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The Four Legendary Alkaldrias

The Four Legendary Alkaldrias


Chapter 1  One

Word Count: 2942    |    Released on: 13/12/2022

e ruling the world with careless action as they misused natural resources by starting fires or killing animals for

s became with sense, smashing, and killing the fragile bodies of the humans. Countries and nations which were at war were now coming t

ower to anyone, they become weaker. They decided to grant the humans magic to defend themselves. The humans started winning some battles sinc

to bring an end to their kind. We need to create strong heroes who can

ere fighting with a gigantic tree that was protecting the other trees from b

here humans were being attacked, he created a spherical barrier that protected the

and then created a gun which he shot at the monsters and when the bullet hit the ground it created a depress

n't be happening,' said Malhdrean, 'the humans are living quite a harmonious life, we must stir up a war against them,' but Azerosth answered, 'No! This is what we wanted to see

le Malhdrean became evil. Malhdrean created evil creatures which ravaged the humans, but the four Legendary Alkaldrias

ground. The rock started cracking and Malhdrean said, "Yes, yesssss, my pets, break the seal, set me freeee." Azerosth

s if you can out win me this time since the Legendary Alkaldrias are yet to be reborn. Your puny army was just a snac

t's over." Malhdrean said, "I am just getting started," moving backwards, "one thing you do forget is that I was once strong and I'l

head, "What did I tell you, I was just getting started." The monsters stomped the seal one more time and it broke. The seal started emitting

our legendary heroes. Azerosth shot a beam of light at Malhdrean and a piece of Malhdrean fell into the portal and the portal disappea

e had all her powers come together in her left hand, forming a spherical ball, and throwing it into the dark light and part of the

o is to die, there won't be a reborn to replace the dead one." Starting to laugh, "Last time I was

ooking at his surroundings, but was not able to recall any of it. He was pierced softly by the end of a s

ldier. They were attacking a person in green armour with a shield, but his face was not clear. The person with a

d to create a shield. The jets fired missiles at him, but before the

ary continued attacking him. He started floating in the air making clouds gather. His eyes became white and he stretched h

. A soldier asked, spitting out blood, "I....is he d-d-de..... dead?" another said coughing, "Um not sure." The ground started shaking where the person with the shield was and the rocks st

you mean?" Forcing him to his feet. Zeomora started taking heavy short steps as he breathed in and out deeply. He asked himself, 'What really happe

. It hit a soldier in a nearby tree with its paws, breaking his neck. They started throwing spears at

ter. The monster bit off a soldier's head and started running towards the slaves and started killing them. T

ove. The commander climbed on top of it and said, "This is for my fallen soldiers," he pierced its spine, killing it. They started

asked Zeomora. The soldier laughed and answered, "Here, you'll be sold at different prices and, by the looks o

their knees. There were different wealthy men who were in front of them who started selecting the slaves whom they desired. One of them chose Zeomora and he look

rn, all you ought to know is that you have been sold and tomorrow you'll have a new master

battle. He woke up immediately and started examining his hands, 'I have to escape tomorrow morni

and examined it, 'This seems like it belongs to a spear,' looking at the sealing, 'what was I doing

a pierced him by his throat which he was holding in his hand. The other soldier started running towards him, Zeomora kicked him and he fell crushing on th

n't mean you harm." He took a spear from one of the soldiers and then took the keys and started f

, kicking one on the head and he fell down unconscious. When all the slaves were free, a girl who seemed the same age as Zeomora said, "Fol

them, we need them alive." They continued running to the top of the building, which did not have a

ing the humans while saying, "Go on, I will catch up." The girl used magic to push the soldiers backwards and said,

good will one slave be of worth?" he pointed at Zeomora with his finger and then shouted, "FIRE!" They shot him countless arrows with their crossbows and he

od as dead." A soldier was about to cut the cable but the commander raised his hand and said, "Leave them, they ar

d the power ............ who are you? And do you have what it takes?" All these thoughts were running through Zeomora's head, 'Who am I? An

healing, a bright light appeared on his right hand, a shield was formed and then he stopped floating. He woke up as he breathed heavily and touched di

necting his hand with the shield. He cried in pain as blood started dripping down his hand. Seconds later, blue specs appeare

s a large cat and had a stained bloody mouth. It looked at Zeomora and started going towards him. He started going backwards but tripped on the ground. It jumped on

he animal on its skull, and making it move backwards. It scratched Zeomora's chest using its claws and sweat started dripping down

ved backwards as its vision started becoming hazy. It became angry and started ru

jump into the river, but the pressure seems to be too strong,' looking at the monster, 'that's better than having to fight this m

When he finally came out of the river he said to himself, 'That was too close,' looking at his wounds, 'the wounds seemed to be hea

he saw that he had two abilities, Heal graded and Mlist. Heal graded had to be cast in order to heal himself or others, while Mlist's effect was that

is ground waiting for the next move of the wolves. One of the wolves took the first brave step and moved forward to attack him, but Zeomora punche

e of his knees, as he had bite marks all over his body and used his left hand to

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