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My Alpha's Betrayal: Burning in the Flames of His Vengeance

Chapter 121 His Intentions

Word Count: 1897    |    Released on: 25/11/2022


led all those who had hurt her. The guards who had beaten her from the Obsidian Shado

ation, but I didn't


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1 Chapter 1 Down by the Coast2 Chapter 2 The Alpha King3 Chapter 3 My Worth4 Chapter 4 His Rage and Anger5 Chapter 5 A Hot Brew6 Chapter 6 Two Questions7 Chapter 7 A Word of Warning8 Chapter 8 Pushing our Limits9 Chapter 9 The River10 Chapter 10 His Rage11 Chapter 11 The Perfect Dress12 Chapter 12 The Moon Goddess Festival13 Chapter 13 The Alpha's Announcement14 Chapter 14 A Moment of Want15 Chapter 15 Win-Win16 Chapter 16 A Raid17 Chapter 17 A Planned Journey18 Chapter 18 Broken Memories19 Chapter 19 Looking Forward20 Chapter 20 In Three Days21 Chapter 21 The Siren Killer22 Chapter 22 Counting and Pleasure23 Chapter 23 Into the Water24 Chapter 24 A Breeze in Comparison25 Chapter 25 Anger in the Darkness26 Chapter 26 A Violent Storm27 Chapter 27 A Tankard of two of Ale28 Chapter 28 In his Arms29 Chapter 29 Memories of Pain30 Chapter 30 Together in Silence31 Chapter 31 Resentment32 Chapter 32 Limits33 Chapter 33 My Advice34 Chapter 34 A single Tear35 Chapter 35 Down a Cobbled Street36 Chapter 36 The Darkness in the World37 Chapter 37 Losing his Control38 Chapter 38 This Pull39 Chapter 39 Mine40 Chapter 40 Girinor41 Chapter 41 The Mage42 Chapter 42 Colours43 Chapter 43 This Feeling44 Chapter 44 The King's Decision45 Chapter 45 A Monster46 Chapter 46 A Home where you are47 Chapter 47 A Disappointment48 Chapter 48 Love and Thoughts49 Chapter 49 Hot and Hard50 Chapter 50 Within the Castle Walls51 Chapter 51 Limits52 Chapter 52 My Purpose53 Chapter 53 Insecurity54 Chapter 54 Like a Season55 Chapter 55 A Cold Morning56 Chapter 56 A Sacrifice57 Chapter 57 A Failure58 Chapter 58 Stopping for a Hot Drink59 Chapter 59 Her Pathetic Attempt60 Chapter 60 Refusing to Believe61 Chapter 61 Truth & Decisions62 Chapter 62 Finding Solutions63 Chapter 63 Zarian's Training64 Chapter 64 A Clash in the Rain65 Chapter 65 An Unexpected Reaction66 Chapter 66 Losing Control67 Chapter 67 A Downward Spiral68 Chapter 68 These Emotions69 Chapter 69 His Strange Reaction70 Chapter 70 Buried Truths71 Chapter 71 A Sickening Reality72 Chapter 72 Disbelief73 Chapter 73 My Anger74 Chapter 74 Unfaithfulness75 Chapter 75 Out of Control76 Chapter 76 Sisters77 Chapter 77 Confusion78 Chapter 78 These Moments79 Chapter 79 Two Packs80 Chapter 80 The King's Rage81 Chapter 81 Another Side82 Chapter 82 Inner Conflict83 Chapter 83 More Lies84 Chapter 84 An Exchange of Rings85 Chapter 85 Alphas Hunter86 Chapter 86 Moments of Pleasure87 Chapter 87 Unveiled Reality88 Chapter 88 Awakening89 Chapter 89 Doing What's Right90 Chapter 90 His Vengeance91 Chapter 91 . Part 2 of the book A Fact to Hide92 Chapter 92 . A Broken Promise93 Chapter 93 . Grasping onto Hope94 Chapter 94 . Breaking my Limits95 Chapter 95 Unleashing it All96 Chapter 96 A New Perspective97 Chapter 97 Hard Choices98 Chapter 98 The Aethirian Ocean99 Chapter 99 Of Land & Sea100 Chapter 100 The Iron Claw Pack