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Behind The Silhouette Of A Mute Slave

Chapter 4 Save

Word Count: 2896    |    Released on: 09/08/2022

in no one seemed to pass by since it was too early without further ado. They had nothing to be carried, and only themselves matter t

e there by just walking. We badly needed to ride a wagon that would go there, and it was much

act with foes along the way. It would definitely waste our zeal too, and King Amar

and, if only they could go to the ice path it would definitel

since we had nothing. Remember, we were concealing ourselves as

that. But as far as I knew there were slave catchers that usu

e slaves they had caught

lient wanted it. It was either they would be their helper around their vicinity, to be gave them ple

be caught merciless by a slave catcher, and then be sold for their

em disappear, and innocen

ld. In their kingdom, there was no such treatment like that. If any Parzatine saw a wanderer slave, they welcomed it a

s! I badly wanted to pierce my ice javelin through the slav

ree, and not be treated with cruelty Those heartless people should

t to call their attention when they heard some delightful cackle of men while there were women screaming for mercy. Her brows furrowed while Daffodil and Deja became alert, and looked in her direction. She nodded her head to signal the both of them to advance to that direction while she dashed as fast as she could since her

ou know how herculean I, and my pals were?" The bu

t know the both of you, so give us some respe

Daffodil's hair was in a high ponytail with a brown bow while Deja's hair was styled in low pigtails. Parzatines had similar eye color

ly. "Oh my, you both had bewitching beauties. Do a

that to Daffodil and Deja. He wasn't worthy to

have one of them, Brother. Definitely it would be a good union to

young women that had chains around their hands. Her eyes widened when the buff man punched the old man's face that made hi

though they dumped on dirt. How dare you to try to control a superior by just

far as she could, and it smacked in his head that made him groan in pain while blood dripped on it. They loo

ha!" The man with the goatee yelle

that made him scream in terror while holding his uneven hand while stumbling on the ground. Daffodil

ja who viciously perished the three men. She walked closer to the two y

he old man,"

atine from its pocket then blew it with magic ice. This was one of t

g women. "Don't be petrified to us, and we would let all

ot near the hills to be sold in the town to earn coins, so we could live. But these bandits hindered us, and shackled me then also my youngest sister to abduct for their pleasur

while looking at th

d be abducted while their father, who was an old man, could be pe

coins. . ." The buff man that a while ago she had hit by a sharp stone

fodil was standing. Her sharp stare pierced him

cruelty towards these innocent people. I wondered

be perished,"

A sharp ice dagger appeared from her right hand, and gashed the ne

o. I didn't know how to give back your benevolence to save us. It was rude to not introduce ourselves to ou

d that, and she could tell t

. "You could give back t

lightened, and

ntez to be slaves especially to the palace wherein King Thesaurus,

uld happen? I mean, all of you had an alluring beauty and fighting skills lik

ingly from what H

nown," Helmar whispered, w

om the last frontier heading towards t

e the both of you possessed agility and the power of ice. I only knew from what kingdom possessed that kind of power, but as far as I remembered that kingd

and felt tense. She was

sly at the barriers of the Kingdom Cervantez wi


was one of the warriors of the barrier, and he co

idn't want to be known by other people. Just let others know that we were jus

om Cervantez would be more austere. It was verboten to any Cervantezians to go out, and wanderers to enter, because

huge surprise for her, since she didn't know it personally and only

er. "Alright. It was all settled. We ne

hed. "Y

y that had some vessels inside full of root crops and herbs that was going to be towed by a horse. Helmar beside Helen

ake some rest, Da

r journey, she noticed Hestia's stare towards her. She ignored it, and closed her eyes to t

that made her eyes flutter open, and she saw Hestia in fr

to the warriors outside. We were here at the fron

about to stand when

reason that you would be a slave inside the palace wherein our beloved king, and his descendants were. But I could see hope and det

a small crystal with the size of her tooth. Her b

ould defend you against any poison. My

sion of yours must be with you until the end. Let your desc

ilant to cross-paths with the cursed pr

y?" she aske

wer her question when D

z," Daffodil announced to her. Deja sat beside her. But her gaz

my mind. No need to give me your possession, and keep

ile Daffodil also sat beside Deja, and

t the Palace of Kingdom

s would happen. We would need to approach the warriors to the barrier of the palace, so we needed to speak with

