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Chapter 5 Did you touch her

Word Count: 2755    |    Released on: 08/04/2023

ve:Did you


air but maintained his

o look for her?" He offered but al

necessary, I can

have been going missing in this club, only to be found dead the next day, so I don't think it

hills run do

been happening in the club but just hearing it from

saulting ladies lately, so it's safe

werewolves were stronger than humans, so she could handle herself just

in my head, to explain the possibl

was gett

u find her if

I just accepted his help. Plus I


his help and I couldn't help but be suspicious

ries anything with me, I can easily ta

d, in search o

oot she followed," I m

ime and we found

of finding Stacy, I was so mad at her that I

her name but the place was

are you? are

ning one cubicle door after the ot

what if she had been kidnapped by Lycans, I speculated

taining our territory but now the Lycans and werewolves are not on good terms, because the Lycans wanted absolu

can's kidnapping Stacy because we defended our border

Lycans have been attacking and t

to submit must

bering the words of the st

to submit must

ty but I tried to pu

find an

ard the voice of the man

nd I quickly turned to him, cre

ow nothing abou

my space, and this was the lady's room for c

to help me, I had to be very careful around him, but how I was completely obliv

er hiding the irritation in my voic

as far away from him as possible, at this point I

on of the door, in an attempt to walk out of the rest room

me into view. He was taller than me so

us but I tried to pull down whatever

ide you i

head, meet

at if I

en all I could see was

step backward, realizing

I bring myself to act? I felt my hands s

ts, my heart hamm

ok backward, he woul

am" I threatened but thankful my v

onfident if I wa

my words, as he took

ill hear you? you seem to be forge

hese words left his lips and I was even mo

d that he was right, with the amount of music in the club, n

'm only saying th

ll the reasons why I

had the upper hand, so this should be ea

ughter reached his eyes, a glimmer

e my women," His gaze moved over my body

gust me"

l experience for you, but then again, I love them feisty, in fact, I think I changed my mind, you can con

sgust, and here I was thinking

I tried to summon my strengt

the p

summon my power or at least pu

in a conversation sweet, hasn't anyo

se, I had never felt so helpless in my life, sweat t

ch my face and I slapped him hard across

could be heard was my rushed breath and the

art" He mocked, as he massaged th

t since you don't want to do that then you'd h

ng to defend myself with but I couldn't fin

ut my whole frame was shaking, the force

such a situation because I never

ub? and despite seeing the red flags I trusted a s

forget about that night so badly, bu

eyes bec

s I so

this time he caught my wrist in h

Someone h

ut he didn't move, my breathing was becoming heavy, finding

on anyone, I shouldn't be waiting for help to just appear from now

ldn't even protect myself, yes I knew I was weak

this much then I wa

muster at that very moment and use

did the trick, because he yelped in pain, fall

ng towards the door but just before I could go thro

ded with his front. He leaned into m

spered into my ears, his agony still visible in

my jaw and a shri

please help me!" I

y... I told you to be cooperative

ds as I continued

he sniffed my hair deeply again."Or on second thoughts, you

become blurry f

so weak an

felt the hand around my jaw loos

he ground and


thing hit th

of blurred vision, I focused on catching my breat

ing clearer, my eyes landed on the back of a man, bu

s thick muscular arm pinned the ma

d the tattoo on his

those tat

wrapped around

u!...do you

speak but his words were cut shor

too lifted the other man, higher above the ground until h

der by the second and he tried to use his two hands the

but the man's grip on


ain but the force around his neck seemed

his voice was calm but it had a glimmer of a dangerous light, you coul

t was also affected by it, beca

ruggled to speak despite the grip on his ne

man..ple...ase." He begged his face now

hold on the man's neck, and he slumped to the

ng the man go but I was surpri

he grabbed the man from behind his neck, and pull

hear a splashing sound, like something being dipped into water, then follow

ps, someone was comi

met his piercing Emerald or

, I was sure it was the man with the tattoos from the bar, becaus

d like it was combed with his fingers and swept back away from his face, with a strong muscular jawl

d and I was never impr

y that I was almost assaulted a few minutes

n almost hostile look in his eyes. His gaze wa

g about him s

ere was just something about this man that made me conclude that he was a whole o

ed to my lips, oh lord help



was held in when he shifted his gaze away from

ing towards me w

tacy to him, but he wa

ttention back to her, it was then I

o go now, the Alp

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1 Chapter 1 Hunted2 Chapter 2 Fallen angels3 Chapter 3 Greek god in tattoos4 Chapter 4 Where is Stacy 5 Chapter 5 Did you touch her 6 Chapter 6 The Oracle.7 Chapter 7 The Evil8 Chapter 8 Red Eyes9 Chapter 9 Go!10 Chapter 10 Stop the damn Car!11 Chapter 11 Take off your Clothes.12 Chapter 12 Are you worried about me 13 Chapter 13 I'm not one of your subjects14 Chapter 14 Vulnerable 15 Chapter 15 Good News And Bad News.16 Chapter 16 I don't see you as a Man.17 Chapter 17 Half Werewolf, Half Witch18 Chapter 18 I'm no gentleman.19 Chapter 19 Make myself comfortable 20 Chapter 20 Aiden!21 Chapter 21 I Won't Hurt You22 Chapter 22 Only Being Fair.23 Chapter 23 Apology Accepted.24 Chapter 24 Warlock25 Chapter 25 I'll teach you.26 Chapter 26 If you'd let me27 Chapter 27 Priorities28 Chapter 28 Queen Meredith29 Chapter 29 What was she doing to him 30 Chapter 30 Get out31 Chapter 31 Elijah 32 Chapter 32 Feelings33 Chapter 33 Meeting the Alpha34 Chapter 34 Maria35 Chapter 35 Poisoned36 Chapter 36 Changed.37 Chapter 37 Complicated.38 Chapter 38 Complete Opposites.39 Chapter 39 Athena40 Chapter 40 Promise.41 Chapter 41 Memory from the Past42 Chapter 42 Why didn't you tell me 43 Chapter 43 Mate44 Chapter 44 Traitor 45 Chapter 45 What makes her happy46 Chapter 46 Greenest red flag47 Chapter 47 Whose Fault48 Chapter 48 Let's go out49 Chapter 49 The girl you saved.50 Chapter 50 Deja vu51 Chapter 51 Different.52 Chapter 52 Aiden likes me 53 Chapter 53 He's here54 Chapter 54 Not goodnews55 Chapter 55 Drink it.56 Chapter 56 Hopeful57 Chapter 57 Games.58 Chapter 58 Caged59 Chapter 59 Dating60 Chapter 60 Lose control61 Chapter 61 My lord62 Chapter 62 Women on his list.63 Chapter 63 Not the same thing64 Chapter 64 Betrayal65 Chapter 65 Chose you66 Chapter 66 The accord.67 Chapter 67 Crimson red68 Chapter 68 Naked69 Chapter 69 Push yourself 70 Chapter 70 Stubborn71 Chapter 71 Intimate