location, at least in terms of the "wall" surrounding it, which was built of wood. Tu An heard A Ky Ma

ut this was no longer the case here. They might work together or hunt separately, and the profits

ion offered by other hunters, and they mi

be brought to a m

itadel, they could obtain two wooden cards,

that, so newcomers could randomly choose an area and hang a giant leaf, and then that site was theirs. K

ting, so Khac Na Lang gave Tu An the stone lin

l buy you a b

e one that would exte

lso didn't dare to speak to Kh

rried about Tu An escaping. H

items up after Khac Na Lang ha

a necklace, which was most likely the high

Tu An and had long hair, but he

this shared similarity. He rai

, and you've only recent

one since his status wasn't high-ranking, so h

we're ne

a la

ord 'we,' your Master a

ed to do his job silently, not caring about

y and tugged o

t you hear

a voice from outside interrup

u there? Keran

cared, he pushed Tu An again, r

ible. My lord is the most powerful person in this area,

walked away af

wn. Casta was not stronger than Tu An. He belie

and he didn't want to cause trouble for Kha

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