, and felt

led the scent of tasty foods. "These were bread and che

f foods, since they were always eating meat from animals at Parzatine. Deja bit a

t regained composure. "You could put

tily. Daffodil and Deja mimicked her, and they were both munching and relishing the bread with cheese. Hestia also gave them water to qu

to the palace, I would give you a bag full of bread

that, Hestia. Thank you also for sha

little. "My ple

I'm delighted that I'm finally here at Kingdom Ce

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1 Chapter 1 Escape2 Chapter 2 Plan3 Chapter 3 Spirit To Revenge4 Chapter 4 Save5 Chapter 5 Hinder6 Chapter 6 Town Of Kingdom Cervantez7 Chapter 7 Plead8 Chapter 8 Slaves9 Chapter 9 Reflection10 Chapter 10 Whisper11 Chapter 11 Dazed And Confused12 Chapter 12 Startled13 Chapter 13 Mischievous Fate14 Chapter 14 Anxious15 Chapter 15 Close16 Chapter 16 Bewildered17 Chapter 17 Euphoria18 Chapter 18 Punishment19 Chapter 19 Visit20 Chapter 20 Smile21 Chapter 21 Doubt22 Chapter 22 Crescent Moon23 Chapter 23 Pleasure Doll24 Chapter 24 Peril25 Chapter 25 Apprise26 Chapter 26 Changed27 Chapter 27 Secrets28 Chapter 28 Confession29 Chapter 29 Covet30 Chapter 30 Miscreant31 Chapter 31 Last Glimpse32 Chapter 32 The Mute Slave Saved The Slaves33 Chapter 33 Foe34 Chapter 34 Hint35 Chapter 35 Deceiver36 Chapter 36 Let Her Go37 Chapter 37 Nightmare38 Chapter 38 Unexpected39 Chapter 39 Arrival40 Chapter 40 Fated Mates41 Chapter 41 Under The Red Blood Moon42 Chapter 42 Playing With Fire43 Chapter 43 Caged By The Head Slave44 Chapter 44 Tormented45 Chapter 45 Truth Behind The Facade46 Chapter 46 Pregnant47 Chapter 47 Precious Blessing48 Chapter 48 Famished49 Chapter 49 Bickering50 Chapter 50 Wrath Of The Darkness In The Past51 Chapter 51 Gloomy52 Chapter 52 Gratitude53 Chapter 53 Uncanny54 Chapter 54 Angst55 Chapter 55 Decision56 Chapter 56 Ran Away57 Chapter 57 Trapped58 Chapter 58 Daffodil's Agony59 Chapter 59 Mother60 Chapter 60 Fire Sorceress61 Chapter 61 Married Under The Pure White Moon62 Chapter 62 First Night After Marriage63 Chapter 63 Ice Magic64 Chapter 64 Abused Pleasure Doll65 Chapter 65 Dumbfounded66 Chapter 66 Thorn67 Chapter 67 Defend68 Chapter 68 Blood69 Chapter 69 The Twin Descendants70 Chapter 70 Retaliate71 Chapter 71 Chase72 Chapter 72 Witches73 Chapter 73 Trust74 Chapter 74 The Attack To Kingdom Of Perimoze75 Chapter 75 Traitor76 Chapter 76 Havoc77 Chapter 77 United78 Chapter 78 The New Kingdom of Parzatine79 Chapter 79 Dauntless80 Chapter 80 The Last Battle81 Chapter 81 The Anguish Of The Ice Queen82 Chapter 82 The Ice Queen's Family83 Chapter 83 The Howl (Glimpse Of The New Generation)84 Chapter 84 The Curse (The Glimpse Of The New Generation)85 Chapter 85 Gone (The Glimpse Of The New Generation)