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The dragon king’s slaved alpha

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1491    |    Released on: 15/02/2023

ng voice, tears threatened to pour down from her eyes. She knew that she wasn't going to be fine here.

, patted on her shoulde

h to his heir then leave the place as early as possible

e, their enemy turned out to be Luna's second c

, Raven's growling voice interrupted their conversation. Dominico quickly b

idness and anger. It turned out like he was always in a grumpy

g..We were just bidding

Pointing a finger at her,

day." " What?", Alessia blurted out in disbelief, her expression turned pa

ugh her mind, he growled sharply,

ou are just going t

she had a bad feeling about this gathering b

urt. All of them were happy because of the recent war that had been brought werewolves

rule over the entire werewolves. Alessia watched their joyous activities from a dist

arned her, passing th

re all very ill-tempered.

. She went to the king of the west first, and dropped the wine elegantly. Her presenc

be?Raven! You are too cruel to keep her in secret.

r but the lust in their eyes was evident. Alessia's wolf seethed, thrashed against the chains to come out and ta

his friends talked proudly about him. His eyes never left Alessia. H

lips together in disgust. Because she could tell that his eyes

a and her baby to protect and guard from these monsters. Swallowing her pride, she bent down to

ore stumbling backwards, h

en raped his step-sister, King Devon. Devon laughed throat

t you give her to me for a night? She got hot

rned grim. Although he liked to see her suffering, sharing his mate with someone else had never crossed his mate.

are you waiting for? We are buddie

. Just when she began to take steps tow

e right away,

ngry. She quickly retreated from the court not after bumping with a round table. Th

he kings all growled in hunger. Thankfully,

to keep his hunger in control as dragons a

blood smell

e to the maid who was kind enough to take her insid

making some herbs to put on her

y! It will help you

care of her except Kayla. Well, she hasn't found her yet. The maids talked about it. From their little inf

with a loud thud. Startled by the sudden appearance

not before giving Alessia a sympathetic glance. Raven stormed

e the kings? How dare you

rs pricking from the corner of her eyes. She had no idea what w

wasn't pregnant, I would have killed myself right away I found out that you

s hurt and he was never belittled by any woman

it feels like to be a

ening his back, he ordered with a growl, " St

hat she wanted to have sex with him. How could she

expose him in front of his naked eyes. Until nothing was left in her naked body, Alessia co

ned as he commande

ant to hear your cries so that those k

was impossible to have any feelings when they had every reason to hate each other. As her fingers started to shake violently, Al

ed as a first step to

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